First thing that pops in your head about my neighbor

I think it shows that your neighbor is frugal and thrifty by recycling an old fence and probably left over paint. Given the frugality and the low cost of LED lights as well as easy install your neighbor is probably over 50 as well ... the snowflake gen would have made their statement POP.

I would bet they drive either a Honda Civic, Toyota Prius or Corolla as well.
The first thing that pops in my head is slap some wood together, paint a swastika on it and run it over to his yard in the middle of the night and plant next to his sign. At the absolute crack of dawn call in some news stations about your psycho nutjob neighbor.

He wants attention, help him find it.
You need one of those signs about criminals going to his house because his is unarmed. Or just post that pic and his address on 4chan and Craigslist and let the world carry out karma.
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