Brady Campaign gives Obama a FAIL

I'm happy to see they gave him an F and was deemed a miserable failure. Wait ...Even his side thinks he's a failure. FWIW he's been too busy trying to push his agenda his first year. He may change his stance at some point during his term. Let's hope he continues to fail on this one. What was worth noting in that report was gun crimes had gone down!
"White House spokesman Ben LaBolt pointed out that the latest FBI statistics show that violent crime dropped in the first half of 2009 to its lowest levels since the 1960s"
It's a notable statistic that gun control advocates choose to ignore. I shall have to celebrate this fact and make another purchase.[grin]
What the Brady campaign doesn't realize is that Obama was warned by many Dems that if he went after some of those gun controls, they would not support him and he would lose clout. Bradys just don't realize their idea of gun control is not the will of the they need to have a big steaming bowl of "SHUT THE F*CK UP"! There is one thing I can actually agree with Obama on and that is they are actually trying to ENFORCE the laws on the books, not just create new, ineffective ones. Hmmmm.....I wonder what prominent national organization has been telling them to do that for decades?
I'm concerned that as his popularity falls, he's going to use things like reinstating the AWB to "energize the base". He only has to swing a couple of blue state republicans and he could jam something through.
Way to make friends and influence people. I'm sure this report will spur him into action and he'll be all over gun control now! A big FU like this is just one more good reason for the President to keep what he's been doing on gun control - nothing. Thank you Brady!

Put this in perspective though. This report isn't intended to motivate the president or congress into action. It's targeted towards donors and prospective donors. They've got their hand out, that's all.
I'm concerned that as his popularity falls, he's going to use things like reinstating the AWB to "energize the base". He only has to swing a couple of blue state republicans and he could jam something through.

He'd need more than that. The so-called "Blue Dogs" in the House would need to be swung or a bunch of House Republicans would need to be on board.
I know I am preeching to the choir here, but what is it that these people don't understand? The Second Ammendment is an ARTICLE IN THE BILL OF RIGHTS!!! It is one of our 10 fundemental freedoms. When the government ignores an article in the Bill of Rights they are toying with our core values. If the 2nd Ammendment is non-binding and subjective, why not the 4th, the 5th or the 1st?
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As a candidate, Barack Obama supported:
— Closing the gun show loophole
— Strengthening Brady background checks
— Banning assault weapons
— Repealing the Tiahrt Amendment that hinders law enforcement and hides crime gun data
— Opposing concealed carry

I'm sure it's not outside the real of possibility, but I don't remember him ever talking about banning assault weapons or opposing concealed carry. Did I miss something?
Hmmmm let's see here -
Plan A. I don't do anything more to restrict/or piss off gun owners, and I lose a few votes.
Plan B. I piss off these gun owners, and lose a couple hundred thousand OR MORE votes.

I think I'll take plan A for the first term,then think more about B if I get elected again.

Let's hope he never gets the chance to play with plan "B"
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