Update 3/8/09 - It's SHTF Time On The Mexican Border


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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PHOENIX (Reuters) – Hit men dressed in fake police tactical gear burst into a home in Phoenix, rake it with gunfire and execute a man.

Armed kidnappers snatch victims from cars and even a local shopping mall across the Phoenix valley for ransom, turning the sun-baked city into the "kidnap capital" of the United States.

Violence of this kind is common in Mexico where drug cartel abductions and executions are a daily feature of a raging drug war that claimed 6,000 lives south of the border last year.

[B/But U.S. authorities now fear that violent crime is beginning to bleed over the porous Mexico border and take hold here.[/B]

"The fight in Mexico is about domination of the smuggling corridors and those corridors don't stop at the border," Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard said.

Execution style murders, violent home invasions, and a spiraling kidnap rate in Phoenix -- where police reported an average of one abduction a day last year linked to Mexican crime -- are not the only examples along the border.

In southern California, police have investigated cases of Americans abducted by armed groups tied to the Tijuana drug trade. One involved a businesswoman and her teenage daughter snatched in San Diego last year and held to ransom south of the border.

In south Texas, a live hand grenade traced back to a Mexican cartel stash was tossed onto the pool table of a bar frequented by off-duty police officers in January. The pin was left in it and the assailant fled.


Mexican traffickers have always been violent, but the death toll has soared since President Felipe Calderon took office in late 2006 and sent tens of thousands of troops to fight the country's powerful cocaine cartels.

Soldiers have fought pitched battles with drug gangs in several Mexican towns and overwhelmed police officers have fled municipal forces the length of the border. In many cases, police officers have been paid off by the drug gangs or even joined them.

In a sign of an increasingly desperate struggle to rein in the violence, Calderon this week ordered 5,000 more troops and federal police to Ciudad Juarez, just across the border from El Paso, Texas.

The cartels have killed 250 people in Ciudad Juarez in the past month, forced the police chief to resign, and shut down the airport with bomb threats.

The struggle by outgunned Mexican authorities to contain the violence was highlighted for Arizona state police last November, when Mexican police officers pinned down in a raging gun battle in Nogales, Sonora, reached out to them with an urgent request for more bullets

While U.S. authorities stress they have not seen anything like the kind of street battles and horrific beheadings that are now common in Mexico, they are already taking action to curb was has become known as "overspill".

Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he wants 1,000 troops to guard the border. The state's Attorney General Greg Abbott is backing legislation to crack down on money laundering and human, drug and weapons trafficking through the state by the warring Gulf and Sinaloa cartels.

Lawmakers in Arizona heard testimony on border violence last week from police and prosecutors, who are seeking more robust measures to seize smugglers' assets, as well as cracking down harder on gunrunning to Mexico.


Washington has stepped up support for Calderon, pledging to give Mexico helicopters, surveillance aircraft, inspection equipment and police training under a $1.4 billion plan to beat the cartels in Mexico and Central America.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano -- a former Arizona governor -- told a Congressional hearing last week she was focused on curbing the southbound traffic in guns that are being used to arm the violent cartels.

In a measure of that commitment, a Phoenix gun dealer goes on trial next week on charges he sold hundreds of weapons, including AK-47 assault rifles, to smugglers knowing they would send them to a powerful cartel in Sinaloa state on Mexico's Pacific coast.

As the spiraling drug violence shakes Mexican cities and towns along the U.S. border, U.S. Senate lawmakers announced last week they would hold two hearings to assess the ability of U.S. security forces to deal with the rise in crime on the U.S. side.

Senator Joseph Lieberman, chairman of the homeland security governmental affairs committee, said the panel would assess border security programs already in place and review whether federal, state and local authorities are ready to respond to any serious spillover of the Mexican drugs war.

For the sheriff of Hidalgo County, in south Texas, where the live grenade was thrown into a bar in Pharr, possibly by street gang members armed by a Mexican cartel, that renewed attention to the war on his doorstep can only be welcome.

"It's the first time we've had a hand grenade attack," Guadalupe Trevino told Reuters. "I believe there's more out there that we need to find."

(Additional reporting by Ed Stoddard in Dallas and Randall Mikkelsen in Washington; Editing by Kieran Murray)
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i have said this for a long time. border patrol should be sniper training. crossings would end quickly after word of that got out.
a co-worker, who just last week got back from "tourist safe" Cancun, was robbed at gunpoint twice.. ended up coming home early as all of his plastic and cash were taken.

He, his wife, and 2 young daughters had managed to get back to the airport with absolutely 0 resources courtesy of friends wiring them money.

It's time to make sure this shit stops at the border, and not an inch more.
a co-worker, who just last week got back from "tourist safe" Cancun, was robbed at gunpoint twice.. ended up coming home early as all of his plastic and cash were taken.

He, his wife, and 2 young daughters had managed to get back to the airport with absolutely 0 resources courtesy of friends wiring them money.

It's time to make sure this shit stops at the border, and not an inch more.


indeed... I can't stand the guy and he's the most obnoxious of liberal/neo-communist... he dares to wear an Obama button every day (but hell, I work in Cambridge).

He can't stand me, as I'm the only one capable of putting him in his place when he starts running his mouth... but it still infuriates me to no end that he, his wife, and 2 young girls had to go through such an experience....

And now the feds are allowing this to spill over into Texas and Arizona. This is treason.
And now the feds are allowing this to spill over into Texas and Arizona. This is treason.

Honestly, I think a much bigger part of it is the dumbed-down, unarmed and complacent Americans they're dealing with. Yes, the border is the Feds responsibility, but armed response from private citizens would be a big help too.
Honestly, I think a much bigger part of it is the dumbed-down, unarmed and complacent Americans they're dealing with. Yes, the border is the Feds responsibility, but armed response from private citizens would be a big help too.

Unfortunately, citizens in those areas probably live in fear of doing anything other than keeping a muzzle pointed at there front door at night.

If 2 border guards can go to jail for doing their jobs, what choice does a lowly civilian have?

It's absolutely sick.
I suggested this on several occasions when I was a member of the gun board known as Calguns.net. (Check my joke thread it has a link to the joke thread I had on that board and a link to my profile there) where I suggested sniper towers and electric fences, mine fields etc.

I was called racist by one of the more prominent mods (Mexican legal or illegal?)

Kenpro Professor and I were banned for at least in part our disgust of the illegal aliens infesting California.

ETA: Ill do a search and link to the threads and or posts I made about this if I can locate them.

NES group hunting trip, anyone? [devil2]
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I was called racist by one of the more prominent mods (Mexican legal or illegal?)

Kenpro Professor and I were banned for at least in part our disgust of the illegal aliens infesting California.

Racist eh? I wish more people would do a little research into the true definition of the term.

If getting banned from Calguns causes you to post more frequently here, I'm glad you got banned. Common sense that doesn't yield to asinine levels of sensitivity is rare, and valued in my eyes.
At this point doesn't Mexico constitute an imminent threat to the safety of out nation and we should move troops to the border?

Probably not to our nation as a whole, but certainly to tax paying, law abiding, innocent civilians in border areas.

As I see it, that is a perfect reason for, at the very least, the states to deploy their respective national guards as auxiliary border support.

My accusation towards the fed's previously isn't meant to be a generalization, as I feel they are responsible for a lot of pressure on the states to not do all that they can. And, if they had been doing their jobs all along, state level national guard movement wouldn't be necessary.
Thanks for that.

I will recount a post that got me a temp ban ( as I recall a 3 day ban) and it was on of the things I was called racist for as well.

I said that the area I grew up in South East Los Angeles area called Maywood (which now is a sanctuary city for Mexican illegal aliens) was once upon a time a nice place to live, Meaning it wasn't always infested with illegal alien Mexicans.

The mod didnt like my saying that, as it turns out he is a Mexican himself.

And please dont categorize me as a Mexican hater as its very untrue I have several very close friends that happen to be Mexican.

And I actually worked with Cheech Marin on a few films and got along great with him. I use to work in films and commercials in the special effects area.

Racist eh? I wish more people would do a little research into the true definition of the term.

If getting banned from Calguns causes you to post more frequently here, I'm glad you got banned. Common sense that doesn't yield to asinine levels of sensitivity is rare, and valued in my eyes.
This sucks, and what's worst about it is that it's going to get a lot worse (for many, many years) before it gets better...if it even does.
Legalizing drugs would disarm drug mafia.

well, not if they still had to shoot their way out of mexico. the US can't force mexico to legalize those drugs, too.

of course, both the guns and the drugs that they have should be legal here. possession laws don't work.

if they were legal, then the mexicans would be stuck in mexico trying to sell mexican versions of products that would suddenly become cheaper right here in the US -- primarily because you wouldn't need to purchase a hundred true assault rifles, and thousands of rounds of ammo every month, just to move your product.

in fact i guess you'd just hire a logistics company.
the real question here is.. Is a country not able to control their own borders a sovereign nation?
What about all of the leo and gov types that have taken an oath to protcect this country against all enemies foreign and domestic?

It is clear a massive invasion has been happening for years and the gov has done nothing about it.

This is just the logical next step in not having a border..
Are you ready for a career in kidnapping and killing Americans by Mexicans for fun and profit? Work from your own home! Make your own hours! Be your own boss!
if they were legal, then the mexicans would be stuck in mexico trying to sell mexican versions of products that would suddenly become cheaper right here in the US -- primarily because you wouldn't need to purchase a hundred true assault rifles, and thousands of rounds of ammo every month, just to move your product.

Mexicans killing Mexicans is a Mexican problem.
a co-worker, who just last week got back from "tourist safe" Cancun, was robbed at gunpoint twice.. ended up coming home early as all of his plastic and cash were taken.

He, his wife, and 2 young daughters had managed to get back to the airport with absolutely 0 resources courtesy of friends wiring them money.

It's time to make sure this shit stops at the border, and not an inch more.

indeed... I can't stand the guy and he's the most obnoxious of liberal/neo-communist... he dares to wear an Obama button every day (but hell, I work in Cambridge).

He can't stand me, as I'm the only one capable of putting him in his place when he starts running his mouth... but it still infuriates me to no end that he, his wife, and 2 young girls had to go through such an experience....

And now the feds are allowing this to spill over into Texas and Arizona. This is treason.

It's too bad this happened to him and his family, but if he's a real jerk I would have told him I was surprised that he was upset.

After all, "spreading the wealth around is a good thing" isn't it?
Legalizing drugs wont solve the problem, we have problems breaking up gangs here with our current law enforcement tools and laws...dealing with another sovereign state's issues with drugs and gangs would just add more to our failure of our own...failed war on drugs.

We should remove the drug angle and proceed on the federal sovereign grounds of the border crossings.
Legalizing drugs wont solve the problem
It won't solve the problem, but it would help in a rather short span of time...

It would remove their funding source...

Not to mention the "stimulative effect" of "buy American"[rofl]

I agree, we should standing on Mexico's throat and protecting our border, but in reality, that government fell along time ago, we need to get more systemic in our approach (which comes back to revenue streams for the drug lords).

What concerns me most is the fabrication of a southward gun trade that is logically non-sensical both in the face of shortages due to the Obama gun buy spree as well as the economics of AK's internationally (i.e. much cheaper/easier to get ANYWHERE but in the US).

They are going to use this as a red herring to disarm Americans when they need to be doing exactly the opposite...
Obnoxious Liberal

indeed... I can't stand the guy and he's the most obnoxious of liberal/neo-communist... he dares to wear an Obama button every day (but hell, I work in Cambridge).

He can't stand me, as I'm the only one capable of putting him in his place when he starts running his mouth... but it still infuriates me to no end that he, his wife, and 2 young girls had to go through such an experience....

And now the feds are allowing this to spill over into Texas and Arizona. This is treason.
Now you have some good ammo when he shoots his mouth off. Nail him to the wall.
Hasn't Tom Clancy been writing "fiction" about this for a long time? Sounds more like prophecy now. I'm not in the southwest, but I know if I were I would fear for myself and my family every day.
Good grief. And our own member 9000S is a very new (or maybe still in school?) Border Patrol agent down in AZ. Hope he's OK... and keeps his head low.
If I lived in AZ there would be no reporting of shootings. The desert is vast and the holes would be deep. Remember the recent case where a land owner got hosed for "violating civil rights"?
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