Al-Quaida's at it again - London hit


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
Check your newsfeeds - several explosions have gone off in London, shutting down the Underground and killing at least 2 and injuring who knows how many.

If this doesn't convince the Liberals that we need to squash Al-Quaida like the bugs that they are, I don't know what will.

I don't know how PC I should be, but if we had taken a few lessons from WW2 and rounded them up and sorted them out........ and you can't convince me it's a religion of PEACE.
MrsWildweasel said:
I don't know how PC I should be, but if we had taken a few lessons from WW2 and rounded them up and sorted them out...

Uh... it sounds tempting, but I don't think that that's the right answer. And I won't even try to convey how high the hackles on the back of my neck are rising now.

OTOH, if our LAST president had had the guts to go in and clean out these guys, our CURRENT president wouldn't be cleaning up his crap.

MrsWildweasel said:
you can't convince me it's a religion of PEACE.

Yeah, I'm not buying that either... hell, I'm not even renting it!

mAss Backwards said:
Sorry, but that's based upon the presumption that liberals are capable of rational thought.

And I should know better, too... especially with such classic examples in my own family, too.

I know it's not the right answer,not sure what the right answer is right now, just know we should have done more,or we should be doing more. I have a few of those family members too.
I already told Melody that the libs will blame this all on Blair and Bush, just wait and see.
Islam is not really a peaceful religion. The Quran talks about taking over the world, by force if needed. Not what I call peaceful.

A lot of Muslims may be peaceful, but they aren't the ones doing all of the terrorist acts.

Send the terrorists to see Allah.
When you blame everything on "liberals" your are striking at a meaningless straw man. Why do you find it so attractive to attribute all the world's ills to a one dimensional image created to accept your blame and anger? That's no more rational or responsible than saying that all Southerners are rednecks, all Yankees are Kennedys. It plays into the hands of those who want to shape your thoughts and your votes.

Blaming liberals for this, that and the other is exactly the same as blaming Bush for the London bombings. Blame the perpetrators, not your perceived political opponents.

World events are far too complex to be attributed one group, one event, one philosophy. The solutions to world problems are also more complex than flattening countries that we don't like. But that's looking like a good first step...
dvl said:
When you blame everything on "liberals" your are striking at a meaningless straw man.

Oh no, I use names, and there's faces that go with those names. I can think of quite a few actually. :D

With all due respect Liberals want more laws, more taxes to take care of everybody, more support for people who don't deserve it, and they want to take away our rights. History shows this and so does the voting record of the Senators and State Reps.

This is why most of us here don't hold them in high regard, and refer to them as sheeple. They constantly bitch and complain about this country, but would never defend it. A few might, but as a whole they wouldn't. I servered 8 years, I knew hundreds of Marines, Sailors, and Army Soldiers, I can count on one hand the ones that were Liberal.

Facts are Facts.

No one's blaming liberals for the world's ills. They blame conservatives for it.

As a whole, they have throughout time degraded our rights by believing the politicians diatribe and voting them into office.
And don't forget that though almost all Liberals are Democrats, a LOT of Democrats are NOT Liberals.

Nothing wrong with being a Democrat, just clean up the current leadership.

New York City NEEDS their IDIOT back. I'm referring to "Howling Howard".
In this discussion, "liberals" have come under more fire than Al Queda. And so it goes most of the time. It would be an interesting exercise to avoid the use of the term at all and address specific people or positions.

The use of the term is intellectually lazy, a shorthand that discounts the fact that there are many degrees of tolerance and (gasp!) agreement between those of different political stripes. I could declare myself a liberal here and leave it at that and I would be discounted as a spotted owl kissing America hater. I need you to think of me and many others as more than that!

As far as new laws, new taxes and so on, is it a liberal administration that is adding laws and restricting our freedom now? New taxes? Spending by this current administration has caused a spectacular, record-breaking deficit while they have lowered taxes. Liberals and Democrats are frequently labeled "tax and spend". I would consider that more fiscally responsible than "Spend more and tax less".

I think it far more useful to label people "politicians" than Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative.
dvl said:
New taxes? Spending by this current administration has caused a spectacular, record-breaking deficit while they have lowered taxes.

Record breaking? Everything is a hell of a lot more expensive since Klinton was in office, not to mention the fact we liberated an entire middle eastern country. We needed more homeland security and created an entire force for that, which also cost money.

The tax break was needed to boost the economy. The people who make the most money in this country also create the jobs that run the economy. It's not hard to understand.
Don't get me started on taxes. I got a 10K bonus last year and my check was for a little over $6200. That's fair isn't it? Not only do I pay in more because of my gross, I also have the privilege of paying in at a higher rate.

We need a flat tax rate. I don't use any more .gov resources than the guy making 30K.
To get slightly back on track...


My parents and sister left yesterday to spend the next month at their home just outside London. I just found out that they are safe. RIP to those who were killed and speedy recovery to those who were injured.

As for a responce... I the IRA can agree that the United Kingdom (not just England) knows how to respond to terrorist attacks. To steal a line from the United States Marine Corps... the "Brits" will locate, close with and DESTROY the enemy with fire and close combat.
dvl said:
Liberals and Democrats are frequently labeled "tax and spend". I would consider that more fiscally responsible than "Spend more and tax less".

Then you certainly don't understand how economics work, what stimulates an economy, or what produces new jobs and lowers unemployment.

On to "Intellectual laziness". Maybe I should define a few terms for you:

Democrat or Republican is simply a party alliance.

Liberal or conservative is a way of life and a belief system.

Politician is someone who runs for our holds a public office.

What would posses you to want to label everyone as a politician. Our did I lose something in the translation?

The cost of running this country will always increase as long as there is tax and spend. Anyone who can't understand an increase in the deficit during war has a serious comprhension problem.

Now, I do not agree with everything this admin. is doing.

I'll take a breath and step back for a moment.
I think you'll find that you are not the kind of "Liberal" that people refer to. You're presence here speaks volumes on the issue. You'll probably find that you are not even a true "Liberal", so to say.

You're most likely a Libertarian that doesn't subscribe to some parts of that party's platform. That's about where I fall in.

Here's my stance on things:


Anti-High spending on wasteful programs
Anti-Big Brother (that know's what's best for us)

I also believe in a balanced budget.

Not much different than your beliefs, I'd wager.

I just happen to usually vote Republican, since the Democratic candidate usually does not reflect my beliefs.
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