UMass Daily Collegian: Pack the court, pass gun reform

I'm a skinflint, through and through. Helicopter rides are expensive. I'm a big fan of rope, it's reusable.
They don’t have quite the same effect though!! I don’t care how much a helo costs per hour, I want commies falling from
Them 24/7!! Right onto the capitol dome would be ideal!
I love the argument the second amendment only protects states rights to form malitias
...Who is the militia?,where do they come from?

Then you have the whole “militia movement”. You can’t have it both ways.

Whether the second amendment protects an individual right or a collective right. It really makes little difference
C'mon guy's Jeremy was voted " most likely never get laid" , Jeremy can keep his wrinkled up old Hustler mag and a box of tissues. And I'll keep my old wrinkly constitution and my AR
What a f***ing moron.

"In 1975, the District of Columbia passed an ordinance that effectively banned handgun ownership within the city’s limits. In 2002, six residents sued, and in 2008, the Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the District’s ordinance violated an individual’s right to own a firearm. The resulting decision struck down the District’s law and created an individual’s right to own guns.

Before the decision, there was no individual right to own firearms. "

Well, yeah, genius. That's what SCOTUS does. They interpret the constitution.

Before Brown v Board of Education, there was no right to equal access to education.
Before Roe v Wade, there was no right to an abortion.

Now, packing the court is an interesting idea. Try this: in 2024, Republicans regain the Presidency and control of the Senate. We expand the Court to 13 members, and then nominate and confirm 4 more hard-core conservatives.

Still sound good to you, Jerry-boy?
I would be willing to bet more people on this board read that article than the entire UMass student body. My kid is at UVM and I'm sure they have articles like this all the time, he couldn't tell you were to get the student paper let alone read it.
why do you blame him? he only repeats what he had studied.
it is quite a classic narrative, one below. specifically, the part of "no individual right to own firearms". they do teach it in all the schools. any narrative, repeated sufficient amount of times becomes the reality, and it is his reality, and he believes in it, fully.

"Before the decision, there was no individual right to own firearms. The very words of the Second Amendment, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,” makes absolutely no mention of an individual’s right to bear arms, and every other Supreme Court case only considered the right of militias to own firearms. The purpose of this amendment, as affirmed by historians, was to stop the federal government from getting rid of state militias. The Second Amendment only granted the right to own a firearm to those involved in local militia, which would now be the National Guard."


The National Guard was NEVER the militia. The National Guard didn't even exist until 1903.

The militia ( known as the unorganized militia ) is comprised of INDIVIDUALS, who bring their own arms and accoutrements when called upon to report for duty. They are not equipped by the government.

Individuals ALWAYS had the right to keep and bear arms, the 2A just made it clear in writing that the newly formed federal government formed by the constitution was prohibited from infringing on that right.
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Group rates.
A lot of bandwidth in this bad boy,
and it already knows how to get to the source of the problem.
Looking at him, my only concern is that we, the freedom loving kind, are out-indoctrinate, outbred and outnumbered by the hoard. Take your children, young adults shooting, help your 21-yo get her LTC and help them CCW. A right not exercised will become a privilege.
they are right about saying 'discourse distracts from our ability'. the path is to eradicate the discourse, then the source of discourse.
same as it always was and same as it will always be...

again, it is wrong to blame youngsters for having this opinion. it is quite obvious, at certain age, that the root of all world evil is stupid stubborness of those older people who got some resources to refuse sharing all that wealth with those who do deserve it (perhaps) better but do not have any, yet, for non-important reasons.

UMass and that whole area has always been hyper liberal, the difference in the past was at least the school was cheap/affordable and it had a lousy reputation to go along with its antifa style Marxist teachers, now parents are paying top dollar. But an article like this from there is absolutely zero surprise.
I was fed a steady diet of leftist bull at UMass in the 90's. I pretty much ignored alot of it. Most of it, I thought was silly. Some made sense to me at the time. Then I lived in CA and saw the end result, it was at that time I pretty much ran from any lefty ideas with haste. They just can't leave people alone, have to ruin everything out there. Sucks cuz the weather is real nice, so they got that at least.

same here, if anything the rantings and bias of the poly sci teachers hardened most of my conservative viewpoints and I feel like I was constantly groaning or doing an eyeroll in my classes, but as noted above at least it was cheap, then again if I had gone somewhere more expensive maybe I'd get that loan forgiven at this point

90`s were different. you were allowed to have an opinion back then and not be immediately cancelled. open your mouth now - and you can kiss your whole future career good-bye.
those kids today do not really have an option other than to comply with the accepted conformity, and the conformity is quite settled by now.
damn, even back in 2001 we still talked at work. no one talks now, anymore.

Thankfully there was no social media in the 90s so what happened in vegas stayed in vegas and didn't live forever on the interwebs and could be held against you and sent to all your employers but I am sure if that was around then you'd see the same group of always offended trying to use it to their advantage, and as snax noted there were some teachers who punished those with differing viewpoints.
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If the 2A is collective in leads to the absurd conclusion that the government needs the constitution in order to have the right to arm its minions.
The Daily Collegian was a joke even when I was at UMass in the mid-late 2000s. I've never met anyone who read it.

I was at Bentley in the late 80's. I read teh college paper religiously. Because they weren't the brightest lights. My freshman year, the January edition featured the headline, "Basketball Team Looking for Athletic Supporters!"

[rofl] [rofl]

Oh and then sophomore year there was a group of guys that went to the Head of the Charles boat races with their couch to cheer on the Bentley team.

Bentley didn't field a rowing team.

The couch didn't have a bottom. It was a couple of coolers and then the cushions on top. So they got stinking drunk and the security couldn't figure it out.


Damn that was a funny rag.
It's time for the states to sell off and stop all funding to their institutions of "higher education." If a university is worth its propaganda, it should be able to make a profit. Forcing these service businesses (that's what they are) to earn their livings will quickly sort out what is valuable from what is valueless.
Incel with un-elected power to destroy the lives of male students he sees as surrogates for those who bullied him in middle and high school.
This is exactly the type you don't want on a police force or access to any political power.

Dropped this comment on him.
The author conveniently leaves out every word or phrase that negates his false argument. He does validate the view that the anti-gun crowd believes that only the gov’t (and criminals) can have guns.
Left out? The operative phrase in the 2A: the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
How can any person claiming to be educated come to the conclusion that “The People” means individuals every place it appears in the Constitution except in the 2nd amendment?
The first clause is not a limiting clause on the second.
Here is a great analogy: “A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed.”
What is protected? Breakfast? Or the right of the people to keep and eat food regardless whether it is for breakfast or not?

As for misusing stats? Approx 67% of all deaths in which a gun was the tool used were suicides. These people would simply find another method.
Of intentional homicides in which a firearm was used, 80+% are gang and drug related and most of those occur in area that already have the strictest gun laws in the country.

Fact: An unarmed woman is 10X more likely to be raped than a a woman armed with a gun or knife. (The UK bans both)
Anyone who opposes individual gun ownership and carry must then be considered pro-rape.

When only the police and criminals have guns, the line between law and outlaw disappears.
We the well regulated militia of the United States...
The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the well regulated militia of the several States...
...the right of the well regulated militia peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The right of the well regulated militia to be secure in their militias, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the well regulated militia.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the well regulated militia.
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the well regulated militia thereof, for six years...
...the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the well regulated militia fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

Somehow this doesn't seem interchangeable.
UMass and that whole area has always been hyper liberal, the difference in the past was at least the school was cheap/affordable and it had a lousy reputation to go along with its antifa style Marxist teachers, now parents are paying top dollar. But an article like this from there is absolutely zero surprise.
My son was considering going to Umass Lowell.
He went to a couple of meet and greet type things there.
He had me almost splitting a gut when he said to me "Dad , you know a lot of the professors there remind me of the South Park character "Aging Liberal Hippie Douche ".
Regardless of his beliefs and values conflicting with mine, I wrote better pieces in my 2nd year of high school. This is a poorly written, poorly researched, disorganized, and unconvincing rant.
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