Ask Amy: Dad is horrified to learn daughter has a gun in their house

Instead of exploding ammunition, she should get some of that gentle stuff that just gives the home invader a little slap on the wrist. That's
much safer for everyone.
JFC the retardedness is strong in this whole thing...try to not punch your monitor

Ask Amy: Dad is horrified to learn daughter has a gun in their house

Dear Amy: This week, I discovered that my intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old daughter (who lives with me) is a gun owner! And it’s not a normal gun, either — it is a 40-caliber semi-automatic, and she has hollow-point bullets to go with it.

Amy, this is the kind of weapon a criminal would possess! She says it is for emergencies. There have only been two home invasions in our neighborhood in the last 11 years.

I’ve given her three choices: She can either give her weapon to me, sell it or move out in three weeks.

I love my daughter and would be so sad for her to move into a place that she would hardly be able to afford, but now I have to lock my bedroom door at night because I don’t know what she’s going to do.

Now she says that I don’t trust her, and is barely speaking to me. How can I convince her to stop endangering us?

Dumbfounded Father

Dear Dumbfounded: According to my research, possessing hollow-point bullets is illegal in 11 states; is it legal in your state to own this sort of exploding ammunition?

In a report published in 2015, researchers at the University of Chicago found that 31 percent of households reported having a firearm in 2014, down from about 48 percent in 1980.

According to this study, there are more guns, but concentrated in fewer households. Why must your household be one of them?

Where did your daughter get this weapon and ammunition? Has she received any safety training or certification? (Accidental gun death is a substantial risk of owning a gun.) Is she perhaps engaged in another activity outside of your household that exposes her to increased risks and makes her believe she needs to have a weapon?

I have news for you: A locked bedroom door is no match for this weaponry; as I write this, just five days ago a father in South Carolina tragically shot and killed his own 23-year-old daughter through a closed door — when he mistook her for an intruder.

I agree with your ultimatum; I also weep that there is yet another (likely unsafe) gun owner in this country.

This guy needs membership in the squirrel brigade so he can go out and get himself a set of nuts.
I know this is a troll but if real.... Imagine actually being this soy ...

The problem is with some of the "full retard" people I've encountered recently, I really cannot tell if this guy is just a troll or if he's really that screwed up.

I was living with my parents when I first got my LTC. At first my mother held the attitude that "there will never be a gun in my house". After discussing it with my father (who grew up around guns, but had little interest in them) she recanted. After actually taking the time to be educated on the subject, she's learned that she's been lied to pretty much every day of her life about guns and now when she sees anything on the news about guns that sounds suspicious will even ask me if it's true or not (99% of the time it's complete BS). I've almost gotten her to come to the range with me. Maybe someday.
Imagine if real:

"Amy's" response was so over the top alarmist that it would knock some common sense into even the biggest moonbat.
Dear Amy,
I don't know what to do. The other day, my daughter came home with a semi-automatic Glock pistol in .40 caliber. Now I am as tolerant in my beliefs as the next guy and even consider myself to be Ammosexual, but we are a 9mm family. There is just no room in our house for a .40 caliber handgun, or those that tolerate them. I do have a couple of .45 acp 1911s, but those are classic handguns. Bringing a .40 caliber home is just not right. My wife told me to give her some space and that in time, she should come around, but I don't know if I can wait. Range trips with her used to be so nice just shooting my Glock 19 or Ruger SR9, but now I have to buy ammo in a totally different caliber. What happens if her .40 caliber gets mixed up with my 9mm? What is a concerned father to do? At least she did buy some hollow point ammo to use for self defense. Amy please help me help her see the light. Let me know what to say to her to convince her that .40 caliber is no good and 9mm is the only caliber she needs. She needs to be convinced the 9mm is the only way to go.

A concerned Ammosexual Father
Which states ban ownership of hollow points? And when did hollow points start exploding. Damnit I am always the last to know!

of course they explode.
that is why they ARE hollow afterward.
sheesh, get with the program
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