Shut your mouth.

Umm Boston Tea Party Maybe ?? (Sry if Duplicate response... :cool:)
You are late to the party.. And wrong; Sons of Liberty were not looters, only thing destroyed was the tea.

We've been thru this. The tea may have been privately owned it it was owned by a government protected monoploy and wildly overtaxed while the crown didn't let any other tea in. It was an attack on the crown by proxy...a close proxy...not like attacking cops by stealing a TV for your own gain. Comparing these riots to the tea party is absurd.
Yup blm/antifa = minutemen. Gotcha.
Missing the point completely
Some ramblings;

The OP is expressing his frustration, perhaps not in a way that encourages support among others. His frustration, though, Is the same frustration we all feel.

I think that we are seeing that the other side IS getting their way through violence and intimidation. So why not make that approach work for us? Because we all know hurting innocent people and destroying personal property is wrong.

Plus, there is the ever present double standard. Look at our Police and National Guard kneel for the violent pigs. If we wanted to protest, the authorities probably would use the Covid scam to deny us the permit in the first place. Then, if we got violent defending ourselves against agitators intent on harming us, those speedbumps in uniform would suddenly come roaring to life.

A previous poster pointed out that the founding fathers took on the oppressive government directly. That's when the farmers had muskets, and the oppressors had muskets. Today, the farmer has a semi auto only ar15 limited to 10 round mags while the oppressor has armored personnel carriers, helicopters with night vision, drones with hellfire missiles. Is that kind of resistance even possible today?

Should we be studying the Viet Cong rather than the founding fathers?
this. ^
Wow, I don't think much of these "protests" because most of them are infiltrated by professional agitators who are instigating violence. As for fighting tyranny, you ain't seen tyranny until the people who are behind all this crap are running the government. When they get power we will have no choice but to shoot back which is why I'd rather call them all out before we get to that stage because everyone will be fu...cked then. When they are in charge PROTESTS WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST. Looky my caps lock works too.
A number of years ago the FBI put out a report stating white supremacists had infiltrated local and state police forces. We also already have those in government who are sympathetic and apologetic to neo-Nazis.
You see, by the anti-protest snide remarks rampant here, they WANT to convince people that protests are a thing of the past, which is why the next executable step is for protests to turn violent. Powers order shielded thugs to see the public as an enemy. As the blind followers nod their head in confused support, your own freedoms erode .
Over 20 thousand law abiding gun owners protested in Virginia .
Most all armed .
There wasn't even a water bottle left on the ground.
It was a good show... but they lost , yes?
Gov is used to doing nothing while the masses shout. I’m not advocating violence I just understand that people who feel beat down don’t think straight and don’t need your or my permission to get nasty. They’re desperate and want the world to feel their pain.
Make no mistake, this is the beginning of a whole new kind of civil war. sure you’re on the right side of history. Towing party lines never gets anyone anywhere.
It was a good show... but they lost , yes?
Gov is used to doing nothing while the masses shout. I’m not advocating violence I just understand that people who feel beat down don’t think straight and don’t need your or my permission to get nasty. They’re desperate and want the world to feel their pain.
Make no mistake, this is the beginning of a whole new kind of civil war. sure you’re on the right side of history. Towing party lines never gets anyone anywhere.

There are many posts in and around here stating that when the time comes, there will be no clear side to take. The “lines”to be drawn look like Michael J. Fox’s signature.

Edit- I love Michael J. Fox, but the poor man has Parkinson's and also Family Guy is terrible.
(Signature and subsequent party lines drawn)
ANTIFA is also against Constitutional Republicanism and Democracy. They just couldn't fit all that in the name, apparently.
No. Antifa’s primary concern is to show up to directly fight white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Since many of those very people they fight now wear uniforms with badges, two things ensue: 1) cops kill people of color disproportionately to that of light skinned people, 2) Antifa becomes not-so-nice to those same cops.
After that , looting and violence is conducted by the desperate, anarchists, and even white supremacy groups looking to delegitimize the protesters
Wait, I’m confused, are we not judging the protesters because of a few bad apples? Or, not judging the PoPo because of a few bad apples?
I’m making distinctions between antifa’s fighting against white supremacy in whatever form it comes and a beat down oppressed desperate person looting and throwing bricks at cops.
You Wanna-be toughguys on here that posture as though protesting is bad and claim you love this country and 2A need to shut up for a second and do some independent study.

You want to know the only reason why you have a 2nd Amendment Right?


We have our right to carry, not for police to be more armed than you or I, or to bow to an abusive culture of police violence, but for the security of fighting the government (yes that means tyrannical police too) when they are corrupt, tyrannical, and oppressing the public.

I’m f’ing sick and tired of so-called patriots forgetting that we have a duty to fight tyranny here at all times. It doesn’t matter what your political party is.

If you’re too weak and too much of a party ass kisser to understand what your 2A is all about, you should surrender your firearms immediately.

Actually, we had the RKBA back when we were all English.... had to protect the colony from the French & Indians...when seconds count, the King's Troops are an ocean away

Professor Malcolm wrote a good book on the subject: "To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right"
Amazon product ASIN 0674893077View:
No. Antifa’s primary concern is to show up to directly fight white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Since many of those very people they fight now wear uniforms with badges, two things ensue: 1) cops kill people of color disproportionately to that of light skinned people, 2) Antifa becomes not-so-nice to those same cops.
After that , looting and violence is conducted by the desperate, anarchists, and even white supremacy groups looking to delegitimize the protesters

I don't give a rat's ass what they claim. I'm basing my judgment on their actions. They claim to be fighting white supremacists and neo-Nazis, but they don't use the same definitions as everyone else. They set themselves up as the final arbiters of what is "fascism". They use an expanded definition that includes the entire conservative half of the political spectrum and even much of the center. We've seen them organize intimidation tactics and even violent protests to attempt limit free speech rather than respond to it with counter-arguments. In short, they try to shut people up rather than to present a counterpoint. They decide what can be said and what cannot, which classifies them as an anti-civil rights organization in my book. Their use of violence, non-lethal or not, makes them domestic terrorists.

If you believe in constitutional rights and the rule of law, ANTIFA might be the enemy of your enemy in some cases, but they aren't your friend. If you don't support the 1A in areas distasteful to you, then how can you claim to support it at all? Do you support constitutional rights or are you more like a communist or a fascist in that you only support the rights when everything meets with your approval?

Secondly, the disproportionality is ambiguous at best. There was this study which was absolutely not expected by its authors to come out the way it did. Here's the abstract

This paper explores racial differences in police use of force. On non-lethal uses of force, blacks and Hispanics are more than fifty percent more likely to experience some form of force in interactions with police. Adding controls that account for important context and civilian behavior reduces, but cannot fully explain, these disparities. On the most extreme use of force – officerinvolved shootings – we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account. We argue that the patterns in the data are consistent with a model in which police officers are utility maximizers, a fraction of which have a preference for discrimination, who incur relatively high expected costs of officer-involved shootings.

Thus, while it does indicate that there exist some kind of racial discrimination problem, it nevertheless doesn't support the narrative about cops killing blacks at a disproportionate rate. Perhaps there need to be more studies and more debate on what is actually happening before we decide to riot and burn the place down. I know this much, ANTIFA isn't interested in the truth, regardless of what it might be.
I don't give a rat's ass what they claim. I'm basing my judgment on their actions. They claim to be fighting white supremacists and neo-Nazis, but they don't use the same definitions as everyone else. They set themselves up as the final arbiters of what is "fascism". They use an expanded definition that includes the entire conservative half of the political spectrum and even much of the center. We've seen them organize intimidation tactics and even violent protests to attempt limit free speech rather than respond to it with counter-arguments. In short, they try to shut people up rather than to present a counterpoint. They decide what can be said and what cannot, which classifies them as an anti-civil rights organization in my book. Their use of violence, non-lethal or not, makes them domestic terrorists.

If you believe in constitutional rights and the rule of law, ANTIFA might be the enemy of your enemy in some cases, but they aren't your friend. If you don't support the 1A in areas distasteful to you, then how can you claim to support it at all? Do you support constitutional rights or are you more like a communist or a fascist in that you only support the rights when everything meets with your approval?

Secondly, the disproportionality is ambiguous at best. There was this study which was absolutely not expected by its authors to come out the way it did. Here's the abstract

Thus, while it does indicate that there exist some kind of racial discrimination problem, it nevertheless doesn't support the narrative about cops killing blacks at a disproportionate rate. Perhaps there need to be more studies and more debate on what is actually happening before we decide to riot and burn the place down. I know this much, ANTIFA isn't interested in the truth, regardless of what it might be.
Thank you for the intelligent reply.
I did indeed use the title to gain attention for my point amongst more reactionary people. Shut up was more of a ‘hey stop and think a moment’. I’m not looking to silence anyone.

As far as disproportions racially, if we know that there are by far more POC in prison, we can easily assume more contact with police and therefore more likelihood of violence against them. The problem with any study that may be centered on digging into that area is whether or not the one arrested or beaten/killed by police had access to legal redress/education/family that wanted to draw attention etc.

My whole family are veterans and cops. Me? I went fire/rescue. I’ve learned from table talk and who I patch up on the way to the hospital that cops beat black men and white men pretty evenly. Some cop guys at my cookouts love to just fight ... plain and simple.

But here’s the issue: They get away with beating black men and killing them far more.
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