Watch the police remove a Watertown family from their home, and then search it.

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The tonal qualities of the green and midnight sky dark grey military vehicles provide a striking contrast to the white and burnt orange houses in the distance--what a beautiful scene to wake up to.


Yes i will stand in this armored vehicle for protection............but ill leave the door open [hmmm]
WATERTOWN, MA -- A journalist for ABC News (pictured on the left) had a "heart-stopping" encounter with police when they accused her of being a terrorist with a bomb in her backpack.

“I was walking with my camera trying to get a better sense of where the SWAT teams were all congregating when all of a sudden, three officers…with their guns drawn, forced me to the ground, and told me that they suspicious of my backpack and thought I might be the suspect,” ABC producer Megan Chuchmach explained. “Time stood still.”
"Go back inside your house, answer the door when we knock on it please."

"Close your window, go back inside your house, answer the door..."

That guy must have shit his pants, he moved to close that window faster than a group of illiterates lining up for free obamaphones.

So yeah, they were ordering people to answer the door.
This. Cop bashing is rampant on this forum, to the point where its almost embarassing. I used to come here for knowledge from good folks (whom are still around, and, thanks for the past help), but, honestly, half the people here LOOK for conspiracies, and that bothers me. Flame away-doesnt matter-its a forum. You have your opinion, I have mine. The LEOs that participated in the hunt, did an excellent job. The NAtional Guard went out there WITHOUT FIREARMS and assisted as well. The rest of us watched on TV. So, keep up with the monday morning QBing, cop bashing, and conspiracy theories.

How do you know they did an excellent job without hearing all of the facts, being there, etc? I really hate to see such a rush to judgment. We should reserve our opinions until all information is available. No doubt government will be telling us the details soon, with excellent documentation and no editorial intent. Let's wait patiently before we rush to such conclusions. It's the only reasonable thing to do.
This guy is a righty.

Hi sheep, I have you in my sights!


- - - Updated - - -

Hello, hello!

Anybody home?

There is a lot of assuming going on in this thread.

I've yet to hear of one complaint by the residents that were actually affected by this. They all seem grateful. Just because a video looks like one way doesn't mean it was. What do you know about that house or those people? Did they call? Maybe they had a warrant? Maybe someone said they were being held hostage in there? DO YOU KNOW? I don't know for sure. But since it has to do with the cops, then I guess they were automatically wrong and doing something illegal.

+1 Exactly!!!

I'm surprised at the lack of common sense.
Last time i checked there was a 19 yr old nut case running around Watertown, possibly with a bomb strapped to his body and firearms.
If anyone here was a hostage to a guy with a possible trigger switch or had his family at gun point, you would be praying the boys in black stop bye for a chat. Let me guess, all the big hero's here will take him out on their own right??? Please!! Bunch of big talkers!!!

View attachment 64367
+1 Exactly!!!

I'm surprised at the lack of common sense.
Last time i checked there was a 19 yr old nut case running around Watertown, possibly with a bomb strapped to his body and firearms.
If anyone here was a hostage to a guy with a possible trigger switch or had his family at gun point, you would be praying the boys in black stop bye for a chat. Let me guess, all the big hero's here will take him out on their own right??? Please!! Bunch of big talkers!!!

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I can understand where Serapis is coming from, we don't know the full story etc. but you just sound like an ass. There are many here who would not have wanted any police "assistance", regardless of the circumstances, and yes, would have "taken him out" if he came into their home. That's hardly hero talk, most of us here carry guns, there wouldn't be much point if we weren't prepared to use them if and when necessary.
Wow some of the pictures here are disturbing. Pointing firearms at people looking out their windows?

It creates a nice feedback mechanism. Point gun at home owner looking out window, home owner hits the floor, that looks suspicious, storm the house. But, in fairness, we should consider that bad guys might hit the floor too, and after all there was one 19 year old with a pipe bomb out there, so you know... Bonus question: how many armed 19 year old males who present a danger to society are out there right now.
Has anyone considered the possibility that the police may have believed he fled to Watertown because he had friendly accomplices there? Not justifying any actions taken by them, but something to consider if YOU were in their shoes, WITHOUT all the benefit of knowing the information you do now, but the same info they had at the time...NONE.
+1 Exactly!!!

I'm surprised at the lack of common sense.
Last time i checked there was a 19 yr old nut case running around Watertown, possibly with a bomb strapped to his body and firearms.
If anyone here was a hostage to a guy with a possible trigger switch or had his family at gun point, you would be praying the boys in black stop bye for a chat. Let me guess, all the big hero's here will take him out on their own right??? Please!! Bunch of big talkers!!!

View attachment 64367

I will NEVER want the police to show up at my house for ANYTHING!!!

If I cant handle things on my own and the end result is my untimely death... than so be it.

It is to be noted that I have no children, so dont play the kid card on me.
Bonus question: how many armed 19 year old males who present a danger to society are out there right now.

On what scale???I think it's safe to say there arent many 19 year olds out there willing to blow up the Boston Marathon Finishline, or some other World wide event. But without a doubt there are plenty of armed 19yr olds that do the usual gangster BS with their Glock 9's that are a danger to society.
Has anyone considered the possibility that the police may have believed he fled to Watertown because he had friendly accomplices there? Not justifying any actions taken by them, but something to consider if YOU were in their shoes, WITHOUT all the benefit of knowing the information you do now, but the same info they had at the time...NONE.

Nope, not in this Forum, your in the wrong place for common sense. There is no justification for anything LE do, especially when one of the largest manhunts in history is going on for a bombing suspect of a unknown event called the Boston Marathon, no big deal though.
On what scale???I think it's safe to say there arent many 19 year olds out there willing to blow up the Boston Marathon Finishline, or some other World wide event. But without a doubt there are plenty of armed 19yr olds that do the usual gangster BS with their Glock 9's that are a danger to society.

How many did you think were out there before the bombing?
Inside the SWAT team search of Watertown » Local News », Salem, MA

decent article on the North Shore swat unit...answers the question of 'what if you say no'

Over and over, they knocked on doors and asked to search inside.

“Most of the time ... it was, ‘Yeah, please come in, please check it out.’ People were extremely helpful. They really wanted that extra sense of security that nobody was in their house.” Along the way, he said they met a lot of “very scared people.”

When a homeowner said there was no need to search, they looked hard at the individual and situation to make sure the person wasn’t acting under duress, that the suspect wasn’t inside.

When nobody answered a knock, they checked around the house for signs of forced entry or anything that looked suspicious.
How many did you think were out there before the bombing?

Just as many as after, but one less. lets be realistic about the odds here. This is not an everyday occurance for any age group in this country, we don't live in Israel??
Wait a second....

Wasn't Martlet calling this B.S. just the other day?

Told you it wasn't just my friends. The fed departments and state departments are f***ing crazy and don't give a sh*t about your rights.

No, Martlet was saying the "let's have a revolution brigade" was tinfoiling their way into grand scale martial law when they didn't even have any facts yet.

That hasn't changed.
Just as many as after, but one less. lets be realistic about the odds here. This is not an everyday occurance for any age group in this country, we don't live in Israel??

Yet. It's important that we remember that. A real leader would have stepped out and calmed the public, told them that we are better than livestock to be herded into shelter when fearful, and made clear that our liberties will never be sacrificed in response to terror. A leader would have said that we are too strong, too resilient, and our liberties too important to allow one little man to bring down our way of life even for an instant. We should be moving toward a well armed and peaceful society -- a society that hates war, death, and conflict, but stands ready to deal the same when attacked. Instead America projects the image of a cowardly bunch, always willing to go kill offshore, but recoiling in horror and weakness when a hint of that killing comes here. We show the spirit of a fattened schoolyard bully when we should aspire to the role of enlightened defenders of freedom. It very much matters what we do in these isolated events. They set the pattern for our future acts. They define who we are.
No-knocks have a purpose, but I'd agree they're vastly overused.

As Ilya Shapiro said at a speaking event my student organization held last week, "Get rid of the failed war on drugs and most of these 4th Amendment issues wouldn't even come up."

I wholeheartedly agree with that. 99% of the no-knocks in this country are based on malum prohibitum trash, usually from the WOD. As a matter of fact if the WOD didn't exist, this thread probably wouldn't even exist, because such forced raids would be unquestionably RARE and people would be more apt to give the police WAY more latitude in their response. The WOD has pretty much incinerated a "bridge of good faith" between a typical citizen and LE, and that is a travesty.

How about reserving judgment until you have as many facts as possible?

I'm not making any judgement, other than saying "it looks bad". I have acknowledged it might not be. No different than my reaction after seeing a cop beat the **** out of someone on a dash cam- it looks bad, but with further information it might have been justified.

How about maybe even doing a little digging?

Where? Other than filing a FOIA request not much digging can be done. There is so much lawyerism these days that a citizen calling up say the police chief, or someone high up in the food chain, will probably result in a "no comment" response.

It's probable you'll get no where, but I bet not one of the 100 something odd posters--other the Glasgow--even made an attempt to figure out the context. Shit, drop a line to or Cato and see what they have to say about it.

FWIW I'm glad he posted in this thread- this is the type of information that you will simply NOT get without having an "In" somewhere. Media is typically too busy polishing itself and repeating the same story that ONE reporter started, etc, and screwing up the facts along the way.

No one around here wants to do any of that. Why? Because should the facts that go against a violation of rights actually surface, it might spoil the "the 4th Amendment has no exceptions ever", anti-cop circle jerk going on in this thread. Seriously, everyone around here claims to be all for indivdual rights--sometimes
I'm convinced you guys hope the cops are violating rights just so you can complain about it.

Can't speak for any of the other posters in this thread but I would like to be in a country where a violation of rights was a "rare exception" rather than something that seems to be occurring more and more.

I'd be less apt to take LEOs to task on this kind of thing if more of them were able to stand up and tell legislators that all these bullshit laws are effectively making their job far tougher than it needs to be. The problem is the way its rigged in many places is you gotta wear duct tape
over your mouth if you want to keep your job, and with that, nothing changes.

Then again, even if there was a warrant, then everyone will assume the underlying PC isn't good enough.

I might not agree with the rationale and rubber stamping of warrants (particularly in the case of malum prohibitum bullshit) but at least if there is something resembling real PC/justification I can at least live with that a lot better than "yeah we hustled all these people out at gunpoint that lived around there because it sounded like a good idea." or some BS. At least in this case they had a reasonable possibility of having to deal with "a known violent suspect, running around with bombs at least, and possibly a gun. " That's better than the usual PC one sees.

It very much matters what we do in these isolated events. They set the pattern for our future acts. They define who we are.


I'm sure the Al Queda/durkas that hate us are laughing at us every time they watch a TSA gate rape video on youtube. "Achmed, look at this... americans molesting one another at airports so they can "feel safe" and it's all because of what we did." We look stupid when we shut down like 4 +cities to look for ONE guy who "possibly maybe has bombs.". Now the durkas know they can completely dominate us with fear for a few days by weilding a washed up durka teenager and a few of the worlds crappiest IEDs. [thinking]

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