Tomorrow's Standard Times


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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The local newspaper here in New Bedford (the Standard Times) has a weekly column written by local writer/outdoorsman/shooter Marc Folco. Its a pretty informative, no nonsense, tell it like it is column that gets a shooter's point of view out there to be seen and heard.
When I asked him how the meeting that he and some other gun advocates had with the New Bedford mayor, this was his e mail reply:

<< Howdy,
Sorry to get back to you so late. Christmas season, you know. The meeting went OK. Wrote tomorrow's column about it. Merry Christmas,
Marc >>

Just a few minutes ago I sent him an invite to join us here at NES. I don't think he's registered here or even knows about the forum, but it'd be great to have ideas and input from an award winning writer here. Especially someone that thinks like many of us do when it comes to our rights as Massachusetts gun owners.

The Standard Times can be read online at
Tomorrow's column should be interesting.
Here's the article taken from this morning's paper:

OPEN SEASON: Tragedy bringing another attack on gunowners' rights
MARC FOLCO Open Season

Mayor Scott F. Lang's plan to propose a state-wide ban on the sale and possession of AR-15 and other military-style semiautomatic rifles, following the recent shooting tragedy at the Foxy Lady strip club, has met opposition from law-abiding gun owners and competition shooters. And rightfully so.
The Mayor met Thursday night with a select group of respected gun-rights advocates, including David Junier, president of the Rod and Gun Club of New Bedford; John Beaumont, member of the Copicut High Power Rifle Team; Marty Casey, Copicut Team Captain and national high-power rifle champion; Kurt Palmer, Copicut Team member and national champion; and Mike McCormick of Homeland Security Concepts. The Copicut Rifle Team has won several state championships and individual members hold national championship titles.
"I have no problem with Second Amendment rights, but at some point, a line has to be drawn as to what firearms civilians are allowed to have in their possession," Mayor Lang said in his opening remarks. "I see no need for civilians to own anything with the firepower of an AR-15 or similar weapon. Scott Medeiros fired 137 rounds with that gun and the police were out-gunned. They are very lucky to be alive."
Because of an isolated incident, the Mayor and others — including editorial board members at The Standard-Times — are advocating a ban on these types of firearms, which some feel is an infringement upon Second Amendment rights.
John Beaumont pointed out 2004 statistics showing that of all firearms-related deaths in the U.S., only 4.2 percent are due to rifles. Of all the shootings, only five percent involve multiple victims.
Beaumont and Marty Casey explained the AR-15 is not the weapon of mass destruction it's purported to be by some. It's the premier center-fire target rifle used in high-power rifle competitions on the local, state, national and Olympic levels. Beaumont showed the mayor a scrapbook filled with three decades of photos and articles about such competitions, with most of the shooters handling target rifles built on the AR-15.
The Mayor seemed moved by this display, admitting he was not aware that the rifle, and others of its type, were used by civilians in competition. But he then asked for another reason a civilian would want to own an AR-15.
People, he was told, own guns for three basic reasons — hunting, target shooting and home protection. The AR-15 is used mostly by target shooters. It's not a good choice for hunting or personal protection, but it doesn't need to be. There's no law that says a gun must fit at least two out of the three criteria in order to possess it.
The mayor said he would try and word his proposal so that, instead of an all-out ban, only those involved in competitions would be able to obtain and own them.
"You have to start somewhere ... People who get involved in competition don't buy a rifle and go directly into a match," Palmer said, trying to explain why such a clause wouldn't work. "They buy a gun, and if they like it and become proficiently accurate with it, then they try their hand at competition, or join a league."
David Junier also explained Massachusetts already has an extensive licensing system in place to weed out almost all the bad apples.
"The Class A License for large capacity rifles, such as the AR-15, is the license you need," he said. "To get one, you must undergo an extensive background check with the Dept. of Public Safety, the Dept. of Mental Health, and you have to take a safety course. We don't need another tier of licenses for these guns. The Class A covers it."
Unfortunately, Scott Medeiros had a Class A license, making him able to buy and possess an AR-15. It's one of those extremely rare instances where a licensed individual commits a crime with a gun.
It was one of those tragedies where somebody snapped. No amount of licensing or background checks can prevent it. Medeiros lost control and became irrational. Temporarily insane. No amount of laws could, or would, stop the violence he had in store for the two men at the Foxy Lady. Sources say the bouncer had 'removed' Medeiros from the strip joint two weeks prior — Medeiros received a good beating, while the manager looked on.
They had added injury to insult, and Medeiros was out for revenge. The incident also involved a female bartender whom Medeiros had been dating, but she had begun dating the bouncer. Everything points to a crime of passion.
There are laws in place that punish Medeiros's actions, but no laws to prevent them. It's like waving a stop sign at a runaway train. Medeiros will receive no punishment because he paid for his actions with his own life. So why punish law-abiding, licensed citizens who own AR-15s or other guns for recreational shooting, competitions, hunting or home protection?
Personally, AR-15s and other military-looking guns aren't my style. I prefer vintage field guns and muzzleloaders and don't enter high-power competitions, but just because I don't compete in highpower matches or like the AR-15's cosmetics doesn't mean I would favor banning them. Different strokes, you know. Mayor Lang, however, insisted something must be done to protect the police and limit the caliber that a civilian can own. In recent articles, Mayor Lang described the AR-15 as a cannon.
Again, the experienced gun advocates explained the AR-15, which is chambered for the .223 caliber, is at the low end of the high-powered rifle scale. It's not commonly used for hunting deer or larger big game animals because it's too small, and doesn't have the range or knockdown power of bigger calibers. The famous and favorite big game caliber is 30-06, which celebrated its 100th birthday this year, and on average has three times the effective range of the .223. So, to ban .223s and larger would ban every hunting rifle cartridge made in modern times.
It was also explained that if Medeiros used a more powerful big-game rifle, the two police officers that were wounded might have been killed. If he used a shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot, the officers would probably be dead. A 12-gauge, three-inch shotshell, loaded with 00 buck holds 15 pellets. Each round pellet is wider than .223 caliber.
At the 200-foot range Mayor Lang said the police were fired upon, a 12-gauge shotgun loaded with 00 buck would send a fatal volley of 15 pellets with every pull of the trigger. One pull of the trigger would pepper a police cruiser with 15 holes in the time it would've taken Medeiros to inflict only one bullet hole with an AR-15.
Imagine if Medeiros got drunk, then rammed the strip joint entrance with a Ford F-250 or Hummer equipped with a heavy duty brush bar. Imagine if he killed the bouncer and manager, maybe a patron or two, then backed out and ran over the two police officers responding to the scene. Would there be a proposal to ban all Hummers or F-250s and alcohol? No.
After another madman entered Puzzles Nightclub a year ago, shot up the place with a handgun, and hacked patrons with a hatchet and machete, was there a push to ban all handguns, machetes, hatchets or other sharp objects? No.
Any firearm can become a weapon to inflict death or serious bodily injury in the wrong hands, just like a bat or a golf club or a vehicle. But are the respectable, law-abiding gun owners willing to give up their guns and other inanimate objects because of one man who went berzerk?
If Mayor Lang and others see no need for anyone to own a gun with the "firepower of an AR-15," then they should ban the deadliest killers first — fast motor vehicles. I see no need for anyone to own a vehicle that has the ability to go faster than 65 mph. As soon as it crosses 65, it becomes illegal, and the accident and death rate increases sharply. There's no need for it.
While the Mayor is genuinely concerned about the safety of the police officers, Beaumont said he is attempting to micro-manage a free society, and that we can't go around banning everything that's involved in a tragedy.
"A free society is not peril-free," Beaumont said. "Freedom comes with risks."
Mayor Lang seemed enlightened by the meeting. He promised to allow one delegate selected by the group to attend the Statehouse with him to represent sportsmen and gun owners when he proposes the action to the Legislature.
When he asked those present who thought a Class A license was adequate for the ownership of AR-15s and similar firearms, the response was "yes" unanimously.
The law-abiding gun owners are sticking to their guns. And rightfully so.
Marc Folco is The Standard-Times' outdoor writer. Contact him at [email protected]
The Mayor seemed moved by this display, admitting he was not aware that the rifle, and others of its type, were used by civilians in competition. But he then asked for another reason a civilian would want to own an AR-15.

That's a flat out lie I emailed this a**h*** the day prior telling him the exact same thing...
It is quite possible that GOAL wasn't informed of the meeting by anyone that was involved.

Or GOAL figures caving in to a ban on semi automatic military killing machines is a good trade off for trumping some other legislation involving race guns down the line.

Like the NRA.

Seriously,this is the biggest news story involving guns since the massacre at that office building.How could GOAL not have known,or try to be in contact with Mayor Moonbat ?

Maybe Darius can shed some light on this.
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How come GOAL wasn't there ? A meeting of gun rights advocates with a looney mayor that wants to ban a gun wasn't a priority ?

Thanks for posting the article Mil.

It may have actually been more effective to have effected individuals who are local constituents meet with the mayor rather than representatives of a professional lobbying organization, headquartered elsewhere in the state, whose representative would not be from the local vicinity.

GOAL does much good work, but is not a cure all or a substitute for individual action.
It may have actually been more effective to have effected individuals who are local constituents meet with the mayor rather than representatives of a professional lobbying organization, headquartered elsewhere in the state, whose representative would not be from the local vicinity.

GOAL does much good work, but is not a cure all or a substitute for individual action.

Ya,that's a good point Rob.
How refreshing to read a RATIONAL published article!

[The Mayor] promised to allow one delegate selected by the group to attend the Statehouse with him to represent sportsmen and gun owners when he proposes the action to the Legislature.

And here I was, thinking that I didn't need an invitation to enter the statehouse. This sounds more like the Mayor is trying to limit any opposing viewpoints or, even worse, use the selected attendee as a prop during his proposal, giving the appearance that his proposal has the backing of the New Bedford area sportsmen.

"The mayor said he would try and word his proposal so that, instead of an all-out ban, only those involved in competitions would be able to obtain and own them."

This is total BS. I own an AR and I don't compete. I'm also not a gun weilding psycho so why should I not be able to own one. That is stupid!!!!!!!
Mayor Lang seemed enlightened by the meeting. He promised to allow one delegate selected by the group to attend the Statehouse with him to represent sportsmen and gun owners when he proposes the action to the Legislature.

So there was no changing his mind. He's going ahead anyway !

Nice article, but '"don't confuse me with facts" rules the day again with these idiot politicians.
"The mayor said he would try and word his proposal so that, instead of an all-out ban, only those involved in competitions would be able to obtain and own them."

This is total BS. I own an AR and I don't compete. I'm also not a gun weilding psycho so why should I not be able to own one. That is stupid!!!!!!!

That is complete BS...
Or GOAL figures caving in to a ban on semi automatic military killing machines is a good trade off for trumping some other legislation involving race guns down the line.

I hope not, but in GOALs defense, the deck is stacked way against them (and us), before any legislation is even submitted.

So far (in addition to any forthcoming AWB), there's the one gun a month plan, background check on all firearms sales and registration proposals being tossed around. On top of that, who knows whatever other anti-gun lunacy is waiting to be submitted.

Any effectiveness, rational or fairness of the legislation is irrelevant to the people we're up against. We're going to lose out big-time somewhere.

The anti-gun crowd isn't about to walk away with nothing in return and they're certainly not going to hand our side a win on every piece of legislation that their side wants... their anti-gun principles wont stand for it.

What makes matters worse, is that at least two of the proposed bills will be coming from their new 'shining star' in the corner office.

They might toss us few crumbs and maybe we'll make some minor/trivial gain with some of the GOAL sponsored legislation.

This will easily be our worst year since the 98 gun control laws were passed. [angry]
And here I was, thinking that I didn't need an invitation to enter the statehouse. This sounds more like the Mayor is trying to limit any opposing viewpoints or, even worse, use the selected attendee as a prop during his proposal, giving the appearance that his proposal has the backing of the New Bedford area sportsmen.


He probably means testimony before the Public Safety and Homeland Security committee (big whoop [thinking] )
Here's the article taken from this morning's paper:

OPEN SEASON: Tragedy bringing another attack on gunowners' rights
MARC FOLCO Open Season
... People, he was told, own guns for three basic reasons — hunting, target shooting and home protection. The AR-15 is used mostly by target shooters. It's not a good choice for hunting ...

I know a whole bunch of Coyote, ground hog, etc hunters who'd be howling over that statement. It's the main reason I have an AR, to go coyote hunting here in Maine.
Don't think that any or all of these bills are going to pass easily. We've had a Republican Governor since 1991 and a Democratic controlled General Court that could have easily over ruled any veto. It would seem that the reason we have only really had one really bad bill passed was that individual citizens have made the effort to contact their legislators.

Time and again it has been pointed out that legislators are sensitive to the opinion of VOTERS in their districts. If you call, write, or email, their staff will see if you are registered or not. If you aren't, they won't even bother to read the rest. If you are, and you are polite and rational in your comments, they will give it a lot more weight.

What they say for the media and what they do when it comes time to vote, don't necessarily match.

How refreshing to read a RATIONAL published article!


And here I was, thinking that I didn't need an invitation to enter the statehouse. This sounds more like the Mayor is trying to limit any opposing viewpoints or, even worse, use the selected attendee as a prop during his proposal, giving the appearance that his proposal has the backing of the New Bedford area sportsmen.


You need an invite to be on the roster as a "scheduled by name" speaker. These people get the early slots when the full committee is present and some are actually listening. Ordinary citizens are allowed to speak, but do so later on the agenda after much of the committee has left the room.
Regardless of what the mayor proposes and thinks, at least we'll have a Massachusetts shooter selected by the group that met with him to speak out on behalf of gun owners. Given enough time and preparation I'm sure we'll have plenty of facts and input for our side.
The main thing is to try and contact whoever is going to be representing us and offer any help or ideas we may have. Maybe an e mail to Marc Folco will provide us with contact info. Also... don't forget to e mail those in charge who'll be making the final decisions. GOAL I'm sure has a list of contacts for legislators.
Regardless of what the mayor proposes and thinks, at least we'll have a Massachusetts shooter selected by the group that met with him to speak out on behalf of gun owners. Given enough time and preparation I'm sure we'll have plenty of facts and input for our side.
The main thing is to try and contact whoever is going to be representing us and offer any help or ideas we may have. Maybe an e mail to Marc Folco will provide us with contact info. Also... don't forget to e mail those in charge who'll be making the final decisions. GOAL I'm sure has a list of contacts for legislators.

yeah, assuming that the ONE shooter has everybodies interest in mind.
and doesn't intend to throw "the nut cases" to the wolves so that he can save his own personal viewpoint/hobby from getting banned.

I have met quite a few class 3 people who hated IPSC people, who hated bullseye people who hated cowboy action people who....... well you get the idea

If the mayor chooses this one person, then this attitude (IMHO) is a given.
the mayor will present this person as a representative of the entire group of "legitimate shooters" and everyone else as people the commonwealth has to protect against.

If this person is only a target shooter only, with a "protect my hobby attitude", then you can bet that there he will agree on a total ban on ALL AWB's with the "approved" AR not allowing anything more then a 5 shot mag, no flashider, no 16" barrel" no carry handle, etc hell, it'll probably be limted to a one shot rifle, since thats what a lot of target shooters load at one time anyway. I mean come on, how many bullets do you need to hit a piece of paper?

ok, ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. [jihad]
yeah, assuming that the ONE shooter has everybodies interest in mind.
and doesn't intend to throw "the nut cases" to the wolves so that he can save his own personal viewpoint/hobby from getting banned.

Your fear isn't unfounded, ala John Rosenthal.
ala Bill Ruger...

I plan to mail that article to my reps.

-= chuck
Which reminds me...M4M, do you know if anyone has reached out to Rep. Bill Straus? I've known Billy for a long time and was going to give him a call.
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Which reminds me...M4M, do you know if anyone has reached out to Rep. Bill Straus? I've known Billy for a long time and was going to give him.

I haven't contacted anyone yet. I was gonna try and get in touch with John Beaumont directly and send him a link to the forums. I'm pretty sure my Father knows him and used to shoot with him.
IMO I think sending as many e mails and letters as possible will be our best bet. Sooner or later someone high up will listen to what we have to say and think.
I haven't read the underlying articles yet, but I'd almost bet that if the mayor chooses the "pro-gun speaker" AND if he doesn't restrict it to only New Bedford residents . . . John Rosenthal will be chosen as the "unbiased gun owner"! [puke2]

And when they hold these kinds of "parties", they almost never invite GOAL INTENTIONALLY! They "talk the talk" but make sure that they stack the deck with "their people".
I haven't read the underlying articles yet, but I'd almost bet that if the mayor chooses the "pro-gun speaker" AND if he doesn't restrict it to only New Bedford residents . . . John Rosenthal will be chosen as the "unbiased gun owner"! [puke2]

And when they hold these kinds of "parties", they almost never invite GOAL INTENTIONALLY! They "talk the talk" but make sure that they stack the deck with "their people".

Check out the article when you have a chance Len. According to Marc's column it says one delegate chosen by the group. Group meaning the gun advocates that met with the mayor.
I'm not getting my hopes up but I'm also not tapping out yet.[wink]
It always bothers me to see a gun owner say that a gun is only good for one thing such as competition, hunting or self defence etc. Although there are guns that are better suited for each one a gun when neccesary can be used for all of the above.

To say an AR can only be used for competition is absurd. They can be used for varmint and predator hunting etc. and if your caught in a riot situation or facing a large hostile group an AR can come in mighty handy for self defence. The Korean shopkeepers in the LA riots were initially able to keep their shops from being destroyed because they had AR's. I believe later the police took their guns and then their shops were destroyed too.

Any gunowner that says what we can and can't own is no friend of gun owners. In fact they are self serving thinking that if they go along with so called reasonable restrictions they will get to keep their guns, but if they were intelligent and paid attention to history they would realize the anti's plan is to eventually ban all guns,England and Australia are prime examples.

The anti's like to say if you don't have a gun you can't shoot anyone. Sorry but if someone is trying to kill me or bring me or my loved ones harm etc. we have every right in the world to defend ourselves and firearms are our best way to do so.

Also these gun owners don't understand the BOR and they need to read the writings of the founding fathers.
"The mayor said he would try and word his proposal so that, instead of an all-out ban, only those involved in competitions would be able to obtain and own them."

This is total BS. I own an AR and I don't compete. I'm also not a gun weilding psycho so why should I not be able to own one. That is stupid!!!!!!!

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