Bill To Make Buying Pepper Spray, Mace Easier In Mass. Stuck In Legislative Limbo

The pepper spray bill H2145 is being sat on in the House Ways & Means Committee

They're trying to tie it in with another bill based on domestic violence. Brian Dempsey is the Chair of the committee, let's tell him what we think of that.....wives, girlfriends, etc need to email him

Useless pigs. I can't believe they can "fix" the upskirting issue in a day but heaven forbid a young woman can protect herself with pepper spray easily.
Public safety committee released it very favorably... but **** you... thats really all you need to know living in MA.


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I emailed. I tried to sound a bit anti in hopes that he listens. i also love using the common sense safety measures against them.

Representative Dempsey,

It is my understanding that you have not moved bill H2145 forward even though there is strong support for it. Massachusetts is the only state that restricts access to pepper spray to those with a FID or similar type lic. Why should someone have to pay for a gun lic to obtain what is essentially a spice in a pressurized container? I look forward to hearing that this bill is out of your committee in the coming weeks. Otherwise when election time comes I will be compelled to donate to your opponent in hopes that they will carry out reasonable, common sense safety legislation, that has majority of support.

Thank you
They should have tied it in with the "Upskirting"

Too true. Great idea too late.

Public safety committee released it very favorably... but **** you... thats really all you need to know living in MA. ...

What does this tell you (us) about the rest of what the Public Safety Committee has to say, or what is thought of them? If pepper spray is getting this much hassle, wait until the gun stuff comes out.
Every session (for many years) this bill gets filed, gets support and dies in one committee or another. Since money is involved (loss of revenue from FIDs) Ways & Means has to vote on it . . . and they HATE to lose money, so the likelihood of it ever seeing the floor for a vote is somewhere between slim and none and slim just left town.

Sad, very sad. However putting age restrictions such that college co-eds can't carry it until age 21 (for instance) or not making the law clear that it IS permitted on college campuses by statute will do little to help the vast majority of those that need it. This state is F'd beyond belief!
Yep, they passed the upskirt bill in 32 hours in order to stop voyeurs.

The pepper spray bill, it's now been over 3 years, apparently the MA Legislature is more interested in stopping voyeurs than rapists.
Yep, they passed the upskirt bill in 32 hours in order to stop voyeurs.

The pepper spray bill, it's now been over 3 years, apparently the MA Legislature is more interested in stopping voyeurs than rapists.
MA legislature is more interested in headlines than anything and would let every resident in this state die in a heartbeat for lack of a law to save us if they thought, somehow, it would get them enough votes to win the next cycle...

We are still weeding out a profoundly corrupt enterprise, yet the keep claiming the moral high-ground to tell us what we can and should do.

Let's start by politicians not being felons and work our way up from there ok?
Yep, they passed the upskirt bill in 32 hours in order to stop voyeurs.

The pepper spray bill, it's now been over 3 years, apparently the MA Legislature is more interested in stopping voyeurs than rapists.

New MA official violence against women state motto:
"welcome to MA: You can touch, but you cant look"
Yep, they passed the upskirt bill in 32 hours in order to stop voyeurs.

The pepper spray bill, it's now been over 3 years, apparently the MA Legislature is more interested in stopping voyeurs than rapists.

Mike, you understate it. It's been filed for many cycles (each 2 years in duration) and perhaps as far back as when bills were filed annually. SSDD is my motto when it comes to gov doing the right thing!
Yep, they passed the upskirt bill in 32 hours in order to stop voyeurs.

The pepper spray bill, it's now been over 3 years, apparently the MA Legislature is more interested in stopping voyeurs than rapists.

touch but don't look? i think they have it backwards.
Yep, all this from the same party that attacks Republicans for continuing a "war on women" you really can't make it up.
slightly off topic but, did anyone else read that the anti-upskirting bill that got rushed through carried a 2.5 year prison penalty upon conviction? i don't believe for one second that that wasn't thought out.........
i can absolutely believe that "illegal use of pepper spray" will carry a similar penalty if they manage to pass a bill to "legalize" possession without a license.
anti-gun politicians are pro-rape. They have made that clear and we should make clear that we understand this as well... can that be?? They hand out all those highly effective rape whistles....

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anti-gun politicians are pro-rape. They have made that clear and we should make clear that we understand this as well...

If this were turned into a high-power marketing campaign with legs, you'd see them jump to "fix" the problem. Sadly this won't happen.
... and right on cue a 22 year old was just arrested in Fall River for attempting to rob a pregnant woman. Of course, he used pepper spray on her. It never fails.
They'd rather wait for another girl to be raped, beaten and possibly murdered to speed up the process. My guess is whistles are cheaper!

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I know a lot of women who are quietly carrying OC without LTC or FID, including my girlfriend. Buy it in NH. No fuss, no muss, no sales tax, no red tape. The only reason why I even have an FID is because I own two rifles and a shotgun. If I did not own firearms, I would not bother with one either. Save the C-note every six years.
Because the bill doesn't specify that the spray can only be used in self defense. WTF? These pols are EPICALLY stupid. [banghead]

Did restaurants want to use it as well?

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Why use mace when you can just barf or urinate? sarcasm

What if you have multiple attackers? Urination and barf recycle times are very slow.
Reducing the regulation and control on anything is so totally against the instincts of the MA legislature that they don't have a clue how to make it happen. It just goes against their nature.
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