Resident HK Guru
And here I was thinking that I finally had the law straight (at least on this one). A couple of friends of mine are going for their LTC in 2 different towns, and one of them was told that if they received a LTC B, it would limit the choice of handguns/long guns that they could own to firearms that were not IN ANY WAY "readily acceptable" to receive more than 10 rounds of ammo. This meant any gun that had the ability to accept a large caliber feeding device, which is darn near every modern semi-auto handgun (minus the single stacker large calibers and some others) and almost every modern AW-type rifle. Just because the crippled post-ban AR a LTC B holder wants comes with a 10-round mag, doesn't mean that it isn't "readlily accepting" of a larger feeding device.
I thought that a B holder couldn't own any hi-cap items regardless of pre-ban, post-ban etc. But the info my buddy was given was that the guns themselves are right out at the root level. This would make a LTC B pretty much useless IMO.
Is this true?
I thought that a B holder couldn't own any hi-cap items regardless of pre-ban, post-ban etc. But the info my buddy was given was that the guns themselves are right out at the root level. This would make a LTC B pretty much useless IMO.
Is this true?