Worcester Telegram???

That's the 'official' T&G position? Holy crap Batman! I may have to revise my assessment of that paper.
Amazing. Seriously amazing.

Then again, watching the faces of several people I've talked to about this as they realize that H.4102 would mean, I was starting to worry (more [thinking]) about the sanity of the general public. The number of letters and articles coming out supporting H.2259 is rather refreshing.
I'm not surprised....the T&G will go moonbat once and a while, but in general stand for common sense in Central MA......pretty sure they wrote an opinion supporting H2259 recently as well. It kind of amazes me since their owners are the NY Times I think, but if they get too moonbatty out here they are gonna hear from the locals. We are not Boston......

Look at the legislators out here, Lew Evangelidis, Karyn Polito, George Peterson...many others all Pro 2A....sure there's a few idiots like McGovern and the like around, but for the most part I think the T&G realizes that Central MA leans right......

If they'd get rid of Clive McFarlane and stop printing Tom Friedman's drivel, they'd be much better off......
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Had a meeting at the sportsman's club last night. They never even mentioned 4201 or 2259. I spoke with the President after, and he said if I did up a petition, he would have it for all club members to sign. He also said it could go in the club newsletter, and that they could send it to the local papers (one of which is the T&G) from the club.
Nice response from a Candidate for State Rep.

What we need to consider is that some in the government (especially the Democratic party) are using an encroachment strategy that attempts to take away the rights of the people little by little. Though (some) lawmakers may support the second amendment or any other amendment as a whole, they (or the party) may introduce limitations, fees, taxes, and regulations that will restrict the activity giving the impression that there is support. Unfortunately, if the gun owner is regulated to the extent that he or she can only fire the weapon on a Sunday from 12.00 to 1.00 pm in front of a government employee, then the rights of the owner are basically stripped. It is in my opinion that there are too many fees, restrictions, regulations and other documentation hurdles that must be removed, reduced and abolished.

We must act in accordance to the constitution. As a candidate for State Representative in the Fifth Worcester District, I fully support responsible gun owners and their right to own, buy, sell, and any responsible activity they may have. I also fully support all parts of the constitution. Government must respect the people. The people must be represented fully. And, finally, the size of government and its reach must be reduced so the freedoms of the citizens are enhanced. I will fight to reduce and abolish the encroachment that has occurred if elected this November 2nd.

Power to the people!

Rodney Josephson
Conservative Republican
Candidate, State Rep, 5th Worcester

Had a meeting at the sportsman's club last night. They never even mentioned 4201 or 2259. I spoke with the President after, and he said if I did up a petition, he would have it for all club members to sign. He also said it could go in the club newsletter, and that they could send it to the local papers (one of which is the T&G) from the club.
This kills me. How the heck can they even have a meeting without at least some mention of this? It's not like it's a federal law or something that won't affect us here much...H.4102 would completely kill almost all shooting sports by making it next to impossible for a new shooter to put together a good setup in less than 30 days.

I'm also not sure that a petition would be the most effective way to go here - I think two or three dozen individuals calling their reps would make more of a dent than a single petition signed by a gun club.
Several people at the meeting said if you tell them to call, they won't. They will go home and forget. The only way to get them to commit is to have them sign something there on the spot, right after telling them about it. This is pretty much our problem statewide, I would guess.
So, where do we pick up the pieces from this, and start fighting again? I have a few ideas I'm working on. I really think we need to have a bunch of smaller bills, and start the process earlier (January).
So, where do we pick up the pieces from this, and start fighting again? I have a few ideas I'm working on. I really think we need to have a bunch of smaller bills, and start the process earlier (January).
A bit more than 10 years ago, the Massachusetts legislature switched to a two year term, ending at the end of the Summer of the even (election) year. Now until a couple months into next year is bill submitting time.

Returning legislators (nearly all of them] usually just resubmit their bills from the previous session that didn't pass. Wording doesn't matter much, because if the "leadership" wants a bill, they just get whatever committee to completely substitute the bill text ["It's good to be King^i^i^i^i a one party state."]

I suspect the Rep. Petersen will resubmit, perhaps with a few changes. Then it'll get about the same traction, towards passage. Less, if Gov. Deval is looking to make headlines with an issue, or if there is another front-page murder (hey, they haven't arrested anyone for the multiple street murders that included the toddler). More traction, if more of the current leadership gets sent to jail (Probation Dept. scandles).

So, where do we pick up the pieces from this, and start fighting again? I have a few ideas I'm working on. I really think we need to have a bunch of smaller bills, and start the process earlier (January).

Jeez, Coyote... do you spend your days looking for dead threads to resurrect????
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