Swiss gun culture under fire in Sunday referendum

If you count households, the Swiss have nearly universal gun ownership. More significantly, the guns in question are FULLY AUTOMATIC military rifles. They are issued during mandatory military service. The Swiss citizen soldiers are required to bring them home, keep them in good working order, and store them securely. The Swiss have one of the lowest crimes rates in all of Europe.

The anti-gunners are seizing on the "number of gun-related suicides," as if possessing an inanimate object causes one to commit suicide. The same argument is used by anti-gunners here in the U.S.
The Swiss seem to piss off "progressives" and "do things my way" type people just by being Swiss.

The refused to join the European Union for a long time (can't remember if they finally did), during WW2 they stayed neutral while the world was going up in flames around them , and refused refugees because they felt it would endanger their own survival. They traded with both sides during the war - but refused to help either militarily. When the Germans threatened to invade so they could the rail lines which would help them supply their troops in Italy - the Swiss threatened to blow up the mountain tunnels and bridges. Their mountains are laced with military fortifications - and during the Cold War they made sure there were enough bomb shelters to house EVERYBODY.

They didn't tell their kids to crouch under their school desks like we did here in the US.

In recent times there have been groups in Switzerland who wanted Muslims out of the country - and if I remember correctly they banned minarets.

IMHO if more countries around the world acted like the Swiss the world would be a much better place - mind your own business at home - and leave people outside your borders alone to solve their own problems.

Problem is - in a world full of wannabe welfare recipients - that philosophy of life doesn't always go over all that well. Sounds like the Swiss have a fifth column within their own society that wants to bring them down.
I don't know if they have entered the EU but they still use their own currency. I have to pay a swiss bill every year in francs.
I don't know if they have entered the EU but they still use their own currency. I have to pay a swiss bill every year in francs.

Nope, Switzerland still isn't part of the EU.

I think i'll cry a little if this referendum passes. That's the problem with direct democracy, you have 51% of the population dictating how the other 49% live.
I wonder how long before Bloomberg and the anti gun Mayors get on record as saying that this move in Switzerland is a good move?They will then go on record as saying many of our illegal guns are coming from the Swiss.
I think i'll cry a little if this referendum passes. That's the problem with direct democracy, you have 51% of the population dictating how the other 49% live.
Given the way voter turnout works, for the Swiss it averages 54%, it's more like 28% dictating to the other 72%
Sounds like they need to control their women, and not their guns.

Clearly, as long as ropes and high places are legal, people who wish to commit suicide will commit suicide. But what does reality have to do with this argument, anyway.
I didn't realize there were any countries in Europe that didn't treat their gun-favoring citizens worse than MA?
Norway's another.

Finland too, IIRC.... although they still have some laws that are probably bad by our standards, I believe they have one of the highest per capita ownership rates in Europe.

Being closer to this than us a continent away, is this as close as they say it will be?

Last expectation I've seen is 60/40 against the initiative.
The issue at hand in Switzerland is the accumulation of "progressives" in and around Zurich
and the entire Romandie.
Those are the folks who are merely pro-EU, whereas the rather conservative cantons
give this a one-finger salute.
If these pussies get their way it's only the beginning of trouble for the Swiss. If they succeed in destroying their "gun culture", the next time Europe explodes into war the Swiss will be less prepared to defend themselves and stay neutral like they have in the past. These idiots don't remember their own history.
If these pussies get their way it's only the beginning of trouble for the Swiss. If they succeed in destroying their "gun culture", the next time Europe explodes into war the Swiss will be less prepared to defend themselves and stay neutral like they have in the past. These idiots don't remember their own history.

You're absolutely correct, but I'm sure that the US will just ride in on their white horse to save them, like everyone else in the world.[rolleyes]
You're absolutely correct, but I'm sure that the US will just ride in on their white horse to save them, like everyone else in the world.[rolleyes]

We have basically the same problem. If the liberal socialist/fascists succeed in eradicating our "gun culture" then we will also be less prepared to defend ourselves from foreign or domestic threats. I'll let you decide which of those two is more likely right now.
I believe that Swiss have one of the lowest immigration rates in the world, if any. Draw your own conclusions.

It's probably expensive to live there and they have strict immigration policy. I'm trying to find the inherent wrongness in that. It's obviously worked out well for them, overall.

It's probably expensive to live there and they have strict immigration policy. I'm trying to find the inherent wrongness in that. It's obviously worked out well for them, overall.


That's exactly what I meant by "draw your own conclusions" I'm not stipulating that this is either wrong or right. Lack of immigration can be good and bad from various perspectives and in different aspects.

My personal opinion is that there is no real way to keep "neutral". In WWII Swiss were kind of ... [thinking] a "call girl" to everyone, and yes they do reap all the benefits of the global community regardless of their involvement.

With that said, I'd like for US to become more like Swiss, in the "more conservative" part, not the "call girl" part, i.e. scale back the "we will help everyone once we borrow some money from commies against our grandchildren" attitude. That or be less apologetic and PC about our true intentions.

PS. I don't think they got immigration policy period. They take no one.
The last time I looked it was very restrictive. You had to have a lot of money, a lot of patience, and a good Swiss lawyer. I think they have made it somewhat easier for EU citizens to immigrate.
You can think of immigration as a stagnant pond where nothing changes, a healthy lake with controlled input/ output, chaotic white water that washes away anything in its path. Controlled, LEGAL immigration is a good thing.

Swiss welcome wealthy retirees/ vocationers who spend money with open arms. That does not involve getting citizenship or privelege to work.
You can immigrate but you HAVE to have something to bring to the table. You need to have a decent amount of money show where you plan on working and essentially already have a job and place to live lined up.
That was the way immigration worked here in the U.S. before Ted kennedy and friends turned it into a lottery. We used to give preference to people who had skill sets needed here. We need to return to that.
The last time I looked it was very restrictive. You had to have a lot of money, a lot of patience, and a good Swiss lawyer. I think they have made it somewhat easier for EU citizens to immigrate.

Zurich is close enough to the french, german and austrian borders that there are lots of people who live in one of those countries and commute to work. I know a dutchman who does this.
That was the way immigration worked here in the U.S. before Ted kennedy and friends turned it into a lottery. We used to give preference to people who had skill sets needed here. We need to return to that.

On the books: you still need to speak English, have a good grasp of American history and law, have impeccable background without even misdemeanors to become a citizen. Needless to say it's a joke. In old times, person could have denied immigration to US based on positive TB or AIDS test. Crap, now there are loads of people coming on humanitarian bases, just to get the treatment on. Application for naturalization requires denunciation of all other citizenships (never enforced) and that person have never been a member of the commie party [laugh] ... in MA it's probably a plus [rofl] The other thing that's weird, legal immigration into US is f-ing nightmare. There is no reason to immigrate legally besides your conscience.

The relevancy to Swiss matter is that it may not pass now, but it will eventually and they will be screwed then. "Eventually" may take a really long time though.

The original American model is better because most of the legal immigrants and their 1st gens, who came here in pursuit of life and liberty and never tasted government teat, are more "conservative" than those who were born here and may take Freedom for granted. American core values are universal and the "fresh blood" renews the spirit of the original colonists. Consequently, as long as there are honest (I don't mean "we are honest who had to break a few laws and lie to get here") people coming in, they will support and strive to uphold the constitution and the American core values.
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