What an outrage... [Ephesian Arms]

If anybody wants to let this guy know what they think about his opinions you can find him working in the electrical aisle of the home depot down there.

is that the somerset home depot? afaik there is not one in fall river
In Bellingham there is a dunkin donuts and a honey dew like... A quarter mile from each other!!

In Boston there are two Starbucks in Copley Place Mall and one across the street from the mall. That's 3!! A couple blocks away there's a fourth and a bit further, a block away from my house there's a fifth. I'm going to write the author of this article so he can expose this egregious offense to the public.
Damn.....A gun store near a school.........Something should be done about this![rolleyes]

He'd probably crap his pants if he knew one of the largest gun stores in NH is less than 40 yards from a day care center.
Oh the horrors!
Children can see a gun shop from their window!
Yes - 2 ! OMG !
And by the way - There's at least 7 Dunkin Donuts within a couple miles of the store...
Ask yourself - Which is likely to pose a greater danger to your health ?
I had my reply all typed only to find out I can only comment if logged into facebook or linkedin. WTF. Oh well. Here's what I was going to say.

"I cannot accept this, and I will not."
You're free to not accept it all you want; it's just going to make you unhappy. I'd be thrilled to have a gun shop near me. Unfortunately, now I have to drive past people like you to get to one. That makes ME unhappy. I'll be sure to wave, though.
the real sad part is that these "small town" newpapers print this shit. The Sun Chronicle in my area is notorious for printing these horribly written letters, often omitting any affiliation. This prick Dennis Naughton was constantly writing liberal bullshit, and they never mentioned any affiliation he had with the Democratic Committee of MA.

Is this the guy? hahahaha.... I love when people post pictures online of themselves and then they end up somewhere they don't want.
Find out his address and subscribe him to all the gun magazines and other gun mailings. That should make his head explode.
I did that to a jerk teacher in high school, went to the library and pulled all the magazine signup postcards, around a hundred or so
"I can not and will not accept this."

This guy is a gun nut. He is playing a joke on all of us.

I was at the shop when this toolbag came in.

BTW he Bitched at mike right in front of 2 fall River cops.

All we could do was laugh when he stormed out!
someone with some photo shop skills could very easily remove that bottle from his hand and mouth in his photo and maybe put something else in its place [smile]
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