Boston New Year's Eve Security


NES Member
Dec 11, 2012
Feedback: 37 / 1 / 0
Just heard on the news that there will be "checkpoints", "body checks" and police will be "confiscating prohibited items" on New Year's Eve in Boston. There will be "bomb sniffing dogs".

If you'll be joining the crowds on the street of Boston, will you be carrying?
I will be carrying. As I am sitting home watching on the telly.

I had enough wild New Year's eve celebrations in my youth to include one memorable evening that involved mass streaking and Samoan Fire Dancers.
Just heard on the news that there will be "checkpoints", "body checks" and police will be "confiscating prohibited items" on New Year's Eve in Boston. There will be "bomb sniffing dogs".

If you'll be joining the crowds on the street of Boston, will you be carrying?

I won't be there (past my bedtime [laugh]) but I will say that when we attended the Pro 2A rally at the statehouse, I had a piece, but left my pocket knife at home, as it's too long to carry in Boston. [rolleyes]

Security theater.
I always said that I would stop going to the Marathon, July 4th on the Esplanade, First Night, and any Rolling Rallies for sports teams once I retired. Which I have done. I never understood why people put themselves through that sort of masochism for free, let alone paying for it.
Ya, that's ok , you can take your body checks and stick em.
I'm not getting groped by anyone who doesn't at least buy me dinner first.
No reason that I want or need to be going into Boston.

I'm getting up at 4 am to get the last day of hunting in.
I'll be asleep by 9 pm warm on my couch most likely.
I'm working (security guard) New Year's Eve so the young guy can go out and get shitty. I'm usually asleep by 10PM but I'll have to stay up a bit this year. Mo' money for the misses to spend.
I usually don't but friends of the wife and I want to go to the Hyatt in Boston (as this couple is getting married there next New Year's Eve so they want to see what it's like). I plan on drinking a couple beers so carrying is out of the question. But even if I wasn't drinking, seems risky if they're having high security. Also not sure if that part of the city is a GFZ lol.
So Does that mean you shouldn't carry in Boston that night even if you are licensed to do so? How can they confiscate if youre legally carrying?
I'm staying home as usual since the birth of my 2 kiddies, I agree with other posts, and dont subject myself to that bullshit searching/groping. I rember the good old days being in NYC with a case of bottle necks for a chair, sitting in the street with a partial view of the time square ball. Nobody ever said shit. Of course this was a few years before the madness happened in 2001. We used to have it real good.

Dadstoys, has the right idea. Wish I could go with ya.
Ed Davis went on the TV prior to the marathon that got bombed....he said they had the tightest security ever put in place at that marathon. the bombers were successful in spite of that. Now they use it as an excuse to infringe on people's rights.

makes me sick. I grew up in Boston but there is nothing in Boston for me anymore.
New Years in NYC. Done that.

4th in Boston. Done that.

Drinking like a teenager. Done that.

Feel like crap. Done that.

Staying home with or without friends and none of us GAF if we see midnight. Yah, for about 20 years now.
All set with this nonsense. You couldn't pay me to be a sardine for a day.

What would they do if you didn't shower for a week? Would they still pay you down or not want to deal with you?

What if 30 "ladies" in that full-body hijab show up and wanted to get in? Would they be "profiled"?

I'm sure liberals will eventually dig their own grave. Being PC can only go so far.
When I worked in restaurants and bars back way back when, I'd always pick up NYE shifts because it was fairly easy money, but it always felt like amateur night out so it was never a big deal for me.

I never stay up until midnight, to me it's always been a second or third-tier holiday. My wife likes to stay up and see the ball drop, watch crappy performances on TV, and so do my daughters.... it's not for me.

The only good part for me growing up was the 3-Stooges marathon on 38.
Stooges, and "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World".

I'm sick this year anyhow. Usually, we do rootbeer floats with the kids. Might drive to Holy Cross to watch the Worcester fireworks at 10:15, then go home for snacks.

What? You don't want to pay a $50 or $100 cover for a bar that is normally free or a $10 cover charge? [laugh]

It definitely is amatuer night. I never went in the city, usually a friend would have a party. i was always head on a swivel driving home, figured everyone on the road would be a drunk.
So Does that mean you shouldn't carry in Boston that night even if you are licensed to do so? How can they confiscate if youre legally carrying?

That is an excellent question that I'm not sure anyone really knows the answer to because most are afraid to risk it in this state.
We found a place to watch the fireworks on the waterfront one year... wasnt overly crowded at all, but was cold as balls.

The times square madness... no ****in thank you.

If I were going I would be drinking and therefore not carrying.


Sent from my cell phone with a tiny keyboard and large thumbs...
So Does that mean you shouldn't carry in Boston that night even if you are licensed to do so? How can they confiscate if youre legally carrying?

They won't be searching people on the streets, there may be some security areas near the ice sculptures, etc that they wand you before entering or something like that. But even that, I doubt they would do that, it's going to be cold so the lines would be a mess with all the searches.

They make the same bs claims for the marathon now and other than the start line and finish line there is othng.
Stooges, and "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World". ...

The Hudsucker Proxy.
You know - for kids.

... Might drive to Holy Cross to watch the Worcester fireworks at 10:15, ...

Hmmm, can the ShotSpotter network help find a good place to park?

So Does that mean you shouldn't carry in Boston that night even if you are licensed to do so? ...

They won't be searching people on the streets, there may be some security areas near the ice sculptures, etc that they wand you before entering or something like that. ...

Never discount an opportunity to earn an official "I was ticketed for packing heat on the Common" T-shirt.
Unfortunately I have to work all night. However I will be better armed than most of BPD, one of the many perks of not having to follow stupid rule 400
Thank God, I was worried I had missed the annual "Should I or shouldn't I carry in Beantown on NYE?/Are there gonna be checkpoints?" thread. Thank you for not disappointing me.
As always, I expect to be sound asleep by 10:30 or so. We always have a New Years Day party, which most of my aging friends agree is better than staying up late, plus this year we have the Winter Classic to be excited about. I'd sooner chew tin foil than be in Boston or NY tonight.
Just heard on the news that there will be "checkpoints", "body checks" and police will be "confiscating prohibited items" on New Year's Eve in Boston. There will be "bomb sniffing dogs".

If you'll be joining the crowds on the street of Boston, will you be carrying?

If I was going, I'd be carrying. Its legal and its a chance to educate the cops. I never miss that kind of opportunity. They can not ban the legal carry of firearm son public sidewalks in the entire city.
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