Aerial View of Club land.


NES Member
May 24, 2005
Just east of Zone 9, but in Worcester County.
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Riverside Gun Club in Hudson MA.


Area on the upper Left with the dirt roads is Hudson Town land currently used as a storage area for various fill materials. Sometimes you can hear the Hudson cops shooting there.
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Here's a shot of Mass Rifle in Woburn:


And here's a shot of why it's my most favorite gun club:


There's nothing like capping a nice lunch with a few rounds downrange.
Google earth has a File/save image option. It creates a jpg for you.

Here's my house in relation to my club.. the Middleboro Sportsman's Club. I shoot in the back yard sometimes but most of the time I go to the club range. It's a very old, very infornal, very simple place. You guys and your 'fancy' places put this to shame. But this is a nice quiet place in the woods to relax.


Here's the club, at least as good as the pic allows with all the trees and shadows. The clubhouse is hidden and the firing line roof is barely visible.

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Adam_MA said:
Damn Mark... I would say your club is pretty heavy into Skeet/Trap!

I was going to put a quip about that in there, but I figured it's pretty obvious.[smile] It's kind of an inside joke about the place. Nice thing is, even on the weekends, the rifle/pistol area is never crowded.
Winchendon R&G


Yes, the 200+yd range shoots over the 100yd range and the pond and the road to the 100yd range, and yes, you shoot from the picnic tables in the picnic area.
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We have actually had deer walk across the range while the range is occupied.
Happens all the time at my club. The other day I saw one crossing a suburban street near the clubhouse at 1 PM on a Saturday. Of course, I never see them from my tree stand during hunting season -- they're safely camped out in my backyard eating my rhodies [angry]
Like that DAMN chipmunk that was taunting me at the range on the 4th!

EVERY time I would set my nephew up to shoot, the thing would start running back and forth in front of the target holders.
As soon as I would take the rifle he would vanish until I handed it back over again!
Get yourself some deer repellent. Also, get some Irish spring soap, put it in a mesh bag, and hang it from the shrub -- apparently deer don't like the smell.
Pilgrim said:
My range, posted above is closed during hunting season.

We have actually had deer walk across the range while the range is occupied.

There is a groundhog (or is it a woodchuck, or a ...?) at Worc. Pistol & Rifle which lives in the berm behind the firing line at the pistol range. He sticks his tongue out as you go by.
Mod Hat On!

Ok guys, we've gotten off topic here (myself included)! Let's get back on the original topic of aerial views of clubs. Someone can start a separate deer/chipmunk/hunting thread if they want elsewhere.
It took me a little while, because my host had done some upgrades that they hadn't bothered to tell me about.

Westford Sportsmen's Club


Mansfield Fish & Game

Mansfield F&G

Indoor range will be built into the clubhouse over the next 2 years. Both 100 yd and 50 yd ranges have overheads covering the shooting area.

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