Significant Other LTC Training - April 7th, 10am to 4 pm.



I've eaten there and the food at that location (buffet) is better than the one in Boston (South Bay/Cove, can't recall which) where my Constables assn meets. It was a favorite for truckers back before they changed the hours (used to be 24 hrs/day) and changed to "Bickford's Grille". It's now a bit more upscale and was totally redone. They have an outside deck for the good weather and serve liquor as well.
Once again thank you to all who did the leg work and got this going, looking forward to meeting everyone in person. I will postpone a decision on breakfast until it gets a little closer and I know my sched. for the night of the 6th.

I am not very familiar with the area but from what I can tell from Mapquest it's just a short hop from Mansfield to N. Attleboro, in which case I would feel cheated if I did not go spend some time/$ at N.E. Trading, and as I'm sure you all know AFS is just a short ride down the road from there and @ $20 for a lane if the range is open I may just head over for some lead slinging . [devil]
WHOA!! Whoa....woah! Back that train up here....

This Bickfords has an all you can eat buffet???

Well, they do . . . as long as everyone gets there before C-pher snarfs up all the buffet trays! [rofl] [laugh2]
WHOA!! Whoa....woah! Back that train up here....

This Bickfords has an all you can eat buffet???

Someone just mentioned the magic words. [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

As a suggestion - for those of you that are bringing extra ears/eyes - you might want to make sure your name is on them so you get them back. I hate finding extras at the end of something like this and not knowing who they belong to.

It will be wonderful to see everyone! [smile]
As a suggestion - for those of you that are bringing extra ears/eyes - you might want to make sure your name is on them so you get them back. I hate finding extras at the end of something like this and not knowing who they belong to.

I never have that problem, Lynne. Whenever there's any equipment left at the end of a class that doesn't have the owner's name on it, I always know who it belongs to ... ME [smile] .

Thanks again for doing this and to everyone that has put it together.

My wife will have her eye and ears protection as well as a lunch and cash for the class.

Is there anything else that she will need?
You know, both Stoney and I will be there. There's a great Pizza place down the road called Cousin's Pizza. One of us can always make a run if that's something that everyone would like.

That way people don't have to worry about packing a lunch. I'm pretty sure that's where the two of us are going to be getting lunch. [smile]
You know, both Stoney and I will be there. There's a great Pizza place down the road called Cousin's Pizza. One of us can always make a run if that's something that everyone would like.

That way people don't have to worry about packing a lunch. I'm pretty sure that's where the two of us are going to be getting lunch. [smile]

What about 2nd breakfast?
Afternoon tea?

you can't forget about those. [smile]
Elevensies? [rofl]

I just saw this for the first time now. I am assuming that "Significant Other" means wife. I have one of those and she has gone shooting before, and maybe she'd be interested. I guess it is too late now, but I am interested if you do this again. I also heard that GOAL will be doing another Women On Target (WOT) class, but haven't seen it scheduled yet. Anyone know?
Regretably, we've had a cancellation. Jonathan's wife Jill won't be able to make it. I know that one other person was interested in it but we were already filled up. Alas, I can't remember who you were. Please email me at [email protected] and I'll add your lady. I'll remember who you were when I see your name. [smile]
Can anyone give me either directions or an address so I can mapquest where to go? thanks.


We've go several handguns and my wife has shot them all. Would you prefer to train with a .22 or .38 revolver? She's most comfortable with those two.
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We've go several handguns and my wife has shot them all. Would you prefer to train with a .22 or .38 revolver? She's most comfortable with those two.

I'm planning on using .22's, .38's and 9mm (btw - if anyone helping out has a 9mm, could you bring it?? I've got one, but a couple more would be good). has directions, but they are only useful if you are coming from a single direction.

Actual address is
500B East St (Rte. 106)
Mansfield, MA 02048
(508) 339-2649

Location is the driveway just to the right of the Mansfield DPW Building.
For instructors I have snowjoker, myself and one of the ladies that Ken just finished teaching (thank you Ken [smile] ). Could those of you who are instructors that have offered to help out email me so I've got your contact info? (and so I'll know who I've got helping [smile] )
Due to the fact that I have verizon and if I don't print out emails they go bye bye after a short period of time [rolleyes] - could all of you who've signed up folks please email me with your/her email address one more time? I want to send out an email to everyone about the class. (and Jamie, could you email me too rather than PM? thx.) Email is [email protected]

We've had another lady instuctor offer to help, so that give us 3 women (including myself), snowjoker and my husband Ed for the firing line. I'm really looking forward to this! [smile]
email sent [smile]

Just wanted to see how you guys were on firearms/ammo. I'd be willing to lend my P22 if needed (just need to work a way to get it there).
email sent [smile]

Just wanted to see how you guys were on firearms/ammo. I'd be willing to lend my P22 if needed (just need to work a way to get it there).

Ammo is being donated matt. We should have enough guns, but if I need it, I'll let you know and we can take it from there. thanks. [smile]
So what's the plan for the gentlemen? I like Ripach's idea of taking a field trip to N.E. Trading and AFS. I've never been to either, so I figure this is as good an opportunity as any.

As of now there are NO plans . . . for breakfast, lunch, dinner or in-between.

Two of our guys (the organizers) got roped into staying on-site 100% of the time per the BOD request. The rest of us get to play [banana] . . . just not at MF&G. [thinking]

I think "go with the flow" fits best.

We're within easy striking distance of Zero Hour Arms, NE Trading and AFS for toy stores. [devil]

Some other ideas were thrown out there. Review this entire thread (and perhaps earlier threads on this topic) for more info and come with suggestions.
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As much as I'd like to, I am also stuck home with the little ones. Only say..12-14 more years for my freedom back...

AFS has a nice indoor range you could all play at.
Have fun guys.
Okay - I still need the email addresses for:

10. Peg (Jaxon)
11. Meg (jped)
14. Brandi (esaintboy)
15. Julia (Chuck)

A week from Saturday guys!! I'm psyched! Also to let you know, we'll have 5 instructors total for the firing line:

My hubby Edward
snowjoker (Jamie)
Jane (Jim Conway's wife)

This will be good for those who want to shoot more than what I usually have them do. I plan on putting everyone through my mandated amount of ammo, and then, when everyone's shot that part, it'll be open for them that want to shoot more.
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