So much for shipping mail-order ammo to a different state...


NES Member
Apr 1, 2005
Southern NH
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Just tried to buy ammo mail-order but have it shipped to a different state. Mail order company balked because my bill-to address is in MA. Apparently, the AG sent them a letter saying that both the ship-to AND bill-to addresses must be outside MA.

Someone in the AG's office is undoubtedly monitoring this site and others.
I have yet to try ", but I am going to shoo the ammo in the state where my friend lives" or "It is a birthday present. I know he loves this stuff"
It may not be the AG. Some merchants balk at any delivery to a site other than the billing address. In that case, you can contact the credit card company to have an authorized "ship to" address added to the card. I've had to use it a couple of times to my son's place.

M1911 said:
Just tried to buy ammo mail-order but have it shipped to a different state. Mail order company balked because my bill-to address is in MA. Apparently, the AG sent them a letter saying that both the ship-to AND bill-to addresses must be outside MA.

Someone in the AG's office is undoubtedly monitoring this site and others.

Not really, that's almost a common CC problem, anyways. A lot
of business won't sell stuff with mismatched addresses
due to fraud concerns..... (eg stolen credit card #s, etc).

Just use a money order/bank check or something, and use the
ship to address as the "billing address" for your order. Takes a
bit longer, but "Those fries be done!"

If you send the company a signed copy of your pistol permit they shouldn't have a problem shipping the items to you.
PistolPete said:
If you send the company a signed copy of your pistol permit they shouldn't have a problem shipping the items to you.

They "shouldn't" but they DO!

The AG has sued some, threatened others, extorted "cease and desist orders" (to never sell anything on the AG's list to anyone in MA ever under any circumstances - once signed it is legal and binding), etc.

To meet the intent of the MGLs, a copy of our LTC AND Adult Sig should suffice to meet the law. AG says no and he has the biggest stick . . . and like most bullies he has successfully scared away most of the out-of-state dealers.
I just ran into this trying to order some brass. They will only ship the brass after they receive a signed copy of my permit. I scanned it in and emailed it to them but they said that isn't good enough. They need an actual signed copy mailed to them. I can see needed to do this for powder, and primers but not for frigen brass. Oh well, what can you do?

Well wait a minute -- M1911 -- did someone there you were talking to actually verify that they received a letter from the Assh*** General, or are you extrapolating that?
They did indeed tell me that they received a letter from Obersturmbannfuhrer Reilly that stated that both the bill-to and ship-to addresses must be outside of MA. This was after my internet order with a MA bill-to and <other-state> ship-to address was bounced by their system.
The whole signed copy thing is something i've recently dealt with even when ordering C&R eligible rifles. Thankfully the law allows faxing of documents. Its still a PITA though when some places ask for another copy or my C&R and copy of my LTC to be sent even though I've already ordered from them in the past. Just goes to show the heat is making rifle vendors go beyond the required C&R license because we live in Mass.
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