Who's serious?

May 2, 2005
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Ok... So, who's serious about survival?

I know most of you will think quickly, and say "yeah, I'm all set, I have a week or so worth of food in the pantry. Though I have never hunted, I will be able to hunt to survive. I have guns and ammo, so I will be good to go."

Though that may sound good in your own mind, but if you TRULY take the time to think about it, are you really prepared?

Who stores extra food?
Who takes the extra initiative to bulk package (correctly) their own LTS (Long Term Storage) food?
Who buys LTS food?
Who has taken the proactive approach to purchase extra things that may be needed in case of a nuclear event?
Who has a bug-out plan mapped out?
Who has a "functioning" bug-out bag?
Who has a plan for bugging in? It may very well be necessary to stay put!
Who has thought out where they will go, and what they will do to protect themselves (and family) from a NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) attack.
Who has stored water?
Do you realize that it takes at LEAST 1 gallon of water per day per person just for basic survival?
Who has tested their methods?

Just some random thoughts. With all the BS going on with N. Korea and them now having the ability to make and SELL nuclear devices to our enemy's. Them having recently told us that the U.N. resolution is a "Declaration of War" and being able to single handedly create the end of the world as we know it. Yep that's right I said it... Think about it. What is the world as we know it? Answer: ANYTHING that changes the day-to-day lives of us and our loved ones.

This is something that I have been thinking a lot about recently. Not specifically a nuclear event, but the world as we know it coming to an end. What will people do, how will they act toward their fellow man? What will happen to good decent folks once their food runs out, and their children are hungry?

What do you think?
I can honestly say that I've prepared as much as possible for the "just in case" scenario. My wife thinks I'm nuts and my mother actually asked me one day if I thought the world was going to end because my wife mentioned that I was stockpiling stuff. That was an interesting conversation to say the least.

Currently have about a months worth of MRE's and water stored in the basement, plenty of ammo and firearms, a Katadyn water filter, plywood for the windows and doors etc. I still need to look at getting NBC filters and suits, so in that respect I'm not fully ready yet for the ultimate "just in case" scenario.

If I have to bug out of my house I do have full BOBs in the basement that just need to have food put in them from the MREs before we hit the road. If I can drive it's either off to the parents house in Western Ma or down to my sister in laws house down by the cape. They are both off the beaten path and are next to lakes so water and fish are readily available as needed. If I have to leave on foot, the BOBs are ALICE packs and I have a tent in mine for setup in the woods if needed. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

I also have BOB in my truck that is set up with three days of food and water, along with the basics needed for survival.

Who knows. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I do feel better knowing I'm somewhat prepared. I hopefully never have to use it, but I'd rather have this stuff now then need it when it's to late.
Who knows. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I do feel better knowing I'm somewhat prepared. .

It's not that you are paranoid, but rather you are realistic! In my way of thinking, it's not IF but more correctly WHEN you will need it.

As for my family... Well, my mother and father are on board. I have already talked to them, and they agree with my way of thinking. In fact, I have been preparing for LTS food, and doing some bulk packaging on my own. My parents both come from less than well to do family's. In both cases, their parents went through the depression, and were brought up in "the back woods" and both know the benefits to preparation. As an added bonus, my father retired from 24 years of military service. My sister on the other hand gives a giggle and says "what, are you waiting for a nuclear war"? I have already worked out a but-out plan with my mother and father. If vehicle is able to be used, it is to my grand parents house in N. Central Maine. If it's a but-in situation, my parents house is fairly defendable. However I have done some research, and my basement though small, could be made into a shelter suitable for fall-out protection.
I have already been working on NBC preps. I have a mask, hood and 7 filters. I only need a suit suitable for this. I have been looking into detection devices, and have been educating myself on their uses.

Take a look here... This is what FEMA sees as potential targets for our state.
based on that... I'm screwed.

But.. I keep easing the wife into this idea... she looks at me like Im crazy, but I keep trying.

I have convinced her to start the stockpile of dry non parishable food.

But it is a slow process with her. She "Likes living in la la land"
My bug out plan looks to be screwed as well if they start to nuke Springfield. The parents house is between Worcester and Springfield. We'd be right in the fallout path. Though, I don't see them wasting nukes there seeing how many other targets there are in the US.
my main thought if I had to evac from home, to head west around the city and then north until I see nothing but trees.

That's a good plan, but the point behind this thread, is do you have everything and I mean EVERYTHING you need on hand right at this moment to get you and yours there?

And if you have to go by foot, do you and yours have the ability to carry 70+ lb packs? If not, what plan do you have on getting you, your family, and your gear to where you need to go.
Pittsfield !?!

Yes to about 80%. Have one too young and one too old for foot travel. Buggin' in. Haven't thought much of NBC untill N. Korea did their test. Now it's the whole freakin' cold war all over again.
I've got some supplies for survival but nothing solid yet, but I am getting more and more organized. I know my family and I stand a better chance of surving a disaster than the average Joe next door with his flashlight, rifle, and some canned ravioli.
Although looking at that map, looks like New Bedford is a bullseye so I'd probably wind up a fried corpse holding the remains of an AK47.[hmmm]
But you'll be the BEST damn armed fried corpse in New Bedford!! I'd say I'll be the best armed one in Marlboro, but I know that there are at least 3 other NESers in town, so I might not be...
Having been trained about radiation . . . the control, use, after-effects, etc. I long ago decided that in a nuclear attack the best place to be is right under the device! Quick and simple vs. long, protracted, unbelievably painful death.

For other problems, we are "bugging in"! NO roads out of here can even sustain daily commuter traffic without grinding to a complete halt to 20mph for hours. Safer in the house with whatever amenities exist and plenty of food and liquids, guns and ammo.
If Boston gets nuked, I'm going outside to watch and cheer on the missiles or whatever it is that's nuking us. [laugh]

Don't worry about me, I'll see you all in the next life. But at least I get to watch Mumbles and his lackeys get what they deserve! [smile]
I've been slowly accumulating the needed items as the budget allows. Katrina helped get my wife interested.

Not everything is organized the way I'd like yet, but it is started. We do have a bug out location to head to with a water supply and I have a Katahdin filter if needed en route. I also store/rotate water in the house. LTS food is next on the list, we don't have enough of that.

Probably getting my HAM license next Spring so that will hopefully add another level of communication. Currently we have GMRS radios for our own use.
If I stay : I am a quarter mile from my wifes job as warehouse manager for a food bar/suppliment company. Enough food for years in mylar wrapping. I have a house that can be heated with wood - and I have wood.

If I leave : I have a jeep , a stash of cash , a functional bug out bag , a cabin in Western Maine with a well and 10 acres , and alternate routes planned to get there. I have no plan to be stuck on I95 watching each other run out of gas ... I learned my lesson just watching the evacuation of Houston last year.

And of course I have firearms and ammo.

My bug out bag has only a few essentials : A large first aid kit , a quality water filter , fire making , orienteering ( maps & compass ) hand crank radio , and the usual trinkets and batteries ...

My jeep is well maintained , has a good tool kit , hi lift jack , full sized spare , has seen off road time ... a current converter , aftermarket heater , ...

I don't plan to kill myself.
I strongly suggest anyone that lives in the "Snow Belt" to keep at least a couple weeks supply of food around. You never know when an Ice Storm is going to hit, and they're NASTY. I worked the one in Northern NY/VT in 1998 on the VT side of the lake. My house was on the lower end of damage, so we didn't have it so bad, but up by the Canadian Border where I went, things weren't nice.
WRT all this.....

I'm doubtful that the terrorists are going to be able to deploy what I consider
a "real" nuke. If that's the vector, its going to either be a dirty bomb, or
some other small device, or "piper cub offense" type deal with a small device
airbursted. There will likely be more damage caused by panic than the
actual device itself, IMHO.

Far more likely to happen to any of us is a "Katrina Grade" natural disaster of
some sort..... Hurricane, Earthquake.... tornado... etc. IMO its best to
prepare for that first.... with that goal in mind... and then expand from
there. I'm thinking a week worth of reserves around would not be a bad
idea, to start. Plan to bug in, or bug out. IMO bug out is more likely for
city dwellers due to dangers due to riots and the like, bug in is more likely
for those in more suburbian or rural areas.

Long term disasters are going to require more advanced planning... if things
go to the verge of TEOTWAKI, then you'll be screwed unless you have
formed a community of people to encamp with ahead of time. You'll
need adequate resources (people you get along with) and firepower to gun
down the hordes of mad peons that did not prepare, and wish to steal food/supplies
from you. You'll also need a base/camp thats relatively
defendable and off the beaten path. The hordes are more likely to
attack those closer to where they originate from than to travel 50 miles
to -possibly- get supplies.... IMO long term getting far away from
cities is a good idea. Take a look at the third world.... where does most
of the violence occur in? It's almost always in and around places where
there are tons of people. Staying away from them is just simply good

Plan to bug in, or bug out. IMO bug out is more likely for city dwellers due to dangers due to riots and the like, bug in is more likely for those in more suburbian or rural areas.

Long term disasters are going to require more advanced planning... if things
go to the verge of TEOTWAKI, then you'll be screwed unless you have
formed a community of people to encamp with ahead of time. You'll
need adequate resources (people you get along with) and firepower to gun
down the hordes of mad peons that did not prepare, and wish to steal food/supplies from you. You'll also need a base/camp thats relatively
defendable and off the beaten path. The hordes are more likely to
attack those closer to where they originate from than to travel 50 miles
to -possibly- get supplies.... IMO long term getting far away from
cities is a good idea. Take a look at the third world.... where does most
of the violence occur in? It's almost always in and around places where
there are tons of people. Staying away from them is just simply good


Solid advice right there. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to gather a week or two worth of food and water either. [wink]

Personally I plan for 30 days, but that's me, I'm a gambling man... [smile]
I don't really know the landscape north of Boston too well. Looking at the map that Adam posted, what are the "targets" that make a solid hit line moving northwest from Boston to Lowell?
That would be the Rt 3 Corridor. Loads of people and business... like where I work in Billerica.

I've never really thought seriously about this... maybe I should...
It it were a nuclear attack the EMP would knock most of the routers on the east coast backplane out any ways. The NES server is located in Minnesota. No self respecting dictator would ever think to bomb Minnesota. [smile]
According to FEMA. That map is just a guideline based on worse case scenario full on Nuclear war. In that mode of thinking, any population center with a populous over 100,000 is a potential target.

Now to the real world. Terrorist are our biggest threat. Terrorist will go for one thing and one thing only. Kill the most people as possible. With that in mind, thinking that anything other than Boston getting hit is VERY unlikely to happen. Though, for those of us outside Boston, our greatest threat will be displaced, desperate people. Having the ability to hunker down were you are for at LEAST a month will be what will save you.

What I think is the more likely scenario, is that they would hit major power stations, and take out the grid. That would end all utilities would be down. Stores would most likely not be open, and depending on how bad they do take us down, it could be a month or more to get back online.

If they went nuclear, I would think NY city would be a more likely target than Boston. If the attack were a large one in NY city, we may have to contend with fall-out. Fall-out is very survivable, if you take the correct precautions. Again, you would more than likely have to shelter where you are, until it's safe to leave. And that takes time....

That map I posted, shows where the danger of pressure related deaths would occur due to a nuclear detonation. Remember, fall-out rises miles up into the atmosphere, and floats back down to earth in a radioactive state. Depending on prevailing winds, it could spread for hundreds of miles.

I need to go check my ammo supply now! [smile]
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