White House plans to leave a seat empty at the SOTU for victims of "gun violence"

I blame this shit on Woodrow Wilson. Over 100 years had passed with the SoU being delivered in writing before he decided to make it into a speech. Until Obama, Woody was our worst president ever.
Roosevelt takes that title hands down, but Wilson is definitely in the bottom 5.
Kabuki. Its rather sad, really...

Always has been.

Clark to bring Chair of Muslim Voter Registration Project to State of the Union

Washington D.C. – Congresswoman Katherine Clark announced that Weston’s Nazda Alam will be her guest to President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday. Alam is a Muslim-American community organizer who was born in Bangladesh and immigrated to the United States in 1982. She serves as the Chair of the Muslim Voter Registration Project and works to increase civic and electoral participation among Muslim and immigrant communities.

“While the Donald Trump wing of the Republican party continues to poison our political system with hateful, anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant rhetoric, there are people like Nazda who are working to strengthen our democracy and better our communities,” said Clark.

“When the President delivers his priorities to the nation tomorrow, I want him to look up and see an audience that reflects our nation’s challenges and successes. As a Muslim-American mother of two, Nazda’s story represents millions of Americans who are contributing to our communities and working to hard make our country succeed, and I’m proud to have her as my guest.“

They should leave the rest of the chamber empty in honor of victims of Planned Parenthood violence.

"Over 55 Million Satisfied Customers!"
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" "No, don't think so, but no one's sitting in it." "Oh ok, maybe someone went to the bathroom, if they come back I'll leave."
I just googled 2016 State of the Union Ratings....

The MSM Obama boot lickers were already putting out "news" about why no one will watch it.

NPR, Time,

I watched...can't figure out why he kept mentioning MKL saying unarmed peace. I could only surmise that he wants to band 2A and grab guns.

He also mentioned to the members to think outside their parties ideologies or something to that affect. I took that to mean he wanted republicans to stand with him on gun control.

He is such a snake. maybe they are voting what they believe. Wonder if he ever thought of that.
Every time I read shit like this, I hear that "arms of an angel" SPCA song in the back of my head. All we need now is a few sad looking pets, and off we go.

you are literally worse than hitler with that one. every time those commercials come on it's a mad dash to the remote by both me and the lady. humans are one thing, but you show us sad animals and we can't take it.
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