State Reps and Senators' letter to the AG

Curious, are some of these missing signatories possibly due to the fact they might not have been there yesterday? I'd hate to come down on them, when they weren't there to physically sign it.
Possible. Which is why they should be given they oportunity to be a part of the soloution and on the flip side be held accountable if they stand by and let this happen. Let them know about the letter and request they do the right thing.
58 out of 200 is a start...considering... Close to 1/3 of the General Court...And Am glad and not surprised to see both my Rep's and Senator's signatures...Would expect nothing less from them both and have confidence they will do more. Thank you Sen Fattman and Rep Kuros.
I guess Naughton has penned his own similar letter essentially saying not the proper place for it.


Sent from my cell phone with a tiny keyboard and large thumbs...
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