A Marine's letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein

From the link in the original post this is a comment by a reader. Pretty damn impressive.

Jeff Stuart · Union Institute & University
I just sent this off to Senator Feinstein the other day. Still waiting for a response....
Dear Ms. Feinstein,
While my letter is addressed specifically to you, it could and should be equally addressed to all members of Congress. I have pondered and lamented the content and context of a letter addressed to a group of out of control servants of the People for some time. As a law enforcement officer, I swore an oath, the same oath that you swore by the way, to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I took this oath without reservation, understanding that my elected officials, those that “I” as a U.S. citizen elected, would also abide by that same oath. Somewhere, along the way, you and your fellow members of Congress seem to have forgotten that you are servants of the people. You do not tell us what to do; you do not lead us; your job is quite simple, to be a servant to the people; in essence, an “at will” employee of the people. Your job is to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
When one chooses to ignore the founding principles of this great nation and that great document, they are no longer acting in the best interests of the United States of America. They are in essence, an enemy of the United States, subverting the rights of the People. I think you and your fellow members of Congress need to stop for a moment and ponder that, because you seem to have lost your moral compass along the way. Your job is to enact legislation that is in accordance to the Constitution of the United States. It is not a “living and breathing document” as our current President likes to state. It is a document made by men, much smarter and much more morally in tune with this Country than it appears are any members of our current Congress.
You, Ms. Feinstein, have chosen to play on people’s emotions in order to fulfill your longstanding desire to interpret the Second Amendment as you see fit. Unfortunately, you are wrong and I assure you that you are in the process of waking a sleeping giant that will not be silenced. Neither will it be bullied by those that seek to exploit a tragedy for political gain. No one should discount the fact that what happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School is a tragedy, but to use it to further your political goals is shameful. While the shooter’s actions were horrendous and will be remembered for years to come, his name, most likely will not, and yet he killed 26 people. Were you aware that Jesse James, one of the most notorious outlaws in history, is only credited with killing 16 people? Why do you suppose then that he is so well known? The reason is quite simple; when citizens were allowed to arm themselves, the crime rate, including murders was extremely rare; thus, the killing of 16 people was a big deal. The reason murders were seldom committed is not what you or the liberal left want to hear, but unfortunately it is a reality; arming citizens creates a deterrent to crime.
As I mentioned earlier, the sleeping giant is stirring, thanks to the efforts of liberals such as you. The giant is figuratively those of us that believe in the Constitution and those of us who have sworn an oath to uphold that very same Constitution. As a law enforcement officer, I cannot in good conscience, participate in the disarming of U.S. citizens based on legislation I believe to be in violation of the United States Constitution. You need to understand that I am not alone in this, nor will I be the only one that will refuse to do so, should the order come down. This is a difficult thing for me to contemplate, because at some point, it could mean that I will no longer be able to hold the respected position that I currently do. But the reality is that I could not in good conscience; continue in my chosen calling, if I were asked to violate the Constitution that I swore to uphold. There are thousands upon thousands of law enforcement and military professionals, as well as average everyday citizens that will not tolerate such treasonous acts by those who are elected as servants of the people. If you choose to continue down this path, you may just accomplish something greater than you ever could have imagined; that is a collective awakening of U.S. citizens as we rise up to ensure that you do not overstep your limited role in government.
For the first time in my life, I have heard people talking about a second Civil War in this Country, and I do not believe that they are too far off from what could ultimately happen. If citizens are to be made criminals for exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights, then what other recourse do they have, but to rise up against those that would make illegal laws. I implore you to stop for a moment and ponder the severity of what I just said. Liberals and their ill-conceived logic have done more to destroy the founding principles of this great Country than should be tolerated, and I can only tell you, based on what I hear repeatedly, citizens are ready to stand up against you and your fellow members of Congress, Judges, and those in Academia that refuse to follow the Constitution or choose to redefine it to fit their own agendas.
If there is any indication as to how wrong your position is about banning firearms, I would suggest you contact any gun store and see what your threats have accomplished, then ask yourself if making a large segment of the law-abiding population instant criminals is really in the best interest of this Country. I think not. Your legislation will have an adverse effect on the safety of citizens in the United States. I know that left hates to be burdened with facts and would rather rely on emotion for making decisions, but the fact is that the only people that obey laws are law-abiding citizens. Criminals by their very nature could care less about the law and will continue to violate it. Thus, the only people your laws hurt are law abiding citizens; voters. We have enough laws on the books already. The problem is not the need for new laws, but the enforcement of current laws.
You have chosen a battle with serious consequences to our nation, and I hope that you have considered exactly what it is that you are proposing. I can not and will not enforce illegal laws that violate the Constitution of the United States, and I do not believe that I am alone.
With all due respect,
A concerned U.S. citizen and voter
Good luck with that. I am sure she will never see it.

You don't think someone on her staff has a job of searching for anything relevent to her agendas online? Not to mention running searches with her name daily just to see what comes up or for perceived threats?
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