Vincent D'Onofrio (GOMER PYLE) supports mag ban

Trouble is, a lot of people in this country idolize these moonbats and believe every word they say. [puke2]

If you idolize someone for acting, which is nothing more than playing pretend for a living, you're not the kind of person who is going to be persuaded by logic anyway.

You know what I mean? Making absurd amounts of money by playing pretend for a living is going to put you so far out of touch with the reality that the other 99% of the population is facing on a daily basis. So, for the rest of the 99% of the population to take the opinions of these actors, singers, and entertainers to be credible, is beyond me.
Trouble is, a lot of people in this country idolize these moonbats and believe every word they say. [puke2]

Really... more people vote for American Idol than the national elections.

I will say their are certain actors who go above and beyond in trying to tell important stories. Tom Hanks comes to mind.

That's awesome.

Maybe some of the Hollywood "celebrities" ought to take a cue from porn actresses - when they open their mouths it's only for business. Other than that they keep the mouths shut and their opinions to themselves.

The one entertainer I have some degree of respect for vis a vis their stance on politics - is Stevie Nicks. I still remember a radio interview I heard with her at least a decade ago where the interviewer asked her what her opinion was on some subject (can't remember what it was now), her response was execellent - it ran something like this " You know - I make it a point to not comment on politics or any of that kind of stuff, it's not my place. I am entertainer - I love being an entertainer - and people respect me for THAT. I don't want to abuse that position to try and influence people "

That was the best response I have EVER heard coming from any "entertainer".

She puts her money where her mouth is too:

I didn't realize she had that much class. I respect that.
The one entertainer I have some degree of respect for vis a vis their stance on politics - is Stevie Nicks. I still remember a radio interview I heard with her at least a decade ago where the interviewer asked her what her opinion was on some subject (can't remember what it was now), her response was execellent - it ran something like this " You know - I make it a point to not comment on politics or any of that kind of stuff, it's not my place. I am entertainer - I love being an entertainer - and people respect me for THAT. I don't want to abuse that position to try and influence people "

That's pretty cool, I bet she does believe in it personally, but it's also smart marketing on her part.

I mean, look at it this way, say you are famous entertainer X. You have an opinion on Y, that will piss off at least 25% of the general population, some of whom might be your fans. You can either keep your mouth shut (or at least, make your political leanings something people have to dig for and most people won't know) and not alienate part of your fan/listener/viewer base, or you can open up your yap and do stupid things like make political statements while performing or appearing in public (like this douchebag, the dixie chicks, and streisand did) and then do nothing but get people pissed off at you for pretty much zero real gain for whatever "cause" it is you felt free to abuse your fame over.

She has a point, though... especially if her entertaining never had political pap in it to begin with. That is what pisses listeners off the most. Whenever a performer "goes political" it usually ends up being full retard mode. The only real people that can get away with this stuff are the ones who were always political out of the gate. People don't like it when some performer goes full political douchebag when it had never really been part of the act.

I'm at loss as to what Vincent D'Onofrio had to do with Gomer Pyle?

The former is in one of the Law & Order series, and Pyle was played by Jim Nabors.

He actually was good in FMJ and "The Cell". I still don't care what his opinion is, though. :)

+1 . He was pretty good in MIB as Edgar too, but I really don't care what any celebrity thinks about anything, until they run for office. We need another Ronald Reagan.

I guess it's okay that he has that Winchester M12 Pump because it can only hold five rounds [thinking].
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