17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

What are they going to say? "Sorry we called you a white supremacist"?

White House Press Secretary Psaki: Expect a response from the administration​

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, during a press briefing prior to the not guilty verdict being announced in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, said "once it's concluded, I'm sure there will be something we have to say from the White House."
"I'm sure there will be something we have to say from the White House."

FU no one cares. The whitehouse should stay the f*** out of it.
They reached the right decision but I’m disappointed it took 4 days.

He should have never been arrested, they arrested him 7 hours after the shooting and before they knew anything about what actually happened.

Now I hope the civil suits fly. Sue everyone who defamed him, NBC, CNN, biden, joe Scarborough, ALL OF THEM

Make the pay
Definitely some hinky crap surrounding this trial. I think that some sort of organized plan to take out Kyle or anyone in Kyle's role is entirely plausible. Though I seriously doubt it was a 'Fed' operation, after the January 6th Great Buffalo Jump operation I would not put it past the feds to pull such crap. We came close to Jan 6 becoming another Tianenman Square. In this case my take is that this was ordered by whomever was on the ground calling shots for the Marxists repackaged as BLM. We all know that the Marxists in blackface (figuratively) are getting a pass from the progressive element embedded in our government.

You know I've seen it mentioned numerous times that ..... what is the likelihood that you'd be there at a riot, and get attacked by a number of people ..... shoot them..... and then find out that all three of the people you shot had criminal records, and for bad shit - not like shoplifting when they were a teenager.

I suppose you could explain this away as birds of a feather flock together and when there's a riot on - all the douchebags are going to just show up on their own. But another explanation I've seen floated, is that there is some entity out there - that is actively recruiting these people , giving them money, and is even going so far as to make them all "available" for this shit - by letting them all out of jail early under the excuse of Covid.

We already know for a FACT that:
1) lots of states have let criminals out of jail during the Covid thing. This was confirmed to me by a friend who is prison guard in the MA correctional system.
2) somebody was pre-planning rioting , and we have the evidence because pallets of bricks were being delivered into areas where riots later rolled thru.
3) the three turds that Rittenhouse shot all had criminal records. The black guy who kicked Rittenhouse in the head -had a criminal record. How many other people out on the streets that night had criminal records? We don't really know - because Rittenhouse didn't shoot them.

There's a whole bunch of other things that are pretty easily verifiable as facts - like that there are DA's all over the country refusing to prosecute crimes committed during protests and riots.

Point here is - past a certain point - if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..... well then it's a phucking duck.

And the evidence that is FACT - clearly points to this shit being planned out ahead of time - and PAID FOR.
I’ll never understand how the other side wanted and still wants Kyle in prison/dead. I guess they didn’t see guns pointed at him or getting kicked in the head.

Or just don’t give a shit cuz BLM!!!!

If you don't understand that - well then you don't really grok why your country is being disassembled all around you.
I’ll never understand how the other side wanted and still wants Kyle in prison/dead. I guess they didn’t see guns pointed at him or getting kicked in the head.

Or just don’t give a shit cuz BLM!!!!
It’ll never make sense to sensible people. They want anyone that disagrees with them and even more so willing to step up to them, dead or in jail. They know they can’t win any other way.
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