Upcoming Mass Gun Control hearings...

This is what I came up with for verbal testimony. I'm wondering if the end is too combative or threatening. What have they been like up until this point?

Good morning/Afternoon

I’d like to thank the committee for allowing me the time to speak today. I come to you today as a current gun owner and staunch opponent to the gun control measures up for consideration.

Throughout the course of today, these hearings, and many debates nation wide, we hear tragic anecdotal evidence of loved ones lost to gun violence. I can offer you, as can many others, positive stories in which gun ownership stopped a crime or saved a life. On November 10th 2010, at approximately 7pm, a masked man entered my parents family business, a convenience store, armed with a machete. This man, a career criminal, and recent parolee, demanded cash from the register. My 60 year old father who works 90 hours a week to support my family, was armed with a smith and Wesson 9mm, 6906. Upon further aggression from the man, my father drew his weapon. Without firing a single shot, the man fled only to be apprehended later by the MA state police. My father was able to protect his life, and his livelihood, by using a legally owned firearm. Should bills such as H.3253 be passed into law, My father would not be able to exercise that right, and god forbid there be a repeat attempt, could find himself no longer here to enjoy his family and his life.

The bills up for consideration are in direct violation of our constitutional rights, rights which are not granted by any man or woman, they are not granted by a piece of parchment, they are granted upon birth. They are rights that are unalienable, and no one, I repeat no one can remove those rights.

I am not here to beg, plead, or grovel in opposition or for you to leave my rights alone, conversely, I am here to warn you and the legislators who wish to pass these bills that Should they pass, we, the gun owners of Massachusetts will find whatever means in our legal power to remove any legislator from office that passess them. There are consequences for every poor decision in life. I ask you to choose wisely.

Thank you.

Well done. Is the Linsky bill still alive?
This is what I came up with for verbal testimony. I'm wondering if the end is too combative or threatening. What have they been like up until this point?

Good morning/Afternoon

I’d like to thank the committee for allowing me the time to speak today. I come to you today as a current gun owner and staunch opponent to the gun control measures up for consideration.

Throughout the course of today, these hearings, and many debates nation wide, we hear tragic anecdotal evidence of loved ones lost to gun violence. I can offer you, as can many others, positive stories in which gun ownership stopped a crime or saved a life. On November 10th 2010, at approximately 7pm, a masked man entered my parents family business, a convenience store, armed with a machete. This man, a career criminal, and recent parolee, demanded cash from the register. My 60 year old father who works 90 hours a week to support my family, was armed with a smith and Wesson 9mm, 6906. Upon further aggression from the man, my father drew his weapon. Without firing a single shot, the man fled only to be apprehended later by the MA state police. My father was able to protect his life, and his livelihood, by using a legally owned firearm. Should bills such as H.3253 be passed into law, My father would not be able to exercise that right, and god forbid there be a repeat attempt, could find himself no longer here to enjoy his family and his life.

The bills up for consideration are in direct violation of our constitutional rights, rights which are not granted by any man or woman, they are not granted by a piece of parchment, they are granted upon birth. They are rights that are unalienable, and no one, I repeat no one can remove those rights.

I am not here to beg, plead, or grovel in opposition or for you to leave my rights alone, conversely, I am here to warn you and the legislators who wish to pass these bills that Should they pass, we, the gun owners of Massachusetts will find whatever means in our legal power to remove any legislator from office that passess them. There are consequences for every poor decision in life. I ask you to choose wisely.

Thank you.

Go for it! they need it in their face to realize how ****ed up they are.
Well done. Is the Linsky bill still alive?

Also, while I agree with your entire post, and look forward to hearing it tommorow live, I am discouraged, as MA moonbat legislators believe overwhemingly that rights do not originate from God or Nature, they are merely priveleges we can occaisionally enjoy from government.

After all- if bacon hill wanted to save lives, convienence abortions would not be state subsidized/encouraged.
I'd find a way to mention the recall that just took place in Co. Although, they probably don't fear for their jobs here in the commiewealth.

Regrettably there is NO legal mechanism in MGLs that allows for any recall petition/election in MA, so no they are not in fear of losing their seat by destroying the rights of citizens.

Also, while I agree with your entire post, and look forward to hearing it tommorow live, I am discouraged, as MA moonbat legislators believe overwhemingly that rights do not originate from God or Nature, they are merely priveleges we can occaisionally enjoy from government.

This is a serious point. The MA AG and EOPS have ruled from upon high that the USSC cases we refer to (Heller and MacDonald) have ZERO IMPACT on MGLs and to proceed as if they never happened. In a nut-shell, they seriously believe that the US Constitution is NULL AND VOID in MA and therefore any testimony focused on "rights" or "violation of rights" is unfortunately going to fall on deaf ears. There are other ways to attack the proposed legislation but talking about rights and the Constitution isn't amongst the more effective ways to go about it.
I left about 2:30 PM. I noticed that Jim Wallace was allowed to go way beyond the 3 minute time limit. He talked for about 10 minutes without interruption from the committee. Nobody else besides the Governor was really allowed to go beyond the 3 minute window.

I think this was a good sign.
OK this is a long post. I tended to focus more on the antis in my notes, so I know what bs to call out in future letters/phone calls.

I was there from 9:30am to 5:50pm. I forgot my extra granola bars. The guy in the seat next to me bought me a bottle of water, that was a lifesaver, thanks. Naughton and Timilty were really lax with the timer this hearing, except when someboy REALLLLLLLLY went on too long and became incoherent. At one point I wanted to yell out: ATTENTION MORONS: MA ALREADY HAS UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS ON ALL PURCHASES. PLEASE LOOK UP THE LAWS BEFORE TESTIFYING. THANK YOU"

Creem spoke first. Everything she said was a lie, and already a law.

Sheriff of middlesex county was next. Bleated about guns in the home are dangerous, hurrr, durr, and large cap mags, but did not mention if he left his gun and mags at work when he goes home for the night. I am guessing he is a hypocrite and does not.

Menino came on and mumbled something about guns bad, while his bodyguard, (Superintentant Linksy? Chalmers?) was right next to him

The supe was up next same sort of stuff as the Sheriff. My detailed notes indicate he is a hypocrite and a lying sack of shit.

Deval was up next, went over his bill, how it does not infringe, but he omitted his mag limits. Also said the people have the right to be safe, which is garanteed by the governemnt, or something of that nature. Not sure how he wants to accomplish what, or maybe I don't wnat to know. His buddies from the EOPS got grilled by naughton/timilty over the delays in licensing, WTF is the problem, etc, also Chang-diaz wanted to know about registration, apparently unaware of the FRB/CHSB, FA_10 etc.

Dan conly was up next with some weasel words. No new laws, he says, just changes to 26 existing laws. Totally different! [rolleyes] Same old BS about his laws don't infirnge, etc.

Peterson was next, told the panel even he cannot get his LTC renewed! Support his bill, etc.

The CT victim panel was next, more calls for "common-sense" mag limits, etc. No, I won't stand up for someone who would strip my rights, even if your child was murdered.

Linskey was next. I am not sure what he said, I went to the bathroom and puked everywhere. Or was that his testimony? [rofl]
Also, he wants the cheif to be able to deny FID (Yes, FID) based on a defined set of suitability requirements, including physical condition, among others. Yes, he actaully said that. No guns for you, fattie! What a vile piece of shit. He HATES gun owners.

The police union guys were next, it sounded like they only wanted cops to have body armor
A comitte member was next, arguing for his body aromor registry bill. yes, he wants to register body armor, so when we go crazy, the cops will know to bring the bearcat. Or something like that.

Rosenthal. Wow. I thought Linskey was bad, this guy is the most disgusting, wreteched human I have ever met. He just oozed contempt and hatred. I got nauseous listening to him. According to him, the 2nd amendmet means three round duck and trap guns. I would not piss on him if he was on fire. He also brought a FUDD prop with him, Super Trapshooting Man, although he did serve in Korea. But again, I DGAF about your trap score or your Korea medal if you want to limit me to trap guns.

Boston jewish community, same tired bs as the other anti's. Have these guys not watched Schindler's List or the pianist?

Jim wallace panel. Jim did pretty well, they lethim go on a while. The laywer guy was not as good, he ended up being cut off. The NRA guy was pretty good. Chang-Diaz asked what was so "onerous" about a 1 gun per month limit, he handled it pretty well. They had a back and forth, but he basically said NO WAY when she asked him to "walk with us for 1 gun a month"

There were two clergy panels, but I pray to the Four Winds and Crom, so I didnt really care. The Sikh guy claimed he knew someone who comitted suicide in a gun store. He claims the person was was given a gun, by the owner of the store, without showing a license, was given ammo by the same, who then went into "the next room to help a customer", when the guy shot himself. This story contained so much bullshit a field of corn grew right there in the auditorium.

I kind of lost track after this, but one lady was so crazy, A moonbat would say "there goes a moonbat!" She was from brookline (but you already knew that) and was opposed to locking up the people who commit the crimes, it is "complex" Yes, brookline crazy, its worse the bridgewater crazy.

Alyssa, from somerville, originally from newtown. Compares US gun laws to those in CHINA. Where the people have no freedom or rights! Dumbass!

The youth panle from somerville, same stuff as worcester, totally ignorant of the constitution and existing MA gun laws and MA storage laws. Look the shit up for criminy sake!.

Joe Aiken was pro 2a, was good

Anothet youth panle, she would have gone on till tuesday if Naughton had not stopped here. Robotic monoton voice. I could not even comprehend what she was saying

Soem british lady natralasized citezen was opining about how "British people don't seem to have a probelm with the laws", and how in Britian, a cop comes to your house when you buy a gun, and shows up when you die to take it away. She apparently has not heard of the 4th amendment. She also does not see the problem with one gun a month, or less... Yeah, she let that slip. Go back there dolt, if you like their laws so much.

Woods Wannamaker delivers a smackdown " The British are subjects, we are citizens!"

The domestic violence panel. Or, you must be a victim panel. In none of their ramblings, did the concept of self desfense come up except to say that it is invariably fatal for the woman to defend herself. At one point she described a collegue hiding in her house from an abusive ex as he busted the door. She only felt safe when he later died in a boating accident (has she been reading NES?). Man, these women need to hang out with some NES women, WHO REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM, amirite? (I daresay she would have disgareed with Bettina's testimony an hour later). they also had this idiot pyshologist who considers answers given to him by addict murderers of women to be solid evidence. [rolleyes]

DO NOT interfere with Bettina's right to her life! [grin]

Anyway, needed more 2A speakers, altough once all the bigwigs left, it was mostly 2A in the later afternoon. I stopped taking detailed notes later in the fternoon.
Also, Naughton explicitly said that the legalize pepper spray bill passed favorable out of comittee, wil be voted on this fall, expects it to pass, and as such he does not want to hear about it.

He also siad he has receieved hundreds of complaints about the LTC delays, which is likely why he grilled the EOPS guys.
All in all, for those who didn't show, and have given up the fight-i really think the panel is leaning our way. I have spoken with my reps, as have others, and the comprehensive bill, which likely will not even see the light of day until next year, will contain money for school safety, money for mental health programs (I personally think this should be dealt with differently, as it'd an entirely separate issue), a streamlining of the licensing laws in our favor, and stricter enforcement of current laws. The committee members aren't idiots. They know that the anti groups are backed by money, and that the proposals do nothing to stop crime. At different points last night, all of them indicated that very fact in one form or another. Having attended a couple of these, and speaking to my senator, I am cautiously optimistic here.

sent via carrier pigeon from a secret squirrel camp
Also, Naughton explicitly said that the legalize pepper spray bill passed favorable out of comittee, wil be voted on this fall, expects it to pass, and as such he does not want to hear about it.

He also siad he has receieved hundreds of complaints about the LTC delays, which is likely why he grilled the EOPS guys.

The EOPS guy brushed aside concerns of delays and issues - liar. They also asked why the roughly 5 million dollars collected to process our permits wasn't being used to upgrade the system or hire more people. Probably because it's being funneled into EBT cards and welfare benefits.
...i really think the panel is leaning our way. I have spoken with my reps, as have others, and the comprehensive bill, which likely will not even see the light of day until next year, will contain money for school safety, money for mental health programs (I personally think this should be dealt with differently, as it'd an entirely separate issue), a streamlining of the licensing laws in our favor, and stricter enforcement of current laws. The committee members aren't idiots. They know that the anti groups are backed by money, and that the proposals do nothing to stop crime. At different points last night, all of them indicated that very fact in one form or another. Having attended a couple of these, and speaking to my senator, I am cautiously optimistic here.

I think they should adopt Eddie Eagle safety program in all schools statewide. It is simple and looks successful. They ARE smart, and know we are in the right. They have to fight the groundswell of the opposition in order to stay in office. It is up to us to lessen the opposition somehow. Our alternative is to get our side to vote, too, so these committees have to fear our side. Again, they are not dumb. They are just going which way the wind is blowing.

The EOPS guy brushed aside concerns of delays and issues - liar. They also asked why the roughly 5 million dollars collected to process our permits wasn't being used to upgrade the system or hire more people. Probably because it's being funneled into EBT cards and welfare benefits.

I don't want to be systematically tracked on my civil rights practices.
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All in all, for those who didn't show, and have given up the fight-i really think the panel is leaning our way. I have spoken with my reps, as have others, and the comprehensive bill, which likely will not even see the light of day until next year, will contain money for school safety, money for mental health programs (I personally think this should be dealt with differently, as it'd an entirely separate issue), a streamlining of the licensing laws in our favor, and stricter enforcement of current laws. The committee members aren't idiots. They know that the anti groups are backed by money, and that the proposals do nothing to stop crime. At different points last night, all of them indicated that very fact in one form or another. Having attended a couple of these, and speaking to my senator, I am cautiously optimistic here.

sent via carrier pigeon from a secret squirrel camp
This is great to hear. After planning for weeks to attend, skipping out of a training class, and practicing my testimony until I could rattle it off without sounding like a robot in three minutes, a family emergency cropped up just as I was leaving, and that comes first.

I was planning on following up with detailed objection letters and still plan to do so.

I've been engaging the Boston mayoral candidates about 2A. The two front-runners appear to be Marty Walsh and John Connelly, and both have emphasized factors other than more gun laws in combatting crime. Dan Conley brags about his support for MAIG and promises to support it if elected. Luckily, he is really creepy on TV so I think he will run third. Here

So, incredibly, and granting that we are on a low "Better than Menino" scale, right now it appears that of the 12 mayoral candidates, the two least offensive to 2A rights might be in the finals. how that plays out on the mileau of state laws and state politicians remains to be seen.
I've been engaging the Boston mayoral candidates about 2A. The two front-runners appear to be Marty Walsh and John Connelly, and both have emphasized factors other than more gun laws in combatting crime. Dan Conley brags about his support for MAIG and promises to support it if elected. Luckily, he is really creepy on TV so I think he will run third. Here

Conley was there yesterday and he reminded me of a snake oil salesman.
Conley was there yesterday and he reminded me of a snake oil salesman.

I didn't know who it was at first, but saw him wrap up, and then walk out with his head swiveling around to see who's watching him. He reminded me of a shady used car salesman.
Rosenthal. Wow. I thought Linskey was bad, this guy is the most disgusting, wreteched human I have ever met. He just oozed contempt and hatred. I got nauseous listening to him. According to him, the 2nd amendmet means three round duck and trap guns. I would not piss on him if he was on fire. He also brought a FUDD prop with him, Super Trapshooting Man, although he did serve in Korea. But again, I DGAF about your trap score or your Korea medal if you want to limit me to trap guns.

I felt like someone had poured a truckload of dung on me after he spoke. What a poor excuse for a human being. The FUDD never came out for Rosenthal's ramblings. He seemed like a useful idiot who served in Korea, was 85 years old, excelled at trap, and hunted. I applauded his service. He won't remember he was at the hearing today. Sad.
I felt like someone had poured a truckload of dung on me after he spoke. What a poor excuse for a human being. The FUDD never came out for Rosenthal's ramblings. He seemed like a useful idiot who served in Korea, was 85 years old, excelled at trap, and hunted. I applauded his service. He won't remember he was at the hearing today. Sad.

To be honest, I don't know if anyone could tell if that old guy was pro or anti. I couldn't.
He ONLY mentioned keeping guns away from criminals. Furthermore he more than earned the right to say whatever the hell he wants.


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He ONLY mentioned keeping guns away from criminals. Furthermore he more than earned the right to say whatever the hell he wants.


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Didn't he also mention that we don't need more than one gun/1 gun a month? Perhaps I had him mixed up with someone else.
It wasn't clear he understood who Rosenthal is about. His statement suggested he did not.

I tend to agree with this. There were also some people on the panels that I felt were surprisingly fair. But who knows what thier written test. looks like.
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