Destructive Device - What do I need?


NES Member
Nov 14, 2008
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So, Im interested in buying a StreetSweeper (or Striker) but its listed as a "destructive device" which I am told needs a special license. I dont know if its classified the same as a machine gun? What do I need to get one (legally)? I have some bonus money to burn [smile]
Try to find one for sale in state. It can transfer to you direct on a form 4 if you buyit from a individual or a dealer in state. If you find out of state you have have to transfer it to a class 3 dealer that has paid for the DD sot tax. In Mass. they are still a shotgun, just need a Class A LTC to own.
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PS had a Striker-12 shot it 2 times from 1992 to 2010, sold to someone here.
Your better off with a USAS 12 or a M203 if you want to fool around with DDs
PS had a Striker-12 shot it 2 times from 1992 to 2010, sold to someone here.
Your better off with a USAS 12 or a M203 if you want to fool around with DDs

USAS-12 is so over weighted it's insane for what it is, still better quality IMO. If I had to buy a striker or a Street Sweeper I'd buy the striker.

He'll need the 01 FFL with an SOT or a 07 FFL with an SOT if transferring it in from out of state. He only needs his LTC-A depending on his town. He may need his MA - MG License.

Try to find one for sale in state. It can transfer to you direct on a form 4 if you buyit from a individual or a dealer in state. If you find out of state you have have to transfer it to a class 3 dealer that has paid for the DD sot tax. In Mass. they are still a shotgun, just need a Class A LTC to own.

^yes. Cost of DD + shipping + Tax Stamp + NFA Dealer transfer + (possibly sales tax depending on your dealer and his knowledge of MA Gun Laws.)

PS had a Striker-12 shot it 2 times from 1992 to 2010, sold to someone here.
Your better off with a USAS 12 or a M203 if you want to fool around with DDs

I've shot it MANY times and it is very reliable and a pleasure to shoot especially with low-recoil buck shot. I can make a 55 gallon drum dance at 50 yards with it. [smile] Thank you for selling it. [wink]

Unless I'm reading this incorrectly, the Massachusetts AWB bans the street sweeper by name. Chapter 140 Section 121, paragraph 3

Yes but no,

If manufactured after 9/13/94.

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