What's With All this GUN VIOLENCE Commercials?

Jul 17, 2007
North Reading, MA
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Couldn't help but notice the sharp increase in Anti-gun / Stop gun-violence commercials recently. The first time I saw one was on Fox25, go figure. But it didn't stop there, nope, it followed me on my TV entertainment voyage to the good old History channel. These commercials target the obvious, moms by threatening these soccer moms that guns will hunt down their children and kill them.
I’m sure a 30 second piece on TV will convince minority criminals to change their ways. On top of that it is only asking them not to commit crimes with guns. I guess violence by other means is ok or they would have mentioned try just not hurting other people. or maybe I missed the point
My guess, and it's just that, is that it's probably not just your perception.
Anti's might have bulked up their war chest specifically for fear mongering commercials post Heller to try and influence constituents that may push back at state or local changes or new introductions.
+1 we cancelled cable tv a couple of months ago, and now I cringe whenever I see a commercial. I just wish we'd done it sooner.

I tend to shy away from goods when I see a lot of advertising for it.... if the product is good, it'll sell itself once it's big enough....
My guess, and it's just that, is that it's probably not just your perception.
Anti's might have bulked up their war chest specifically for fear mongering commercials post Heller to try and influence constituents that may push back at state or local changes or new introductions.

That's what I'm saying. PS, I'm not really a cable TV guy but I do enjoy History Channel, Military Channel, anything with substance
Has anyone seen these commercials though? They show two kids doing a drug deal, and blame gun violence as the reason one of them died. I say one of the homies was holding out, and that's what killed him. So I say we pass a law that strictly prohibits homies from holding out.
You cant win with these foolish cater to the scary emotion commercials, at least with drunk drivers they blame the driver and not Ford, Toyota, *Dodge...

Though as a Dodge owner I do blame Dodge directly for most ills of the world.
This goes to show you how tv adds on gun violence is all screwed up. You have television series where there is nothing but gun violence and then they follow with anti-gun commercials.
With gov deville the antis may see this Commonwealth as low hanging fruit. That and the glut of legislation deville has in the works. The antis have begun their propaganda campaign. Blech.
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