shot show 09

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Even if not your own pictures, just some links to the makers' web sites will do. I take it you own a shop in MA. ??
guys check out the pof rifles here

cant believe yesterday i was in 78 degree weather and now theres 7 feet of to work will try and update some when i get back

here is the rifle im gonna be getting

pof actually makes an incredibly user friendly rifle...the rifle brakes down waaaaaay easier than a regular AR and you should see the new feature on the gen III guns...theyve devised a way to have and ambidextrous bolt release...its located right above the magazine release button on the right side of the receiver and therefore makes mag changes quicker and more effective as your not slapping the release with your off hand now! and no way to get it confused with the mag release because while the mag release is oval...the bolt release is a long bar that runs along top of the mag of the guys at the booth told me he has 15000 documented rounds through his gun without cleaning or lubing it
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and another thing...wait until you guys see the walther trading in my glock 36 for one of these things...i think these will outsell the m&p pistols 10-1...these are the ultimate carry guns

I just saw Blood Hound at walgreens and he had a big cold sore on his lip. He said he was filling a perscription for a high dose antibiotic.
No dealer tag on his name yet trying to secure orders for a store he works for part time *rolls eyes*. What a the point of a dealer tag then?

ya youre right im not a dealer...i work "part time" ...and who the f*** exactly are you? what are you bringing to the forum? im trying to use my knowledge and connections in the gun business to get people hard to come by guns and you wanna criticize me? why? cuz your a blow boy sittin at your computer pullin your pud looking at the shit i own? do yourself a favor...any time you see my name on a post...skip over it...resist that burning temptation to make some asinine comment cuz you think you know more than me...the thread was intended to get the word out there to those who are interested in what SHOT had to unless you wanna get your name on a waiting list for a POF or KRISS rifle why dont you f*** off?
ya youre right im not a dealer...i work "part time" ...and who the f*** exactly are you? what are you bringing to the forum? im trying to use my knowledge and connections in the gun business to get people hard to come by guns and you wanna criticize me? why? cuz your a blow boy sittin at your computer pullin your pud looking at the shit i own? do yourself a favor...any time you see my name on a post...skip over it...resist that burning temptation to make some asinine comment cuz you think you know more than me...the thread was intended to get the word out there to those who are interested in what SHOT had to unless you wanna get your name on a waiting list for a POF or KRISS rifle why dont you f*** off?

Dude, you made my night!! You're the best!!
ya youre right im not a dealer...i work "part time" ...and who the f*** exactly are you? what are you bringing to the forum? im trying to use my knowledge and connections in the gun business to get people hard to come by guns and you wanna criticize me? why? cuz your a blow boy sittin at your computer pullin your pud looking at the shit i own? do yourself a favor...any time you see my name on a post...skip over it...resist that burning temptation to make some asinine comment cuz you think you know more than me...the thread was intended to get the word out there to those who are interested in what SHOT had to unless you wanna get your name on a waiting list for a POF or KRISS rifle why dont you f*** off?

Wow bostonASSphalt he kicked your ass.
ya youre right im not a dealer...i work "part time" ...and who the f*** exactly are you? what are you bringing to the forum? im trying to use my knowledge and connections in the gun business to get people hard to come by guns and you wanna criticize me? why? cuz your a blow boy sittin at your computer pullin your pud looking at the shit i own? do yourself a favor...any time you see my name on a post...skip over it...resist that burning temptation to make some asinine comment cuz you think you know more than me...the thread was intended to get the word out there to those who are interested in what SHOT had to unless you wanna get your name on a waiting list for a POF or KRISS rifle why dont you f*** off?

You've got a lot of growing up to do. I wish you luck with it.
Ya...grow up...that makes sense...why? Cuz I told it how it is? For real its not the first time you've jumped on board on one of my posts and made some snide remark...if I want shit from you ill squeeze your I said...if you see my name @ the top of a thread ignore it unless you have something meaningful to bring to the know how many guns I've gotten for guys on this forum? The whole point of the forum is to connect with others and I've done a damn good job @ connecting with plenty of people on here and helping them get what they if you need a the pretty pink sig mosquito to stuff in your panties let me know and ill hook it up!
Ya...grow up...that makes sense...why? Cuz I told it how it is? For real its not the first time you've jumped on board on one of my posts and made some snide remark...if I want shit from you ill squeeze your I said...if you see my name @ the top of a thread ignore it unless you have something meaningful to bring to the know how many guns I've gotten for guys on this forum? The whole point of the forum is to connect with others and I've done a damn good job @ connecting with plenty of people on here and helping them get what they if you need a the pretty pink sig mosquito to stuff in your panties let me know and ill hook it up!

Im going to watch these words come back and bite you square in the behind.
ya youre right im not a dealer...i work "part time" ...and who the f*** exactly are you? what are you bringing to the forum? im trying to use my knowledge and connections in the gun business to get people hard to come by guns and you wanna criticize me? why? cuz your a blow boy sittin at your computer pullin your pud looking at the shit i own? do yourself a favor...any time you see my name on a post...skip over it...resist that burning temptation to make some asinine comment cuz you think you know more than me...the thread was intended to get the word out there to those who are interested in what SHOT had to unless you wanna get your name on a waiting list for a POF or KRISS rifle why dont you f*** off?

I hope there aren't more of you that think this is an acceptable post on NES.

I don't care what the gripe is, the above post is absolutely unacceptable on NES. [angry]
Yeh, that is some way off base crap he was posting. Sounds like just a bunch of bragging and throwing money around to me. ANyways, from what I understand, Vegas Shot Shot is WAY better. I was there last yr with my buddy and he went this yr too and said Vegas was set up way better. Going next yr for sure to see some contacts again. It is a blast!!

Talk with your favorite dealer. He can get you a pass, just pay him for the cost of the pass and maybe a case of beer.
Hahaha that post by bloodhound was funny shit...hey i guess if u have nothing nice to say about someones post dont read it. I actually found useful information in what he was writing about SHOT.
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