Boy Do I Feel Safe In Pittsfield...

This kind of crapola is on the rise here in the glorious city of Pittsfield. Further proof that restrictive gun control, licensing and mandatory gun safes, (which we can't even save a buck on), is working like a charm in the Bay State...

Well mark, it's a damn good thing you've taken your personal safety into your hands instead of leaving to the police.[smile]
The pen may be mightier than the sword, but, it's useless when you're being bitch slapped with a handgun.

Seriously? A guy tries to stab you with a bic ballpoint, so, you leave the scene and come back with a gun, and, hit the guy with it? WTF?

There is so much that is so wrong with the psychomechanics of this situation. I guess ignorance and apathy do enjoy a healthy marriage.

Are there any efforts to "stem the tide?" Either, governmental or via citizen involvement?
I'm sorry. Guns DO kill people. You just have to throw them really really hard...

Like in the old 1950's Superman episodes where the bad guy would empty the gun, and Superman would just stand there and let the bullets bounce off him, but he'd duck when the bad guy threw the gun at him.
The guy who grabbed the gun, was the guy who tried to do the stabbing.... what amazes me is the guy who almost got stabbed was still standing there when the perp returned with a gun....
CCW .... because sometimes a golf club JUST won't do.

Actually, I drove right past the scene as the drama was unfolding. The spectacle drew an impressive crowd of onlookers.
I've been gone since Monday morning and will only be home for a day or two but this story hits really close to me. My old apartment (moved out on April 22) was directly across from where they found the ammo and he got the gun from. Fortunetly I moved just in time I guess...that neighborhood has gone to shit quick.
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