Bloomberg's employees busted selling black market guns

Gee i wonder why they were trafficing illegal firearms, could it be an effort to make his argument for more gun control i think so. Aww and it failed [rofl]
I like the last part:

In September, an off-duty veteran police officer caught up in the criminal investigation into ticket fixing went onto a subway track and tried to touch the electrified third rail in an apparent suicide attempt, authorities said. Patrick Lynch, president of the police union, suggested the length and uncertainty of the probe were driving officers to "a breaking point."

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Yeah, it is hard to live with yourself if you are dirty and about to be caught, maybe do time, and stripped of your pension.
Maybe they would not be at the "breaking point" if they did their job like they are supposed to, but hey, the UNION is there to protect the criminals, I mean the boys in blue. [angry][rolleyes]
Gee i wonder why they were trafficing illegal firearms, could it be an effort to make his argument for more gun control i think so. Aww and it failed [rofl]

Doubt the fail part...... If cops can be corrupted by the Evil Power of Guns, then what about the untrained masses? More laws will fix it. New Anti war cry - "This place is going to Hell[er]"
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