excuse my ignorance

Blood Wolf is a pretty sic name...I will call you that from this day forward...I dont know why everyone is bashing your and calling what you think and believe in "wrong". The man is going to think that way wether or not you want him to. Just becuase you think another doesnt mean he is wrong...maybe you are. If a SHTF situation i will do what i have to for survival. What that intails i do not know sinc ei have never been in that situation. But im sure if it was your life or the guy standing next to you I know what you would do...the same as everyone else...you would pick your life over someone elses life...(unless family)
After reading all these posts, I've come to the conclusion that I never want to be caught unprepared. None of my neighbors (that I know of) would be prepared for me to go knock on their door, or to break it down...either way. Would I do whatever it took to protect and take care of me and my family? Hell yes. Would that include being prepared and having as much of what I can get and put into a BOB? Again, hell yes. Would I let any of you into my cabin in the woods (if I had one)? Only if you're carrying your own load of BOB's and prepared to pull your own weight.
In times of crisis, war, disease, flood, famine or whatever SHTF you imagine, there will ALWAYS be those who will sacrifice for others. Some will even sacrifice their lives.

The old Veterans saying, "all gave some, same gave all" is a reality. There is good in people. Sometimes you don't even know how good and brave you can be until you've been put in that spot. Likewaise, you won't know what you're lacking until that time either.

I've seen men give up their lives for friends. They weren't family, you can't pick your family.

I'm prepared to live. I also know that some day I will die. I'd rather die in a just cause than die stealing from the needy.

My just cause would be to defend and protect my family to the best of my ability. I plan for it, I keep supplies for it, and I am willing to fight for it.

Come and try to steal my supplies...or take water from my family. You'll be roasting on the spit when I'm hungry enough. You might make good jerk-jerky, another delicious treat. (Hopefully I have enough food put away)

There are people here who know what hardship and danger and crisis are. I suggest you don't screw with them. There are more people who will fight than you can imagine.

I suspect there will be many who think like you do if that time ever comes. I plan for that too. I hope I'm ready because you just proved how much I need to be ready.
BH-my apologies for the d---head comment. It sounded better and funnier in my head than it show up when printed. Anyway, my real issue with your original post is the fact that you seem to be planning to use your firepower to take advantage of weaker, unarmed neighbors. I can understand in grave situations doing what you must do for the survival of your family. I can not condone a premeditated strategy to abandon morals and ethics for self preservation.

dont worry...ive been called alot worse

And what happens if your well prepared plans and supplies go bad or get destroyed? I saw that possibility related to what he asked.

this is what i was trying to get at in my original post and i think there are only a few here who interpreted it the way i had meant for it to be interpreted...maybe i didnt word it the right way or wrote it too hastily...i didnt mean for it to come off that as im sitting here writing this im loading up stripper clips with my neighbors names on them...i was asking more if you werent well prepared...and only had your gun and ammo...somewhere along the line i got morphed into the blood wolf and was plotting the demise of my neighbors...it was more of a question where if all else fails...and your out of supplies...and down to your guns and ammo...what do you do

when phrased like that do i seem less like a blood thirsty mad man?
Your not a blood thirty Blood Wolf...i got what you were sayin maybe it coulda used a little diffrent wording but i got ya...and you know how some people are they love the drama
i was asking more if you werent well prepared...and only had your gun and ammo...somewhere along the line i got morphed into the blood wolf and was plotting the demise of my neighbors...it was more of a question where if all else fails...and your out of supplies...and down to your guns and ammo...what do you do?
I do what I suggested earlier on in the thread - try and trade my guns & gun-handling skill for food & water. IE; become a mercenary.

I can't say what I'd do when half-crazed by hunger and thirst - never been there and hope I never am. BUT I will try EVERYTHING I possibly can to avoid preying on the less-well-armed. It's simply not an option that I can consider and still be who I am.
I can't say what I'd do when half-crazed by hunger and thirst - never been there and hope I never am. BUT I will try EVERYTHING I possibly can to avoid preying on the less-well-armed. It's simply not an option that I can consider and still be who I am.
Okay , being nice & playing along ... Yes. having a firearm is an asset in barter and borrowing.

Worst case scenario :

" I have need for this , you have plenty. I am leaving you with money/gas/stuff in exchange. This is a fair trade. Accept it or'll shoot you."

Maybe. But you know what ? I can't see it happening. I am low tide plus two hours away from baked stuffed clams , an hour away from roast "squab" , a half hour away from a huge rabbit colony I know of in the next town over , 3 hours from deer hunting on my own land in Maine .... and that's in February. End of the World in August and I'll spend half my day napping on a full belly.

We'd have to be talking about medicine for my kid , or maybe a bottle of Single Malt ... something real important.
I should hope for their sake that the person who got the drop on me also was able to steal my fire extinguisher, or make sure I don't know where they live.
I've never been tested like that, hope I never am, but I hope I would react like Martlet and not as blood hound describes/plans.
I'm a simple person. If I can cooperate with another or a small group to our mutual benefit, I'll do it. If someone threatens my family, they will have made a very big mistake.
Some thoughts on this subject struck me during the night.

OK, now you said
so i was wondering the fact that why make all these elaborate kits when you own guns??? maybe excuse my ignorance but the way i see it...if soemthing were to happen say in my town...i know im one of the only people in my neighbor hood with firearms...so in a way doesnt that make me topgun??? (no pun intented) in all seriousness...if i have a gun and you dont and you have fresh water and i dont...guess what...its my water now

And there was some more said about if it's your family on the line you'd do anything, etc.

So I have an additional few points that I'd like to bring up:
1 - Just how do you KNOW you're the one of the only ones in your neighborhood with guns? You just might have neighbors who don't talk about it much or like to keep a low profile.

2 - What if the guy you decide to pick on happens to have a family that HE would do anything for? If you go to someone and point a gun at him and say "give me your food or die", you've given him no choice - if he's armed, he's going to draw and fire without any pause for negotiation or talking. You've already made your point to him so he knows that he's got nothing left to lose.

3 - Worse yet - what if the guy who you decide to rob happens to be a combat vet? You don't know if one of your neighbors saw action, say, in Iraq... or even Vietnam - and if he did, you pointing a gun at him isn't going to faze him in the least. A civilian might freeze for that critical moment that you need to control him, but a vet? He'll probably take it away from you and give you an enema with the barrel.

4 - What if, having read points two and three and worrying about them, you decide that you'll shoot first? Is that first or second degree murder? And why do you think that you wouldn't get caught once the S is cleaned off of the F? I'm sure that the cops in NOLa thought that THEY'D never get caught...

I know, you're going to say that you'd never do point 4, and that I'm extrapolating... but it's a slippery slope you're talking about dancing on, blood hound, and if I can talk you out of starting on it by showing you where it leads, well, then... maybe I'm doing some good here.
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