Stationed in TX...Live in MA

Jan 14, 2009
MA- North Shore
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Hey Boys and Girls

Here is the situation, I leave for Fort Jackson on the 13th and then after boot camp I will be headed to TX for further training. I get to TX on December 6th, and will be coming home for the Christmas Exodus the Army apparently does. So here is essentially my question, I plan to but a few guns while in TX. They have open season on wild boar with any weapon you can kill em with, so I want to take advantage of that. Does anyone know if I can buy a gun while there, Ive heard while in the Army you can claim duel residency so TX and MA. Since the TX law is much looser than MA I can get guns that I cant get in MA, IE Glock and Ruger LCP's. Is it legal for me to bring anything back to the state that I buy there, or even to sell in MA via FA-10. A local gun shop told me to buy 4 LCP's and sell for a huge profit when I come home for leave. He said it was perfectible legal to do this, but I figured Id bounce the idea off you experts. Thanks for any advice you can provide.

A local gun shop told me to buy 4 LCP's and sell for a huge profit when I come home for leave. He said it was perfectible legal to do this

That's a straw purchase and will get you 10 years in a federal prison. Plus they will probably get you for trafficking.

You can bring back anything you buy in TX as long as they comply with the Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) in MA

When you return to MA you could sell 4 things per year you no longer wanted on FA-10s to private individuals.
That's a straw purchase and will get you 10 years in a federal prison. Plus they will probably get you for trafficking.

Straw? With no defined actual buyer?

Dealing firearms without a license, possibly maybe (eg, federal profit motive etc, although I doubt 4 guns would really ever trigger that ) but this does not meet the definition of a straw purchase. In order to have a straw you need to have a straw buyer.

It's a dumb idea anyways- he could be taking the cash he would have wasted (well, loaned to himself, let's say) on the idea and just used it to buy guns for himself, which is a much better idea. $1200 can get you a couple of XDs, Glocks, etc, or a pretty decent 1911 like a DW or something like that.

You could if youve got the money, id say youre better off buying yourself some toys. Just make sure they AWB compliant and no post ban hi cap mags, most anything else you can bring back with you.
I am assuming that before he would dump cash on 4 guns to being back and sell in MA, that he would have arranged buyers for them.

Just sounds to me like someone planning to make some quick cash more than wondering how the dual residency process works/

Straw? With no defined actual buyer?

Dealing firearms without a license, possibly maybe (eg, federal profit motive etc, although I doubt 4 guns would really ever trigger that ) but this does not meet the definition of a straw purchase. In order to have a straw you need to have a straw buyer.

It's a dumb idea anyways- he could be taking the cash he would have wasted (well, loaned to himself, let's say) on the idea and just used it to buy guns for himself, which is a much better idea. $1200 can get you a couple of XDs, Glocks, etc, or a pretty decent 1911 like a DW or something like that.

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