Driver arrested with weapons cache

Apr 9, 2008
Metro West
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Driver arrested with weapons cache in car after road rage incident

BELLINGHAM — Police said a case of road rage led them to arrest a local man on drug and weapons charges Tuesday.

Officers pulled over Dennis Hogan, 51, of 95 Newland Ave., after he flashed a double-edged knife at a driver who honked the horn at him on North Main Street, Lt. Kevin Ranieri said.

"(Hogan) had cut another vehicle off, and that vehicle beeped the horn (at Hogan). (Hogan) then showed a knife," Ranieri said.

The person in the other car called police and reported Hogan's license plate number, he said. Officers Richard Nummela and John Melanson responded.

"When they pulled him over on Center Street and ordered him out of the vehicle, the other officer saw a (10 mm Glock) gun inside the car," Ranieri said.

The gun had a 15-round magazine with one chambered in the weapon, he said.

The officers also found a double-edged knife.

Ranieri said they searched the car and found a second handgun, a .22 caliber, on the passenger side floor, a stun gun under the driver's seat, a large box of ammunition, three additional knives, two plastic bags of marijuana - almost two ounces, a half empty can of beer, and hard liquor.

"We're happy officers were able to find all this stuff in the vehicle, and that's why we tell people when they make gestures at other cars, they don't know who's behind the wheel of the other car," Ranieri said.

Police said Hogan was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, two counts of possession of a large-capacity firearm, possession of an electric stun gun, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, use of a motor vehicle in a felony, four counts of carrying a dangerous weapon, possession of an open container of alcohol while driving, and carrying a firearm without a license.

Ranieri said Hogan was also charged with possession of ammunition without firearm identification card, and two counts of possession of a large capacity feeding device - two separate clips containing 15 rounds each.

Hogan's mother, with whom he lives, granted police permission to search their home. Police said they didn't find anything.

Police said Hogan was arraigned in Milford District Court yesterday morning.

Turns out the guy is a felon as well

Bellingham charged in road rage incident

BELLINGHAM - A Bellingham man was arrested on numerous charges yesterday after a report of a road rage incident at 200 North Main St. in which the caller said they were threatened with a knife, police said.

Dennis Hogan, 52, of 95 Newland Ave., was arrested at 5:37 p.m. on Center Street and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, two counts of being a felon in possession of a large capacity firearm, possession of an electric stun gun, possession of a Class D drug with intent to distribute, use of a motor vehicle in a felony (being a felon in possession of a large capacity firearm), four charges of carrying a dangerous weapon (one a double-edged knife), possession of an open container of alcohol in a vehicle and possession of a firearm without a license, police said.

Yup gun control works. [rolleyes]
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"(Hogan) then showed a knife"
"carrying a firearm without a license"

He is not one of ours - F him
Couple of thoughts come to mind.

1. When in possession of an illegal taser, two improperly stored pistols, over the 1 ounce legal limit of week, and improperly stored ammo, one should not draw attention to one's self.

2. They are MAGAZINES! Not CLIPS!

3. Would love to be able to call dibs on the 10mm.
Extremely bad idea to wave a knife at someone when he has the guns and ammo in the car. No license? I wonder what penalties that carries.
"(Hogan) had cut another vehicle off, and that vehicle beeped the horn (at Hogan). (Hogan) then showed a knife," Ranieri said.

Too bad the state will probably melt down that G20, unless the LEOs bother to run a check to see if it was reported stolen...

Probably just a big misunderstanding, i'm thinking he was with the ATF

After all, he was carrying Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
"FAIL" is written all over this guy, but...

Showing a knife from inside an automobile (probably with windows closed), sure seems like a stretch for "assault with a deadly weapon". Perhaps some eager legal beagle will jump to explain that it is actually ADW, but nevertheless, when it originally became law, I doubt anyone thought such action would qualify.

Question: If you're half a mile away from me and while looking at me with binoculars, I wave a knife at you which you find frightening, have I committed ADW?

Likewise, "use of an automobile in the commision of a felony" has the marks of robbery getaway car all over it. It even makes sense as a way to criminal a driver accomplice in drive-by shootings. But "use" in conjuction with a "status" crime (possession without proper paper), is a stretch.

The guy may have prior felony convictions -- they haven't been specifically mentioned. I'd not trust the follow-up/summary news article for accuracy, either.

Really, the guy is an idiot. I HATE to sound like I'm defending him. but this sounds like over-charging to me.
Really, the guy is an idiot. I HATE to sound like I'm defending him. but this sounds like over-charging to me.

Isn't that par for the course ..........

Charge him with everything you can think of, negotiate away a few, and get the rest to stick.
Police said Hogan was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, two counts of possession of a large-capacity firearm, possession of an electric stun gun, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, use of a motor vehicle in a felony, four counts of carrying a dangerous weapon, possession of an open container of alcohol while driving, and carrying a firearm without a license.

Well, on the bright side, at least he doesn't have to worry about losing his license for being an unsuitable person.
"FAIL" is written all over this guy, but...

Showing a knife from inside an automobile (probably with windows closed), sure seems like a stretch for "assault with a deadly weapon". Perhaps some eager legal beagle will jump to explain that it is actually ADW, but nevertheless, when it originally became law, I doubt anyone thought such action would qualify.

Likewise, "use of an automobile in the commision of a felony" has the marks of robbery getaway car all over it. It even makes sense as a way to criminal a driver accomplice in drive-by shootings. But "use" in conjuction with a "status" crime (possession without proper paper), is a stretch.

I'd say that's a good assault charge. I believe (and this varies State to State) "assault" is making one feel threatened whereas "battery" is actually causing physical injury. That seems like a good division to me. Otherwise anyone could come up to you and say they are "gonna kick your ass" and "you'd better watch your back". It wouldn't be illegal, and you couldn't do anything about it because that would be a "battery".

I'm a little iffy on the car charge. I guess it makes a bit of sense to me. Without using a car a person would be less mobile and would hazard a smaller area. I don't know what the legalities of the matter are, but I don't have a problem with the law imposing restrictions on felons. But I can see your point.
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