Woman's size-D breast implants save her from gunshot



Woman's size-D breast implants save her from gunshot

A woman' life was saved by her size-D breast implants when she was shot at point blank range with a semi-automatic assault rifle, her doctor said.

Lydia Carranza was working in the office of a dentist in Beverly Hills, California when a gunman ran in and opened fire.
He aimed the weapon directly at her heart but one of her silicone implants took the force of the blow, stopping bullet fragments from reaching her vital organs.


saw this on Tyra Banks today... [smile]
all the more reason to go big or go home.

Kevlar wrapped implants - the next life saving fad? My idea, and now I have 1 year to patent it before someone else can steal it.
if you search her name you can find the NCFW photos on www.mirror.co.uk no I will not post them. One would hope that she would have been hot but
probably lighter, but not cheaper, than most chicken plate chest racks, too. i gotta get me a pair of them. [laugh]

That comment is really disturbing to me, it reminds me of the guy that was on the Man Show.

[puke2] Just wrong. [laugh] Effin nightmares of Timber tonight.

A woman' life was saved by her size-D breast implants when she was shot at point blank range with a semi-automatic assault rifle, her doctor said.
BTW Semi-automatic assault rifle? [hmmm]
I have a hard time believing that even .223 would be stopped by a few inches of silicone.

Maybe instead of being a "semi-automatic assault rifle" it was a Beretta Tomcat .25.
There is a scene in Crank 2 where something similar happens. What a sick movie that is, although very funny when you can hear what they are saying.
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