So now we are (Second Amendment) EXTREMISTS, according to Hillary

I was going to say something similar. She is in fact quite smart. Easily "smarter" than 80% of the people who post on this forum. The problem is she is not intellectually honest or ethical. Plenty smart, just in all the wrong ways.

Our problem will be that she is far smarter the Zero.
And completely lacking in any semblance of a human moral compass.
Loved the speech!!!

She said for law abiding gun owners and hunters to form another 2a group to take on the NRA!!!

That's rich!!!

As if the 2a was about hunting!!!

This will hopefully be a repeat of whatever election that was when Al Gore went against gun ownership and a bunch of congressmen lost their seats.

I really hope Hillary takes this up as her major issue since it is apparent that more people support gun rights!
Loved the speech!!!

She said for law abiding gun owners and hunters to form another 2a group to take on the NRA!!!

That's rich!!!

As if the 2a was about hunting!!!

This will hopefully be a repeat of whatever election that was when Al Gore went against gun ownership and a bunch of congressmen lost their seats.

I really hope Hillary takes this up as her major issue since it is apparent that more people support gun rights!

Actually, Al Gore had nothing to do with the Republicans obtaining control in 1995 of the Congress after a 40-year drought. It was the passage of the 1993 Brady Bill and the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons bill in 1994 passed during the first Clinton administration.

One year after signing the Brady Law, White House lobbying also played a role in the passage of the 1994 Crime Bill, which included the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, commonly known as the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. The law banned certain semi-automatic firearms with two or more specific design features, and also prohibited the manufacture of ammunition magazines that held over ten rounds.[SUP][9]

[/SUP]Although initially heralded as a victory for Clinton and Democrats in congress, it proved costly.[SUP][2][/SUP] The bill energized the NRA and Republican base, and contributed to the Republican takeover of both houses in the 1994 mid-term elections. Many Democrats who had supported Clinton's gun control measures were ousted, including Speaker Tom Foley. Clinton acknowledged that he had hurt Democrats with his victories.
I saw a great internet meme this morning about the left simultaneously supporting pro gun control position and black live matter, it said something like "thinks only the gov should have guns/blames government for killing too many people.

Pretty much said it all about that side of the aisle and their philosophy.
I prefer the term "Second Amendment MINIMALIST"!



Did anyone catch what she snuck into that video?

She said that "ideally, what she'd like to see is gun owners, responsible gun owners....HUNTERS, form a new organization....."

She described "responsible gun owners" as being hunters. Which implied that gun owners who aren't hunters, are the extremists.

Probably HALF the country will accept that premise? That's scary.

There are hunters, and there are bitter clingers. That's what she set up right there.

John Rosenthal et al tried doing this 10 years again when they formed, The American Hunters and Shooters Association, that lasted about 5 years before it folded.
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Did anyone catch what she snuck into that video?

She said that "ideally, what she'd like to see is gun owners, responsible gun owners....HUNTERS, form a new organization....."

She described "responsible gun owners" as being hunters. Which implied that gun owners who aren't hunters, are the extremists.

Probably HALF the country will accept that premise? That's scary.

There are hunters, and there are bitter clingers. That's what she set up right there.

Yeah. The "divide and conquer" strategy, pitting Fudds vs. other gun owners.

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice." --Barry Goldwater
Easiest way to win a contest is to write the rules in your favor.

Saturday night special
Assault weapon
Gun violence
2A extremist

All terms that have no actual meaning, but "mean" a lot to the ones that want to hear something....

All of these terms can easily be re-cast in our favor (some already have):

Saturday Night Special -------------Light-Weight Self-Defense Firearm
Assault Weapon---------------------Modern Sporting Rifle
Gun Violence--------------------Criminal Violence against Lawful Citizens
2A Extremist-------------------------Liberty-Loving American Citizen

See how that works?
Time to get out the Blaze Orange Gear! Want LIBS to know I'm a good bad guy..

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She hasn't touched a real man part since Chelsea was concieved, and only fake ones since if wielded by Huma.

That's true.

If we could only send a good-looking guy back to when Hillary was 18 and working on the Barry Goldwater campaign, maybe we could change history and her life for the better. She really wasn't that bad looking back then. If you look at pics 1 through 3, she had a girl-next-door thing going on. And yes, I can't believe I typed the previous sentences.

It was her going to Wellesley that poisoned her mind.

But since time travel isn't real, we'll have to go with a realistic option.

Someone needs to seed the meme that she's just a very angry older woman who has been disappointed with life since she started college, and had her mind infected by Bolshevik professors.

And do we really want someone who is angry at the world as president?

I watched the last 20 minutes of her Manchester appearance last night. It was on channel 13

She was yelling at her audience. And these are the people that would do anything she says. She's up on the podium yelling at them, lecturing them like they were a group of bad kids.

I hope she keeps it up. Keep yelling away lady. Someone just needs to get into the public's awareness that her anger over her own life falling short of her expectations will cause the country great harm.

Either that or one of those Secret Service agents needs to step up and do us all a favor.
All of these terms can easily be re-cast in our favor (some already have):

Saturday Night Special -------------Light-Weight Self-Defense Firearm
Assault Weapon---------------------Modern Sporting Rifle
Gun Violence--------------------Criminal Violence against Lawful Citizens
2A Extremist-------------------------Liberty-Loving American Citizen

See how that works?

we do tend to like the accurate descriptions of things. that is true
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