Bruce Willis in remake of "Death Wish"

The SJWs are already after this one, calling it a fascist, alt-right fantasy.

I was expecting and hoping for that kind of reaction.

Liberals had a meltdown when the original came out, now a newer generation of sobbing SJW's can relive and
share in their predecessors tears. [laugh]
The "critics" give it a thumbs up

This Death Wish Remake Trailer Is the Most Disgustingly Right Wing, GOP-Ass Thing I’ve Ever Seen

Eli Roth’s remake of Death Wish just dropped its first trailer this morning, and let me tell you: it’s the most NRA-centric, Republican thing I’ve ever seen—and I survived 2016. Here, take a look for yourself.

Yeah, so, let’s unpack this slowly. For starters, you’ve got Bruce Willis walking around with a death wish (ha, get it), motivated to take revenge on gangs and “thugs” (read: people of color) because his wife was killed (read: fridged) in a home invasion turned violent tragedy. Oh, and his daughter was also assaulted, because won’t somebody please think of the children? So, you know, it reeks of the most tropey, flimsiest excuse to depict violence against the most stereotypical of enemies. Basically Hollywood schlock, right?

In any other time or space, I’d write it off as such and not really care about the spectacle. But the thing is, this isn’t just any time, and this isn’t just any space. Look, we live in a world where people of color are assaulted and even murdered in cold blood simply for existing in public. We live in a world where such brutality at the hands of the police is approved of—nay, encouraged—by our fascist puppet of a president. And here, you’ve got a movie that not only dismisses such realities, it straight up flips them off and reinforces the harmful, damaging narrative of how white people are the only “good people” who can wield a gun.

You Can Put the Death Wish Remake Back Where It Came From... The trash.

In 1974, Charles Bronson starred in Death Wish—an exploitation flick about an architect who avenges the death of his wife and his sexually assaulted daughter by tracking down the NYC thugs who attacked them. The film was a hit despite the pans it received from critics pointing out the film's brutal violence and thematic support for vigilante justice. Despite that, Bronson would go on to star in four sequels to the film.

When we talk about unnecessary remakes, here's a great example: In 2017, when we see police brutality across the nation targeting people of color (and even low-key support from our own president), perhaps now is not the time for a new version of Death Wish in which a white guy takes vengeance upon the Bad Dudes running rampant in Chicago—a city that has become a symbol for America's crime rate, often used in political speeches and statements as evidence of America's decline.

And yet. Here we have Eli Roth, director of torture porn fare like Hostel and Green Inferno, taking on a particularly tricky subject, with Bruce Willis in the starring role, hunting down thugs on the streets of Chicago.

Hmm. How could any of this possibly go wrong?

The trailer for Bruce Willis’ “Death Wish” is pure “American carnage” fantasy

With crime at historic lows, the trailer for the upcoming film seems culled from a paranoid NRA video
Despite what red-state, red-meaters would have you think, violent crime has actually plateaued at historic lows across this country of ours. While black and Latinx citizens are still run through a wood chipper of robbery and murder on a daily basis, even they are experiencing a world that is little like the “American carnage” our blinkered, hateful commander in chief proffers.

And, yet, we have this: The trailer for Eli Roth’s remake of the 1974 exploitation classic “Death Wish”. With Bruce Willis taking over the lead role of Paul Kersey from the late Charles Bronson, it’s a vision of America that seems scripted by the paranoid apocalypse fetishists over at NRATV.

It Is Really, Really Not the Right Time for This Remake of Death Wish

In moving the setting to Chicago, a city where gun violence is both well-documented and highly politicized, and setting the trailer to "Back in Black", the remake tips its hand: 2017's Death Wish comes off as a work of cowardice and opportunism, piggybacking off hard-right fear-mongering and a government that's completely and utterly disingenuous in its rhetoric about violent crime when nationwide, crime rates—despite rises in cities thanks to mass shootings like the Pulse massacre in Orlando—remain historically low. This stands in stark contrast to the state of violent crime in the U.S. during the '70s, a decade that did see rising crime as well as some of the most notorious killers in the nation's history.

The new Death Wish has an entirely different context, one where guns are routinely turned on black citizens by white supremacists and white cops, where mass shootings regularly occur and lawmakers refuse to do anything about it, where guns in the hands of the populace is not a rarity but arguably an epidemic. It takes a profound level of either ignorance or craven, willful opportunism to think that this is a moment to make a film about a white man's rage channeled through the barrel of a gun.
You know, I think we need to watch a marathon first - you people have all the movies mixed up into one. We need to sit down with a tub of popcorn and a beer (and I don't mean a paper cup, I mean a GLASS of beer) to refresh our memories. I really liked 1, 2 and 4. Three was kinda forced and five was just awful. I'd still sit through the series, though.

I hope that Bruce Willis doesn't try to remake all the movies - just go with 1 and 2 and leave it be. No movie does well in a series if Jedi aren't involved.
Is it wrong that I live to see those Liberal twisted panties now?
Nope, it's like Trumps election, the gift that keeps giving. Just mentioning Trump forces liberal into uncontrollable convulsions and moronic rants. Witness Jim Acosta the other day when Miller was trying to explain the new immigration policy.
Is it wrong that I live to see those Liberal twisted panties now?

Its hopeless trying to please these people, they complain about the 'lack of diversity' in movies, and then when
someone does produce a movie that's as diversified as this one... they still complain!

Maybe they should have made Paul Kersey a black fella to even things out?

Only problem with that, is then they would have pissed off folks like us.
"In 1974, Charles Bronson starred in Death Wish—an exploitation flick about an architect who avenges the death of his wife and his sexually assaulted daughter by tracking down the NYC thugs who attacked them. The film was a hit despite the pans it received from critics pointing out the film's brutal violence and thematic support for vigilante justice. Despite that, Bronson would go on to star in four sequels to the film.

When we talk about unnecessary remakes, here's a great example: In 2017, when we see police brutality across the nation targeting people of color (and even low-key support from our own president), perhaps now is not the time for a new version of Death Wish in which a white guy takes vengeance upon the Bad Dudes running rampant in Chicago—a city that has become a symbol for America's crime rate, often used in political speeches and statements as evidence of America's decline."
Wow, police brutality targeting people of color? So all those dead Black folks in Chicago were killed by white cops? The shootings in Roxbury and Murderpan were committed by white vigilantes? Who knew? Thanks Obama for convincing so many shitbags that they're victims of white oppression.
Maybe they should have made Paul Kersey a black fella to even things out?

That is correct, sir.

Black vigilante, white criminals, then you're good to go.

Ticket sales may take a hit though. It's all about the overseas markets. The Chinese aren't virtue signaling....yet.
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Now, imagine that they DID cast Danny Trejo? He is a felon of Mexican heritage. Reviews would be much diffetent. Dont know his politics, but I enjoy his work. I saw an interview with him, he's way older than youd think (70"s) and has a interesting life story. Seems like a pretty nice guy too.
Eli Roth’s remake of Death Wish just dropped its first trailer this morning, and let me tell you: it’s the most NRA-centric, Republican thing I’ve ever seen—and I survived 2016. Here, take a look for yourself.

Yeah, so, let’s unpack this slowly. For starters, you’ve got Bruce Willis walking around with a death wish (ha, get it), motivated to take revenge on gangs and “thugs” (read: people of color) because his wife was killed (read: fridged) in a home invasion turned violent tragedy. Oh, and his daughter was also assaulted, because won’t somebody please think of the children? So, you know, it reeks of the most tropey, flimsiest excuse to depict violence against the most stereotypical of enemies. Basically Hollywood schlock, right?

In any other time or space, I’d write it off as such and not really care about the spectacle. But the thing is, this isn’t just any time, and this isn’t just any space. Look, we live in a world where people of color are assaulted and even murdered in cold blood simply for existing in public. We live in a world where such brutality at the hands of the police is approved of—nay, encouraged—by our fascist puppet of a president. And here, you’ve got a movie that not only dismisses such realities, it straight up flips them off and reinforces the harmful, damaging narrative of how white people are the only “good people” who can wield a gun.

It would be tough to get to the left of this guy^

Logic means nothing to these SJW's.

They made the movie to make money, with the blessing of the Hollywood establishment elitist libs, otherwise it wouldn't have been made.
The actual filming all took place during the Obama administration, it just came out of post-production.
Why was it OK to make the movie then, but suddenly horrific to release it now ???
It was a remake, they follow a script, which dictates the ethnicity of the characters.
Funny how there wasn't any liberal outrage, with accusations of racism when the original was released, just lackluster reviews.
The author is confused. Movies are made to earn money, not because they are "necessary".

Actually, this one may be necessary. If michael brown had seen this movie and undestood that if you F with enough people you eventually run into one who F's you back, he'd still be alive today. These movies should be required viewing in schools (if you can get the yutes to go.)

plateaued at historic lows
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