While you are at it. Do away with the DEA and all the unconstitutional firearms law. Legalize drug use and tax it like cigs.
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So in the end they close down the agency and just send the same people to work in other agencies and then give those other agencies the authority to regulate our lives? How is this any different than what we have today? It would be nice if they said they were closing down the agency and eliminating all laws that reference them.

Wasn't this agency originally created as part of the IRS to issue the stamps that are put on alcohol bottles, or on a pack of cigarettes and obviously stamps for specific guns. The questions I have is do we really need these "stamps" anymore? It might have made a difference in the days of bootleggers and prohibition, but times are different. Maybe if we don't need the "stamps" then we don't need the agency at all. So if we get rid of the agency then we should also get rid of the "stamps" as well.
It would be different because the ATF culture would more or less evaporate. All those people currently working for the ATF would have to adopt the policies and attitudes and culture of the organization they join.

I'm not going to say "better", just "different".

But what we have kinda sucks, so shaking it up can't be a bad thing.
It would be different because the ATF culture would more or less evaporate. All those people currently working for the ATF would have to adopt the policies and attitudes and culture of the organization they join.

I'm not going to say "better", just "different".

But what we have kinda sucks, so shaking it up can't be a bad thing.

I don't agree. I think that the CAP is right about the ATF's independence giving gun owners/lobbys a handle to attack the organization. Also, if the ATF's firearms branch gets rolled into the FBI, suddenly they have not only enforcement power for DoJ, they also have tons of regulatory power as well. Imagine if the FBI was the one doing enforcement. They could bring all sorts of regulatory nonsense to bear any time they were doing any sort of investigation - it's too much power for a single department to hold (the crime fighting and firearm regulation). I'll agree with a proposal to get rid of the ATF if it means getting rid of the regulation. If it just means that the regulation stays and gets handled by someone else, no thank you.
As much as it sucks now where does all the power they have now go I don't want MA being able to regulate gun shops more or have to deal with this crap state for an sbr
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