‘How Did We Not Know?’ Gun Owners Confront a Suicide Epidemic

wrong argument. wrong place.

guns are inert and kill NO ONE.

as ever, it's the monkey holding the gun that kills. before the monkey uses the gun though, the monkey has intention. it is the intention to kill, that culminates in killing. if a gun isn't immediately available, there are myriad other options. intention cannot be outlawed...although it certainly seems like we're going to try.
“ Evidence for restricting access to lethal means in prevention of suicide has strengthened since 2005, especially with regard to control of analgesics (overall decrease of 43% since 2005) and hot-spots for suicide by jumping (reduction of 86% since 2005, 79% to 91%).... concluded that firearm control legislation was associated with reduced suicides; however, more recent findings from the USA show mixed results, indicating that evidence was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of new laws...”

Although almost half of the studies evaluated firearms restriction as a means of access prevention, gun laws didn’t really pan out as an effective measure. Which is not to say there won’t be more studies funded and laws passed. Because it’s not about the suicides, it’s about the guns. And more about controlling people who own guns - not because they own guns but because they don’t support liberal, progressive policies. Somehow, they think that if you take a Republican’s guns away they become a Democrat.

You want to snuff it, get some opioids from your doctor. Just don’t admit you own guns or your doc might not give you a scrip.
To me the entire small percentage of X does Y so we need to restrict large percentage of Z thing is horseshit. Templating the ever-slippery slope of eroding personal liberty in the name of [fill in the blank] only further erodes the individual empowerment and decision-making that is the bedrock of natural law. I've had suicide in my family so don't preach to me thank you. Perhaps we are cold-hearted Trump-supporting baby killers for not getting worked up about it, but they made a decision and acted on it. A personal choice. It's becoming a national sport using bleeding heart dramatics to wrap restrictions in always pointing at guns as the boogeyman. The founders weren't pussies - for crying out loud you would think people today need government permission to take a dump. Enough already.
@Reptile your signal to noise ratio isn't very good. You have an interesting topic here, but it will be missed by most because of the massive amount of Alex Jones / tinfoil hat type garbage you post.

As to the topic - the article doesn't propose limiting rights in any way. It is more promoting the idea that we are our brothers' keeper. I've got no issue with suicide awareness material being available at gun shops, gun shows or anywhere else. As long as it is done appropriately.
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