shot show 09

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Hahaha that post by bloodhound was funny shit...hey i guess if u have nothing nice to say about someones post dont read it. I actually found useful information in what he was writing about SHOT.

Yup, I agree, and now we will never see the pictures of Sophie...WTF...[crying]
Blame me all you want for his actions if you want, but realize he made his own bed. No one made him reply like that, all I said was he doesn't have a dealer tag. Oh well.

I agree 100%, it was uncalled for. Let's put this behind us now and move on. There is still a chance we can make this thread useful.
Regarding dealer tags:

I'm not intending to criticize Mr. Hound, just make a suggestion. If you are going to the Show Show to try to cut deals for a shop, it's easy to have the shop owner order you a "Retailer" badge. This will help you get the instant attention of exhibitors, and probably get you into the portable meeting rooms to discuss specifics of terms and price. The big advantage is instant recognition as a buyer, so you don't have to waste conversational time establishing credibility that comes automatically with the retailer tag. Did you notice a guard with a scanner at the door (assuming it is the same as previous year). They were scanning retailer tags only since those are the visitors who are perceived to have value to the exhibitors.

It's a "pick you badge color" show, with each offering specific advantages:

Exhibitor: You get in before the opening bell.

Retailer: You're the one everyone wants to talk to

Press: Nobody will hassle you for using a camera. If you're really nice to Derek and make him some fancy NES letterhead, you may find that NES can get you press credentialsl. Just try far enough ahead of time to go to Plan B if that does not work.

Other: Strict subsets of the benefits of any of the above types.
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Press: Nobody will hassle you for using a camera. If you're really nice to Derek and make him some fancy NES letterhead, you may find that NES can get you press credentialsl. Just try far enough ahead of time to go to Plan B if that does not work.

If Derek and the other's associated with NES allow it, I'm game for making the letterhead and drafting a letter. Again, as Rob said, conditional upon Derek's permission.
I believe I saw people from AR15.COM at last year's show with shot show Press badges, so it would appear that the internet press is recognized.
No pics of Sophie[sad]

Haha i already have them...

I just think its uncalled for to attack someone when they are trying to give out useful information. He had a dealer tag because thats what 4 seasons gave him. Why people feel the need to point out that hes just works part time is beyond me and frankly irrelevant. I dont blame him for going off. Some of you need to calm down anyways and stop policing other peoples posts.
Haha i already have them...

I just think its uncalled for to attack someone when they are trying to give out useful information. He had a dealer tag because thats what 4 seasons gave him. Why people feel the need to point out that hes just works part time is beyond me and frankly irrelevant. I dont blame him for going off. Some of you need to calm down anyways and stop policing other peoples posts.

Whether the "dealer tag" BA referred to was the title and orange link given to dealers who pay extra for it or whatever pass bloodhound had for Shot Show, it was irrelevant. Why either mattered to him is beyond me. All of this seems as irrelevant as does where bloodhound works part time and all the other crap in the last half of this thread, which I subscribed to in order to hear more about the show. It's over. BA shot his mouth off, blood hound shot his mouth off in response in a way that was over the top and disrespectful. Neither one gained anything from the exchange. It's high time we all let it go.

None of us will change the outcome and it sure as hell doesn't add anything to the positive karma of the world to be carping about it after the fact. Given there is likely nothing more of worth in this thread I am dropping off.
...All of this seems as irrelevant as does where bloodhound works part time and all the other crap in the last half of this thread, which I subscribed to in order to hear more about the show...

...Given there is likely nothing more of worth in this thread I am dropping off.

I feel the same way, I was enjoying what Bloodhound was telling us about his expieriences at the Shot Show...oh well.[rolleyes]
My comment about the dealer tag was in reference to his name not being orange on NES and soliciting people to get on a waiting list for rifles. As for shot my mouth off, LOL, read my response to bloodhound. Go ahead read it because it doest sound like you did.

I got PMs from two mods thanking me for remaining level headed, and I'm the one still here so place your blame for this squarely where it belongs: not on me.

I'm done defending my stance, and it's ironic that I have to to a crowd of "personal responsibility" preachers.
Two things happened, Hound dug his own grave and BA should leave the moderating to the moderators. If Derek has issues with someone trying to play dealer without paying the NES dealer fee, let him take care of the issue.
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Two things happened, Hound dug his own grave and BA should leave the moderating to the moderators. If Derek has issues with someone trying to play dealer without paying the NES dealer fee, let him take care of the issue.

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