BREAKING: attack at Bastille Day celebrations

French news:

Trucks are not allowed to drive on holidays. This guy rented truck two days prior to the accident. He was stopped by police for driving it on holidays. He told the police that he has a special permit to deliver ice cream to the event. They did not see the permit and let him go.

Motorcyclist tried to stop the truck but could not jump on it.

So this was a truck-free zone?
Three large-scale attacks in about a year. No plans from the French government and how to deal with this yet. I guess we will just be subjected to this every few months
So this was a truck-free zone?

I don't know what's worse, the carnage I see there, or the f-tard FILMING it instead of doing ANY g-damn thing to help.

That thought crossed my mind as well. I am glad he did the video though. As others have said there was probably nothing he could do at that point and the the French govt and mass media will never show the carnage radical Islam creates.
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Hey you! Stop filming this and get compression going on that dead body over there! Stop being an a-hole and help out!

Yeah oK. Because that would have made a difference.

People need to see what just happened - because in case you haven't been paying attention the media and the government will go into overtime trying to deny the whole thing otherwise.

Filming it is a making a record of what happened. It's the reason we send combat photographers into combat. People need to see the visual record.

100% agree. I think people underestimate the extreme importance of reporting and recording this type of thing. There is a huge difference in being in a position to help someone i.e. you see someone getting stomped on right next to you. Then yes step in. Than being a bystander in a terrorist attack. You need to get it recorded so liberals can't say, "where's your proof he was muslim/islamic etc."
So this was a truck-free zone?

that's an excellent point! Trucks in "truck free zones", guns in "gun free zones" ... criminals are just not listening

bring it up next time when you have a misfortune talking to a moonbat. It's not funny, it's sad, just like ****ing libtards thinking that more laws solve anything. Those are the *******s you should be annoyed at.

This goat ****er killed more people than a dude with a gun (Orlando) shooting people in a large hall-type building. Tell me exactly how guns are more dangerous than pretty much everything again?

Another bit of news, it looks like goat****er was dispatched a policewoman, who probably could not get a driver's license in his native shithole. Way to go shithead, I hope your pedo-prophet is waiting for you in a caldron of hot tar in hell.
100% agree. I think people underestimate the extreme importance of reporting and recording this type of thing. There is a huge difference in being in a position to help someone i.e. you see someone getting stomped on right next to you. Then yes step in. Than being a bystander in a terrorist attack. You need to get it recorded so liberals can't say, "where's your proof he was muslim/islamic etc."

not only that, but unless you know what you are doing, you may also do more harm then good working with trauma victims or victims with head injuries. I bet there were plenty of doctors or first responders in the crowd. Like I said, most of those people lying down seem to be dead, so just document this shit, citizen.
I get a kick out of these so called politicians who care so much... YOU CREATED THIS ENVIRONMENT!!!! You created the perpetual war on terrorism you created it as a distraction! To keep the masses under control due to the world declining economies which you also created. Anyone notice the politicians never get hurt only the innocent.

Then with a taste of Irony the democrats say we are here to protect you all the while screaming like children and disarming you...This whole thing stinks to high heaven.
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I get a kick out of these so called politicians who care so much... YOU CREATED THIS ENVIRONMENT!!!! You created the perpetual war on terrorism you created it as a distraction! To keep the masses under control due to the world declining economies which you also created. Anyone notice the politicians never get hurt only the innocent.

Then with a taste of Irony the democrats say we are here to protect you all the while screaming like children and disarming you...This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

It will keep happening as long as western civilizations keep denying that a war has been declared on them.
I get the truck control jokes and all, but is this really the time and place to laugh and revel in the fact that guns weren't the issue? I mean those videos are ****ing disturbing, I don't care what they used. It just seems in poor taste.

I hate these threads. I subscribe to and read them because the members here have a strange desire to be the first to post updates and links with new info, so I appreciate the constant updates of information that comes as a side effect of this odd desire for internet/social media attention, but I ****ing hate the all of the useless posts that clutter them with predictable jokes that were not funny even in the first tragedy thread how ever long ago it was posted.

This event is tragic. The pictures that have come from it are heart breaking, especially the picture of the little girl covered by a tarp with a doll laying next to her. Some of you guys are real *******s.
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It will keep happening as long as western civilizations keep denying that a war has been declared on them.

Western civilization has a rot that is taking it out from within. I've seen a number of people debating this as a chicken and egg problem. Which came first - the rot or the reaction to the rot?

Pat Buchanan has written a number of books about this - going back 20 years or more. And nothing has changed. Western countries are dying off. It's only natural that when one thing dies off - another living thing occupies the void that is left. If all the rabbits in my area die - there's likely to be more of something else that eats the vegetation.

It's been shown thruout history that when civilizations die - people move in and take over. The Germanic tribes did it to the Romans. And it's happened a bunch of other times.

So ask yourself : WHERE IS THE REAL PROBLEM?

Is it the Muslims - or is it something else? I say in the end - it's something else. Within the lifetime of people that we still have living all around us (WW2) - western civilizations had no problem killing their enemies off by the tens of millions. If the same type of behavior was prevalent today , then France could easily solve their "muslim problem" by just killing them all off and then nuking Mecca. But there is no political will for that.

Hell - the Swedes can't even stop themselves from becoming the rape capital of the world.

Until people wake the fu(k up - the problem is NEVER going to be solved. Western countries are dying because of socialism/liberalism/communism - etc. Until you fix that - NOTHING is going to get fixed in the long term.
I hate these threads. I subscribe to and read them because the members here have a strange desire to be the first to post updates and links with new info, so I appreciate the constant updates of information that comes as a side effect of this odd desire for internet/social media attention, but I ****ing hate the all of the useless posts that clutter them with predictable jokes that were not funny even in the first tragedy thread how ever long ago it was posted.

This event is tragic. The pictures that have come from it are heart breaking, especially the picture of the little girl covered by a tarp with a doll laying next to her. Some of you guys are real *******s.

Little girls are dying in the street because people absolutely refuse to deal with the political / social problems that their belief systems have created.

If that statement makes me an azzhole - then so be it.

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scrub and spin...
" Bouhlel was known to officers for common law crimes such as theft and violence but reportedly had no known connections with extremists. "

He doesn't have to - Islamic terror is a DIY belief system.
Little girls are dying in the street because people absolutely refuse to deal with the political / social problems that their belief systems have created.

If that statement makes me an azzhole - then so be it.

That statement does not. Factual discussions are one thing, jokes and other such horse shit that make these threads 3000 posts long are an other.

France learned to live with terrorism a long time ago - their entire revolution was ABOUT terrorism

this quote makes me [rofl]

“Terrorism is a threat that is weighing heavily on France,” Manuel Valls said.

"We’re faced with a war that terrorism has brought against us. The goal of the terrorists is to make us scared. We won’t give in to the terrorist threat, we must stand together, united. France has been once again struck in our flesh.

"Times have changed and we should learn to live with terrorism. We have to show solidarity and collective calm. France has been hit in its soul on the 14 July, our national day.

“They wanted to attack the unity of the French nation. The only dignified response is that France will remain loyal to the spirit of the 14 July and its values.”

Ummm - you mean sort of like this ? :

Mass Murder on Bastille Day -- Oh, The Irony!


Bastille Day celebrates the beginning of the French Revolution. A mob attacked the fort/prison, released its prisoners -- seven men -- and murdered three guards. Then the mob severed the head of the superintendent, placed it on a pike, and paraded through the city.

It was a prelude of things to come . . . for five murderous years.

I know of no other national day of celebration that honors such an act of brutality.

On the 200th anniversary of the Bastille murders, Margaret Thatcher was in Paris to attend an economic summit. There, she created a sensation.

"I was asked [in Paris] about human rights and whether I thought human rights started two hundred years ago. Most certainly they did not and I gave the reasons why they go right back to Judaism, to Christianity, they go right back to Magna Carta, they go right back to our Bill of Rights, 1689 after we had our 1688. The American Statement of Independence 1776 was one of the most brilliant pieces of English literature in proclaiming the liberties of man and the government is there to serve the liberties of man."

She went on to say she knew of no national day of celebration of a jailbreak. Well put, Maggie!

She continued this theme in her memoirs.

"For me as a British Conservative, with Edmund Burke the father of Conservatism and first perceptive critic of the Revolution as my ideological mentor, the events of 1789 represent a perennial illusion in politics." Rather than launching liberty as British and Americans understand the term, the French launched oppression, mass murder, and war, all in the "in the name of abstract ideas, formulated by vain intellectuals." [See Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993), p. 753]

Yet the news story on the mass shooting begins: "On a warm summer night made for celebrating life." That event was never a celebration of life.

We read: "Identification belonging to a French-Tunisian man was found in the truck. Officials were investigating whether the ID matched the suspect. The driver of the vehicle was a resident of Nice, according to local newspaper Nice-Matin."

In a televised address, French president Francois Hollande said the "terroristic character" of the attack "cannot be denied. It is clear that we must do everything we can to fight against the scourge of terrorism. ... France was hit on the day of her national holiday, the 14th of July, symbol of liberty, because the rights of man are denied by fanatics and France is inevitably their target."

This bloviating pomposity, a socialist who pays $11,000 a month for haircuts, could only muster "terroristic character." He assured the world that "we must do everything we can to fight against the scourge of terrorism." Like what?

This is all he could do: extend the nation's state of emergency, due to expire this month, for another three months. Plus, he "will supplement the 7,000 troops securing critical sites around France with a call up of reserves tasked with tightening border security."

The enemy is in the gates. Now he proposes locking the gates.

This makes Brexit look wise. This makes the European Union look a suicide pact.

President Obama condemned the attacks in a statement, and offered French officials "any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice. We stand in solidarity and partnership with France, our oldest ally, as they respond to and recover from this attack."

The hypocrisy of that statement is nothing short of spectacular. He wants to bring in 10,000 Syrians at taxpayer expense. We await his offer to take half a million ghetto Muslims off Hollande's hands.

Trump jumped at the opportunity. He tweeted: "In light of the horrible attack in Nice, France, I have postponed tomorrow's news conference concerning my Vice Presidential announcement." This was wise.

Next, he told Bill O'Reilly of Fox News that he would ask Congress for a declaration of war, if he were president. I ask: War on whom? ISIS, he says. But terrorism is 4th generation warfare. There is no national target to declare war on.

The genie is out of the bottle in France. I don't see how the French government can put it back in.
There's a little bike race in France this month.... millions of people on the side of completely unprotected road ways with worldwide audience of TV viewers in the billions.... this could only be the start
There's a little bike race in France this month.... millions of people on the side of completely unprotected road ways with worldwide audience of TV viewers in the billions.... this could only be the start

There are mobs of people on the side of the road in most major cities at just about any time of day, any day of the week. If they're going to drive a truck into a crowd there's no stopping them. All you can do is try to keep those people out of the country in the first place.
^^^ QFMT

this isn't rocket science, many people got it the first time, whenever it was, some just never will. I remember a Malcolm X white scholar who got raped and felt that it was justice served for her white privilege. To these kind of people Russians say: "only grave will "fix" him"

That's a great saying !
when i was a lot younger i had thoughts that wiping out an entire country/people/culture that wanted to harm us was a fine idea..."kill em all, god will sort out his own" seemed to be good enough for me, especially after 9/11. i grew older and wiser and realized that it wouldn't be the best thing to be remembered as hitler 2.0 in history books. the more that i see shit like this happening the more i wonder if i was on the right track all those years ago. how do you fight and or eradicate members of a culture that want to destroy everything outside that culture?
when i was a lot younger i had thoughts that wiping out an entire country/people/culture that wanted to harm us was a fine idea..."kill em all, god will sort out his own" seemed to be good enough for me, especially after 9/11. i grew older and wiser and realized that it wouldn't be the best thing to be remembered as hitler 2.0 in history books. the more that i see shit like this happening the more i wonder if i was on the right track all those years ago. how do you fight and or eradicate members of a culture that want to destroy everything outside that culture?

Lots and lots of these
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