Article: Deceased Oklahoma Robbery Suspect’s Grandfather Says ‘Unfair’ to Shoot Grand

Know what's unfair? Getting you house broken into and your sense of peace shattered.

Know what's even more unfair? That these three armed hoodlums were against one person.

The one person evened out the odds with the gun (it happened to be an AR) best suited for the situation he was forced to deal with.
"..He said the use of the AR-15 meant “his grandson didn’t have a chance.”..."

I don't want to get shot, but if I did, I'd take my chances with a 55 grain .223 than a 1 oz slug, which is my home defense choice.

A friend of mine got bashed in the eye socket/cheek bone with one hit of brass knuckles. His face didn't have a chance, he had to have 3 reconstructive surgeries. One of of them, if I remember, was so he wouldn't look at you cross eyed like the hunchback of Notre Dame.
It is unfortunate there had to be death resulting from a very bad decision on the ignorant teens breaking into a house to steal or do bodily harm to anyone inside the house. It is obvious they were not expecting anyone to be home. BUT they live in Oklahoma where many homeowners have guns! If I were awoke to breaking glass and a door being forced open and saw 3 MASKED, DRESSED IN ALL BLACK, MEN coming down the hall towards me, there would not be enough time to call 911, or escape, the person in the house had no other choice than to defend himself. A hollow point self defense round in a pistol would have had the same consequence as the rifle round placed to neutralize a threat. The home resident was just a good shot. Sad situation, but IMO justified.
Maybe we should ask the armed intruders what Caliber they would like to be shot with , i mean its only fair . As for the father if he was more of a father figure maybe the kid woulnd't have turned out a thug criminal .
But LIFE is not fair. Maybe we can put little rubber bumpers on the sharp pointy ends of the .223 so it will be less killy?
I agree with Grandpa. It was totally unfair. And if I ever have to get into a fight for my life, that is exactly how I want it. Totally one sided in my favor.

You want a fair fight? Take up boxing. When masked men wake you up while breaking into your house there is only one rule. WIN.
"... he didn't have a chance"....

They all actually had a "chance".

When they pulled up in their car, they had a chance to stop and think about what they were doing, and the very real possibility that things could go very, very badly.

Even the get away driver girl stated in an interview; ".... their group, had done other robberies and carjackings, and gotten away with them, and figured that this was going to be just another one that they were going to do, and get away with ...."

Aside from the above; I guess in the bizarro world (that is slowly inching its way onto our reality), criminals are supposed to be allowed (or given a decent chance by victims) = to be able to commit their violent armed robbery and get away with it.

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Fair is a place in Iowa one takes their pigs to be slaughtered.

Grandson, whom I'm guessing didn't fall far from gramp's tree, played a stupid game, and won the stupid grand prize.

Here's the yute's obit:
People often commented on his good manners, and how polite and courteous he was.
Yea, brass knuckles and/or a knife is real courteous.

Jacob is survived by his brothers Jordan and Jonathan, his adoptive Mom Connie Saint, and husband Terry, guardian parents Wayne Smithart and Eric Price and father Michael L Redfearn and wife Jennifer, mother Shannon L Redfearn. ... as well as a multitude of step-brothers and sisters
[hmmm] Sounds like a real stable home-life.
The intruders knew they were doing wrong, they knew they were putting themselves and anyone else potentially involved at risk for serious injury. The resident of the home saw three people invading and reacted accordingly. **** GrandPa, his bull shit opinion, and the four useless pieces of shit who decided it was easier to take than to earn what they wanted. I hope the mastermind bitch pays dearly for her part.
"... he didn't have a chance"....

They all actually had a "chance".

When they pulled up in their car, they had a chance to stop and think about what they were doing, and the very real possibility that things could go very, very badly.

Even the get away driver girl stated in an interview; ".... their group, had done other robberies and carjackings, and gotten away with them, and figured that this was going to be just another one that they were going to do, and get away with ...."

Aside from the above; I guess in the bizarro world (that is slowly inching its way onto our reality), criminals are supposed to be allowed (or given a decent chance by victims) = to be able to commit their violent armed robbery and get away with it.



I've made this point to people in the past who made dumbass arguments like the dead kid's grandfather did.

You see - in this world - there IS such a thing as free will.

Those three kids who broke into that house made a SERIES of decisions that landed them at that point in time in that circumstance. They made a decision to acquire the brass knuckles. They made a decision to dress in black. They made a decision to cover their faces. They made a decision to get in the car and go to the house. They made a series of decisions to actually end up at that house. They got out of the car - another decision. They broke down the door - yet another decision. They entered the house - again - a decision. They probably threatened the kid who lived there - yet one more decision.

There was a LONG line of decisions that led them up to the point in time where they got shot. THEY CREATED THAT SITUATION thru their own free will and the long chain of decisions that THEY made.

That kid who was BY HIMSELF in the house - only had a few decisions he COULD make - once he was confronted with those three people very obviously intending on harming him. He could run - but he might just die tired. He could reason with them - but anybody with any common sense knows that is not likely to be a successfull option when there's THREE people there all intending to do you harm. At least one of them will NEVER be convinced (go study up on some group dynamics stuff - three is much worse than two).

And he had the last decision - which is the one that he had because we have a second amendment in this country: the option to shoot their dumb asses.

The grandfather is a turd. His decisions probably factor in here too - because he apparently was not enough of a factor in the kid's life to keep him from becoming the kind of douchebag that breaks into somebody's house and threatens them with a deadly weapon.
Gramps said: “There’s got to be a limit to that law, I mean he shot all three of them; there was no need for that.”
Yeah, the kid should have only shot one or two of the INTRUDERS, and then put his hands up and just taken a beat-down, right gramps? Yeah, makes sense to me...
Fortunately, OK law would appear to completely shield the kid and his family from civil liability because the action was found to be lawful self defense. The kid doesn't even have to keep his trap shut for 3 years to avoid giving away any sound bites contingency fee counsel can use against him.
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