And you though Massachusetts was bad!!!

Aug 10, 2005
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Due to the low Southwest Air fares (you are now free to move around the country) I was planning a trip to New Mexico to fish the San Juan River, (second best trout river in the USA) and Utah, to visit the wives, then home. Checked
about reciprocity and limits on where you can carry in NM. I have a MA, ME and NH CC permit. If you add up all the places you can’t carry in New Mexico, for instance tribal lands, ~27 reservations, all military bases, White Sands, Cannon AFB, Holloman AFG, state parks and convenience store that sells bear and wine, well the list is below
• Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon on school or pre-school premises.
• Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon on university premises
• Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon in licensed liquor establishments****
• Courts (without the consent of the presiding judge)
• Tribal Land (unless authorized by the tribal council)
• On a snowmobile (unless there is no round in the chamber)
• Airport security zones
• State parks
• Many federal properties - military bases, national parks, national monuments, etc.
• While under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon on a bus
Over 60% of the state is federal and Indian property so you are left with a pretty narrow north south corridor from Chama to El Paso and east west from the Texas boarder to Arizona along the highway. I fished Wyoming, Utah and Colorado in ’04 for five weeks, no problem, no haste but New Mexico isn’t worth the chance of breaking the law. I thought Massachusetts was bad until I saw this.
I honestly have to wonder how much of a problem they have with people carrying their guns while riding their snow mobiles in New Mexico???? [shock]
Much more snow in the north than you'll find anywhere in Massachusetts.

One of the big problems with both Nex Mexico and Arizona is the hugh areas that are either tribal lands or National Parks. It can be worse than trying to figure out if you're within 1000 feet of a school. (BTW, there's a recent federal appelate ruling that says that's measures as the crow flies, even if a human would have to travel miles to get there.)

Hm, that could be. But you have to keep in mind: New Mexico's cop is too busy to check you for guns.

As a practical matter, unless you are high on heroin and gunning down wealthy Texans on Canyon Rd., it is unlikely that the police will find it in their interest bother you.

Also, the result of breaking the law is probably a $5 fine or something (no, don't take that as legal advice).
Well - 6 of those apply to MA (Tribal lands would be considered Federal property) as well as other states, but I can't quite grasp the concept of not having a round in the chamber when your snowmobiling....
FYI, from mgla c90b-s26 :
No one shall carry a firearm, rifle or shotgun in or on a snow vehicle or a
recreation vehicle or on a trailer or sled attached thereto unless such
firearm, rifle or shotgun is unloaded and in an enclosed case, unless he is
a law enforcement officer or other person authorized to carry arms as
specifically described in section thirty-two, or a paraplegic as provided in
section sixty-five of chapter one hundred and thirty-one.

Lynne said:
Well - 6 of those apply to MA (Tribal lands would be considered Federal property) as well as other states, but I can't quite grasp the concept of not having a round in the chamber when your snowmobiling....
Swift River Rob said:
Don't tell any of those 27 tribes their land is federal property, you'll start an Indian ( not a native American) war.

I know, I know, but, for all intents and purposes, it IS fed land. [wink]
Acutally whether Indian land is tribal land or Federal Land is really open to interpretation these days. Perhaps not so in times past, though.

Yes despite the hideous gun laws here, those who can manage a Class A LTC ALP have considerably more latitude in carrying, than in many more "gun friendly" states.

Actually its almost considered a foreign land, complete with its very own courts and police etc. The US Gov are 'caretakers' of the tribes etc. Its basically BS if you ask me. All the coddling they get has actually bred in inherint laziness overall (from my working on a rez for 5 yrs). Again, I need to point out there are always exceptions to every rule.

Local laws do not apply AT ALL on reservations, only thing that does are Tribal laws AND fed law. And quickest way to scare a native casino is to mention the word 'OSHA'.
Carry concealed

I know I am going to take some heat for this, but carrying concealed means exactly that. You should be the only person that knows you are carrying. I do not condone breaking the law but if you are carrying concerned in a manner that will not cause a disturbance then you will be fine.

You might be spending most of your time hosltering, unholstering, locking, unlocking your gun. By the time you finish doing all that the day is over.

jacobtowne said:
Wait one. It says:

" Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon on school or pre-school premises. "

What is meant by this? What is lawful carrying?


What is a "deadly weapon"? A shod foot? A 9 iron? A tire iron? A clothes iron?
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