Biden on TV now

Yes he is. He has strong opinions and he voices them, just like an man should. Nothing wrong with that. God bless him.
One thing popping up is making all transfer/sales require a bg check. to If I'm not mistaken, they withhold federal high funds to states unless they make their drinking age at least 21. They could do same for FTF transfers, forcing states (that don't already have it) to have mandatory transfers for any firearm or long gun / shotgun. Not to mention, they could do it for any number of programs where the central bureaucracy holds the cards, such as medicare/medicaid.
I was listing to the radio this morning as I brought the kids to school. This is what I heard:

They were reporting on VP Biden's Task Force, today there is a meeting with video game makers. The media duly reported that there isn't much he can do to limit them as as the video games are covered under the "Freedom of Expression", covered under the First Amendment. This would be come a slippery slope to censorship.

My take:
No mention that firearms are actually mentioned in the Second Amendment along with the words "...shall not be infringed". Any law/regulation on firearms must not be a slippery slope, and further restrictions would never come after 2000+ laws already on the books. Besides, these are 'reasonable', and we had meetings, so just take it. [puke]

NO MORE, if you want to reduce gun violence, lets try things that would actually work:

If you go to a shrink, and that shrink puts you on meds that have KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS of potential suicide or violence. That information gets shared with NICS. The government shouldn't care if you mommy issues, you wet your bed or you have bad dreams after seeing your buddies get blown up in Iraq. If you are disturbed enough that putting you on medication that has KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS of potential suicide or violence - yes, that information has to be shared.

If you are a convicted violent criminal, with a gun, you get 25 years. No parole, no BS, 25 years.
If you commit murder, not shooting a guy who broke into your house, murder; where this person had every right right to continue his life was not harming anyone, and you killed him - LIFE.

ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS; lets start with immigration btw, you have 2000+ ways to jam up gun owners, you don't need anymore.

12 Americans are MURDERED DAILY by Illegal Aliens = 4380/YR
13 Americans are KILLED BY DRUNK DRIVING Illegal Aliens = 4745/YR

IIRC, the number of people killed by rifles (ALL) per yr is <500.
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