Update 2/21 Westford Ban

Update 2/4 Westford Ban

This assbag lives among you. He is not in an ivory tower on a hill surrounded by armed guards. When you see him on the street, let him know what you think of him. Don't serve him or his family. Don't let his kids into your scout troop. Don't deliver his newspaper. Shun him and his family in any legal way you can.
Typical statist douche bag. He thinks that the power of government can and should be used casually to spur conversation, debate and cajole obedience to the whims of the small minded. Just how much of a debate is there if you have a gun to your head? So why did he feel the need to "point a gun" (ie; the power of government) to your heads?

Exactly right.
Hey guys there are 3 others who have pulled papers to run for Selectman this year. I have spoken with 2 of them so far and they both seem to be a better choice than Jefferies and Peraner-Sweet.

Stephen Sadowski - described himself as a Libertarian, staunch supporter of 2A. Told me Article 30 is the reason he decided to run BEFORE I let him know where I stood. He is fairly new to town and needs help getting on the ballot. He will be at the Panera in Westford tonight from 6-7:30 trying to get signatures. Please help him get on the ballot!
and James Jarvie - I spoke with him. Seems to be a good guy. Also strong supporter of 2A. Lives next to the president of WSC. My understanding is a lot of people signed his nomination papers at the WSC meeting on Monday. He will be at the BoS meeting on the 12th. I encouraged him to collect extra signatures.

I *think* I got the two backgrounds straight.

– Banned: all shotguns which can hold more than 5 rounds

– Banned: all handguns and rifles which can accept a magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds.

– This would include most semi automatics regardless of the magazine you are using

– Banned: All magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds

– There will be no grandfathering

– The fines are $100 for first offense, $200 second offense, $300 third offense

– If you are found with any pre ban 17 rounders, you would face $600 in fines

They're going crazy they want to ban everything
Typical statist douche bag. He thinks that the power of government can and should be used casually to spur conversation, debate and cajole obedience to the whims of the small minded. Just how much of a debate is there if you have a gun to your head? So why did he feel the need to "point a gun" (ie; the power of government) to your heads?

Debate, what's that? A few seconds for me just to surrender... That's all I ask for. Chances are that those would be my last few seconds. Those argue on the basis of "needs" have presumed an individual gun owner powerless against a mighty machine.
What's the bottom line here ? Are we going to have fight every city and town in Massachusetts to keep our gun rights ? And on top of that fight the Feds and the state too. When will this non sense end ?
What's the bottom line here ? Are we going to have fight every city and town in Massachusetts to keep our gun rights ? And on top of that fight the Feds and the state too. When will this non sense end ?

A long fight ahead with many battles. We need to try to stick together and help whenever possible. Out-of-towners may not be able to sign Westford nomination papers, but they can help fill the rooms so that there's a big 2A presence for the TV cameras. A camera doesn't know where you live. Same as when the Obama campaign bussed MA supporters to his NH stops to fill the crowd.
it is better to be vague than to give talking points that can be used against you. State law does limit a NEW magazine to 10 rounds. no need to mention pre-ban c-beta mags.

That's true, but it also keeps up the impression that anybody with a 30 round mag is a criminal. But I do agree that if everybody already thinks something is illegal, then maybe they are less likely to feel a need to change the current laws.
You guys can show up to the next BoS meeting on 2/12 at 7:30 at the Town Hall. They will not ask everyone what town they live in. They may ask if 'all of us' are there about Article 30. Non-residents should not expect to speak as every person who speaks at the microphone identifies their residence. Tows like ours can get their panties in a wad if 'outsiders' try to stick their nose in our business.
There was a very interesting article in yesterdays(2/6/13)Wall Street Journal on page 3 titled "City Gun Laws Hit Roadblock" Basically it was about gun right groups and the NRA are using state pre-emption laws to bring lawsuits that block municipalities from regulating guns. Unfortunately, I don't think Massachusetts is a state with pre-emption laws but they do look on a case by case basis if there is a conflict with the state law. Perhaps someone with legal background could look into blocking Westford from this angle.
There was a very interesting article in yesterdays(2/6/13)Wall Street Journal on page 3 titled "City Gun Laws Hit Roadblock" Basically it was about gun right groups and the NRA are using state pre-emption laws to bring lawsuits that block municipalities from regulating guns. Unfortunately, I don't think Massachusetts is a state with pre-emption laws but they do look on a case by case basis if there is a conflict with the state law. Perhaps someone with legal background could look into blocking Westford from this angle.

Don't rely on MA's preemption laws. Especially if you are a westford resident. Preemption in MA predominately protects travelers into a town from elsewhere. Those who live in town will be significantly effected if this is to pass.
Don't rely on MA's preemption laws. Especially if you are a westford resident. Preemption in MA predominately protects travelers into a town from elsewhere. Those who live in town will be significantly effected if this is to pass.

I'm not sure of the limitations, but certain town/city level laws require "home rule petition" approval from the state (as was granted for the Boston AW ban). I would not hold my breath counting on the state legislature to deny home rule on a gun ban.
Also do not forget you have the Massachusetts Constitution on your side before MGL's even kick in!
You guys can show up to the next BoS meeting on 2/12 at 7:30 at the Town Hall. They will not ask everyone what town they live in. They may ask if 'all of us' are there about Article 30. Non-residents should not expect to speak as every person who speaks at the microphone identifies their residence. Tows like ours can get their panties in a wad if 'outsiders' try to stick their nose in our business.


Let's pack this place!
Re: Update 2/4 Westford Ban

Also do not forget you have the Massachusetts Constitution on your side before MGL's even kick in!

The right to arms provision in the MA state constitution has been a dead letter since 1976.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
PennyPincher, I heard you on WBUR the other morning. Good job.

I don't live in Westford but I'd be happy to help if I can.
I want to make a few acknowledgements here. It will not be all inclusive as I am sure I may forget someone. There is a core group of about a dozen who have been completely involved in this day and night since we learned about it. You all have my heartfelt thanks.

Harvard Sportsmens Club where I am a member, immediately supported us by including it in their weekly email newsletter and allowing me to post signs around the club. The Board has been tremendously supportive. They allowed me to speak 'before' the meeting officially started lat night so I could go to another meeting. THANK YOU.

Four Seasons Firearms continues to have information posted on their website to let people know about the situation as well as alow us to post signs at their store. THANK YOU.

Blue Northern in Ayer has also been supportive and we have signs posted there as well. THANK YOU.

All the local clubs that we have reached out to have been very supportive and sent out communication to their members about this. THANK YOU ALL.

Westford Sportsmens Club has given us the use of their clubhouse for meetings. THANK YOU.

All the people who came out to the meeting last night, offered help, non-residents, people who have offered money, written and/or called the selectmen, etc. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT SO FAR AND YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT.
I want to make a few acknowledgements here. It will not be all inclusive as I am sure I may forget someone....


FWIW - Stateline in Mason, NH - also has a flier up about this - on their information board (near the front door).
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