Some People Make me just Shake my head

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Oh really? Why don't you ask Randy Weaver about this guy?

Oh, wait, you can't, he's dead.

And I'm sure these nice fellas in Waco were "just following orders" as well.


You see, the point your missing is, like it or not civilian possession of arms is the ONLY thing that keeps us free from complete tyranny.

Believe what you want, but don't tell me what *I* need, it's not up to you nor should it be anyone else.

Mahan talked about the concept of a 'fleet in being' in his book The Influence of Seapower Upon History. Super simplified it means the fact that a fleet exists is a deterrence on agression by another nation. In the same way an armed populace is a deterrence on tyranny. Goes along with 'good fences make good neoghbors'.
"I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it..."


How is this post not a troll? Regardless, **** off. The "you don't need it" argument is the oldest and least valid argument in the book. We aren't distributed according to our need, we purchase what we want with our earned money, I'm sure you and lenin would be good buddies. I do not NEED a reason to own an AR-15, PERIOD. If you can't accept that, then you really have no place here.

The government will NOT come to our doors and turn us into slaves or anything. we do not need to fear the government.

Yeah, just look it up, this has never happened in history! Again for good measure, **** YOU statist scum.
Mahan talked about the concept of a 'fleet in being' in his book The Influence of Seapower Upon History. Super simplified it means the fact that a fleet exists is a deterrence on agression by another nation. In the same way an armed populace is a deterrence on tyranny. Goes along with 'good fences make good neoghbors'.
The good people of Concord, Lexington, Bedford and other surrounding towns did not rely on the kindness of their king's troops to refuse to enforce the order to confiscate.

(Chamberboss, the highlighted portion is important. Read it a few times...)
Good on you for having an opinion.

But really are you f@&king kidding me, to quote my grandfather "go play in traffic you horses ass"
" If someone ordered us to go door to door to pull people from their homes, or seize their weapons, I WOULD NOT DO IT. no one in their right mind that serves in the military knows they serve FOR the people not AGAINST the people."

I am not even going to respond to your high cap magazine craziness, but regarding the above statement I quoted from your post I would like to ask you about. If you are in the military you should know the answer to what I am going to ask. What happens when you disobey a direct order?????? I hope you enjoy your cell mate in Leavenworth.

"There are two kinds of Soldiers at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. — the ones with no rank or pay, and those with keys."
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