Sheriff Hodgson Says No Laws Broken as Feast Photo Goes Viral

Drinking in public while on duty and in uniform is not a good look. Saying that he forgot about carrying the gun does not seem to be an appropriate response.
Regardless of what they define "under the influence" as, that cup is full. Assuming that's his first drink, he's definitely not under the influence at that point. Hell, even if that cup were full of pure moonshine and he were to chug it, he still wouldn't be "under the influence" for several more minutes, as it can take alcohol up to a half hour to absorb into your bloodstream, even on an empty stomach. At the time the picture was taken (again assuming that's his first drink), he's not under the influence, and if he left 15 minutes later, even after drinking that whole cup, there's very little chance he was under the influence at that point either. For all we know, when he left, he stored his gun and even if he was under the influence, he wasn't CUI.

The problem is "under the influence" is not really defined in the bullshit CUI law. Even that court case doesn't clearly delineate what it is, it just establishes that it can be something lower than the .08 . Some dbag could say "'well if you felt the effect of the liquor at all you were under the influence" .

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Drinking in public while on duty and in uniform is not a good look. Saying that he forgot about carrying the gun does not seem to be an appropriate response.

IMHO its more likely that he forgot about the stupid MA CUI/FUI law.

If this law didn't exist or it was simply set to the BAC for driving, this thread wouldn't exist either, because nobody would care at that point- because "well if I can drink one beer and legally drive then this functionally isn't any different."

So actually operating a motor vehicle, something that kills far more people than guns, has an objective standard of .08 BAC, and under that is good enough. Again, good enough to actually use and operate. Yet the simple act of carrying a firearm, not using one, only requires a subjective standard, that can determine you aren't good enough. A subjective standard even less than the quantifiable .08 BAC. If logic was actually applied to laws we'd be in a better place.
So actually operating a motor vehicle, something that kills far more people than guns, has an objective standard of .08 BAC, and under that is good enough. Again, good enough to actually use and operate. Yet the simple act of carrying a firearm, not using one, only requires a subjective standard, that can determine you aren't good enough. A subjective standard even less than the quantifiable .08 BAC. If logic was actually applied to laws we'd be in a better place.

This is massachusetts we're talking about here though.... you know... home of the ZOOBOW. and laws like S128A/B where 3 diff lawyers can read the same passage and get different interpretations of what it means.

Labor is paid for in America. Prison is about rehabilitation and punishment, not free labor for connected public contractors.

It's actually a win/win situation. We are paying for the knuckleheads to be there already, so we may as well get something back for it.

Also the prisoners LOVE any work detail that takes them out from the walls. Even the shop work they don inside is highly sought after.
I don't get why a public servant having some wine in uniform is a bad look. Somebody getting tanked while being served by escorts paid for by government money, like a mayor I know of, is a bad look. This seems pretty harmless to me. Doesn't it take most of us at least a few beers to start feeling anything other than mild refreshment?

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The issue is the double standard because of suitability in MA. Joe or Jane Blow in this state would be potentially looking at their licenses being revoked and their guns seized to the glee of a bonded warehouse while the Sheriff would never have to worry about the laws for the little people.
The issue is the double standard because of suitability in MA. Joe or Jane Blow in this state would be potentially looking at their licenses being revoked and their guns seized to the glee of a bonded warehouse while the Sheriff would never have to worry about the laws for the little people.
I'm more worried about the double standards that let LE shoot me.

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of course the libs hate him, he's for law and order.

Of what law and order do you speak of? Because when I went to see this man speak at a 2nd amendment seminar in Fairhaven, MA a few years ago he openly advocated for warrantless searches of your private property. He even answered my question on the topic in a derogatory way. This was shortly after the Boston Marathon bombing and he basically said that in that situation "I'll do whatever I want and we'll figure it out after". Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the supreme law of the land forbid that?

Law and order my @ss...
More proof that alcohol and firearms DO mix...
He is a complete ****ing douchebag!! He isn't for law and order, he is for his way or no way. I know first hand, and no I will not provide details, and I was not in the county jail.

When he came out about having his prisoners work on Trumps wall, I figured him more to be doing that as a grandstanding douchenozzle. Sure a lot of people like it, but why don't you just shut up about it and send them down there. Mouthpiece that wants attention or a federal job...
Bad look for him to be doing it. Law or otherwise its not its not a good idea especially as a public servant.

Anyone who thinks a snowflake wouldn't lose their mind over Joe Blow open carrying walking around with a beer and go running to first cop they saw to jam us up is wrong.

Should the guy lose his job or get arrested... nope. But it was dumb.
Okay - so he shows up in uniform, open carrying a gun, and then starts drinking (the number of drinks is irrelevant)... I thought drinking on the job was a no no for the po po. I guess not. But hey I live in Bristol County and I feel safer knowing I have a sheriff who can't say no to a drink while on the job and shits on the 4th amendment. Awesome!

A god damned sheriff should lead by example. That means NOT taking a drink while in uniform, at a public event, while on the job, while open carrying a firearm. If you can't even adhere to the basic tenants of behavior representative of the uniform - then you're unfit to wear it.

Whomever his opponent is in the next election would be a fool if they don't have that image plastered everywhere and anywhere the public could see it. And damn sheriff - how about hitting the gym once in a while and maybe switch to light beer. Leading by example also means maintaining physical stature and ability that a law enforcement job would demand. IDGAF if you are the boss and sit at a desk all day - those under your command see bad behavior and it will perpetuate throughout. Because if the boss does it - then it must be okay.
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We're also, in a way, part of the problem - for allowing it to get so absolutely rucking fidiculous here, and not lawsuiting after lawsuiting the living piss out of this absolute Liberal hell hole.
We've tried and failed mostly because State liberal activist judges will never rule against Pols in a gun case.

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Your absolutely right!
We have to accept part of the blame for not holding those that break our civil rights accountable for their actions!
We put these politician's in office and we allow unjust laws to be made!

400,000 people in MA pay to exercise their right that the second amendment bestows on each citizen of the United States at birth.
But ask them to to show up at the State House and let their grievances be heard and less than 1 percent show up!

Just like the 13 colonies. Be united or be cut apart!
WE are a small minority in an overwhelmingly anti-gun, liberal State. We have taxation without representation.
Of what law and order do you speak of? Because when I went to see this man speak at a 2nd amendment seminar in Fairhaven, MA a few years ago he openly advocated for warrantless searches of your private property. He even answered my question on the topic in a derogatory way. This was shortly after the Boston Marathon bombing and he basically said that in that situation "I'll do whatever I want and we'll figure it out after". Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the supreme law of the land forbid that?

Law and order my @ss...
He's not a liberal Dem and doesn't suck up to the party elite.
WE are a small minority in an overwhelmingly anti-gun, liberal State. We have taxation without representation.[/QUOTE]

So were our founding fathers and the great patriots of that time!
Anyone know how our ancestors survived the lethal situation of firearms and strong drink that their modern day counterparts fail so miserably at?
Is it because liquor is stronger or because smokeless powder is deadlier than black powder?
WE are a small minority in an overwhelmingly anti-gun, liberal State. We have taxation without representation.

So were our founding fathers and the great patriots of that time![/QUOTE]
So what are you proposing? We will never get enough conservative pols elected to make a difference in this State. Moving to a friendlier State is the only alternative.
So were our founding fathers and the great patriots of that time!
So what are you proposing? We will never get enough conservative pols elected to make a difference in this State. Moving to a friendlier State is the only alternative.[/QUOTE]

Stand together!
Stop thinking it doesn't apply to me!
Get others involved in protecting everyone's 2nd Amendment rights in MA!

I'm sorry, this fight is mine and moving will not help my family still left in MA!

If Paul Revere were alive. Would you tell him to tell people to move or warn of the British that will be fought?
So what are you proposing? We will never get enough conservative pols elected to make a difference in this State. Moving to a friendlier State is the only alternative.

Stand together!
Stop thinking it doesn't apply to me!
Get others involved in protecting everyone's 2nd Amendment rights in MA!

I'm sorry, this fight is mine and moving will not help my family still left in MA!

If Paul Revere were alive. Would you tell him to tell people to move or warn of the British that will be fought?[/QUOTE]

If Paul Revere were alive, he'd ride to NH. Or blow his brains out - the majority of "people" in this state don't want their 2A rights much less you having yours.
Id need to funnel 8 of those and wait 15 min for the alcohol to get my bloodstream(also15min. Without diinking for an accurate reading) and i would still be legal to drive assuming i ate dinner.

While horrible optics and illegal for us mere citizens,someone probably handed him that drink and he drank it without thinking about his gun because the guy is armed 24/7...does anyone honesty think this guys puts his gun away before having a beer after work?

Should he be charged and life ruined like they would to me? No, i think not....should the laws be changed to be the same as a multi ton assault vehicle? Its common sense
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