Second amendment march (Photos, too. )

I was discussing the trip with my girlfriend, and this point came up. Please bear with me, and I’ll try to explain what I told her.

My mindset was mostly about the business at hand, and that’s why I stood in front of the stage pretty much all day, sign in hand. After a few hours, my legs and feet began to hurt, but I was actively demonstrating, and I wasn’t going to let that deter me. There were lots of NESers around, but I didn’t do much socializing. I mostly just listened to the speakers and participated when that was called for (singing The Star-Spangled Banner, reciting The Pledge of Allegiance, etc.) My point is that even though I didn’t talk to many people, it didn’t seem to matter because there seemed to be a great camaraderie between us nonetheless.

I put my cooler of food and a bag of gifts I’d bought before the event started next to another NESer's stuff, figuring that it was less likely to get stepped on that way. When I went to the Porta-Potty or walked up to the edge of the stage to get a better view of a particularly moving speaker, I never asked the woman there to watch my belongings, but I wasn’t worried. I would not normally leave valuables unattended, but while gathering with these like-minded Patriots from across the country—people who believe in the principles upon which this country was founded—concern that someone would walk off with my stuff didn’t seem necessary.

Before and after the event, I did learn about some of you, but there were lots of others on the bus that I never got a chance to speak with (or at least not very much). I hope there will be other opportunities and want you all to know that I was honored to share the experience with you.

i understand and agree but for me there is another issue. shyness, i know what your thinking, let me just say it's easy to sit here and type. in a social situation i fall apart. if i have seen and talked to you (meaning anyone) a few times before i START to loosen up. it's the actual meeting and getting to know someone that's hard for me. it can take me months/years to fully open up. Now my friend can walk right up to you and act like he has known you for years, i can't. all this makes it seem as if i am rude, a flake, unfriendly etc. i'm really not. and that is why i tend to either not talk to you or say very few words if i do. it is personal, but about me not the other person.
i'm finally starting to recover but i would do it all over again in a heartbeat !! it was a great day.

Me too, the best thing I did was take off until tomorrow. I'm going to start sending rep's out to those that went, I really appreciate everyone taking time to come out and make our voices heard.
Here's my pics!

some samples:
















My thanks to all of you who went and represented those of us who were unable to make the trip. You brought honor and dignity to the assembly by your actions. Do not be disheartened by the numbers. My signature will explain.
i understand and agree but for me there is another issue. shyness, i know what your thinking, let me just say it's easy to sit here and type. in a social situation i fall apart. if i have seen and talked to you (meaning anyone) a few times before i START to loosen up. it's the actual meeting and getting to know someone that's hard for me. it can take me months/years to fully open up. Now my friend can walk right up to you and act like he has known you for years, i can't. all this makes it seem as if i am rude, a flake, unfriendly etc. i'm really not. and that is why i tend to either not talk to you or say very few words if i do. it is personal, but about me not the other person.

The same goes for me. I always seem to feel like an outsider coming into a group of people who already know each other. I know it may seem that I am aloof in that situation but if I meet each person one on one I have a much easier time. Nice to know someone else experiences this as well.
The same goes for me. I always seem to feel like an outsider coming into a group of people who already know each other.
Ol' Doc, Maj Boom-Boom, try and remember that this forum did not exist before 2005. I don't remember if our first shoot was in '05 or '06, but most everyone hadn't met yet at that point! We were all "the new kids". So yeah, you came in late to the game, but don't let that stop you. As anyone who's met me knows, I'll talk to ANYONE... and probably talk your ear off, too. (Yeah, folks... I know I talk a lot. You don't have to tell me, honest). I'd say that the majority of NESers come to our shoots for the camaraderie rather than the shooting.

So please - at the next event, just go up and introduce yourself. We don't bite. (well, except for Scrivener... and he only bites online. In person he's mostly harmless. Unless you're opposing counsel, that is.)
first off thanks to everyone who went to represent. thanks to kiver. thanks and sorry to... shoot i forgot the screen name, the person who had a sign i claimed but forgot all about, and i never picked up. i am sorry and i hope at least one of the others made use of it. Nice to see everyone even if i didn't get to talk to you.

oh dont worry, the sign was used quite activly by abbyoakley so it certianly didnt go to waste :)
The same goes for me. I always seem to feel like an outsider coming into a group of people who already know each other.

Hell, I've been a part of this forum and of the previous MAF mailing list for far longer than I want to know. (^_^)

But I'm horrible in social settings. I'll stand in front of any crowd and talk. Doesn't bother me at all. I can debate, toast, and all those wonderful things that scare the hell out of many. But stick me into a group to make small talk and I'm shaking like a leaf inside. Even with good friends I'm never ever comfortable just "shooting the s***". I'm the guy who always seems to be busy doing something - it lets me avoid the unscripted social conversations. So, the next time you see that guy standing around looking like someone just piddled in his corn flakes, or the guy who can't seem to stop running for this or that, please say hi. (^_^)
So, the next time you see that guy standing around looking like someone just piddled in his corn flakes, or the guy who can't seem to stop running for this or that, please say hi. (^_^)

[rofl] Thanks for that and the rest of your post. I spent 30 years lecturing to large classes of pre-med students and giving talks at conferences. Yet I'm hopeless when it comes to small talk.
We need a "shrug, dunno" smiley!
Here are a few more images from the march. Still have a lot to process.

1. five exposure high dynamic range double tone-mapped image of the Lincoln statue.


2 single exposure high dynamic range image single tonemapping


3. Lucas Hoge (I really enjoyed his music and lyrics)


And a few more




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Thanks everyone, and feel free to share with other freedom-loving peoples.

Outstanding images Zombie. What body/lens were you using?

Sony Alpha300, various lenses. A 50mm f/1.4 for the closeups, a 300mm f/4.5 for the long range stuff, and a 11-18mm f/4.5 Aspherical ED Super Wide Angle for the wide stuff.
Hell, I've been a part of this forum and of the previous MAF mailing list for far longer than I want to know. (^_^)

But I'm horrible in social settings. I'll stand in front of any crowd and talk. Doesn't bother me at all. I can debate, toast, and all those wonderful things that scare the hell out of many. But stick me into a group to make small talk and I'm shaking like a leaf inside. Even with good friends I'm never ever comfortable just "shooting the s***". I'm the guy who always seems to be busy doing something - it lets me avoid the unscripted social conversations. So, the next time you see that guy standing around looking like someone just piddled in his corn flakes, or the guy who can't seem to stop running for this or that, please say hi. (^_^)

I don't run around, i hide. in fact i hid during the group picture. i always have a camera so i can hide by taking the pics and stay away from getting in them. i may have a friend take a couple with me in them but you most likely never see them unless i missed the pic when posting.

As for speaking in public, never, i repeat NEVER!! i would not be able to do it. heck i am so bad that i would love to go to one of the NES dinners but i would be hiding under the table, so whats the point. OK I'm going to admit the idea even crossed my mind to show up at the same place and not join in, but then some of you have seen me at a shoot. now that's bad!!
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heck i am so bad that i would love to go to one of the NES dinners but i would be hiding under the table, so whats the point. OK I'm going to admit the idea even crossed my mind to show up at the same place and not join in, but then some of you have seen me at a shoot. no that's bad!!

Maj just come to a meet and greet diner. Hard to talk with food in your mouth.[smile]
well see that there is also a part of the it will take awhile but once i've met a bunch of you a few dozen times it may be possible. i think you may have noticed it from the shoots, how i don't say much or seem to rush through interactions and try to stay to one of the sides instead of in the middle of things.

what can i say i'm a bit weird in social situations. at least i know it and thats the first step. problem is it has taken me so long on the first step i may never make it to the
what can i say i'm a bit weird in social situations.

I know there's a lot going on below the surface, but from my outside perspective, you seemed as normal as any other Patriot there on Monday—not weird at all. Besides, aren't all people each a little different in their own way?

People probably don't see you in social situations like you think they do or in the way that you feel... kind of like someone listening to a recording of their own voice and how that sounds odd, and maybe not very pleasant, even though everyone around them thinks the person's voice sounds just fine.
My wife has similar feelings and hers (IMHO) is based on her concerns that she only has a HS education and that others who've been to college etc. will think her vocabulary is too weak. She always feels a need to 'impress' folks to compensate.

It's like 90%+ psychological, but to her it's a big deal.
My wife has similar feelings and hers (IMHO) is based on her concerns that she only has a HS education and that others who've been to college etc. will think her vocabulary is too weak. She always feels a need to 'impress' folks to compensate.

It's like 90%+ psychological, but to her it's a big deal.

LOL... I am the opposite....I like to purposely sound like I have a weak vocbulary....makes things funner...[wink]

My wife has similar feelings and hers (IMHO) is based on her concerns that she only has a HS education and that others who've been to college etc. will think her vocabulary is too weak. She always feels a need to 'impress' folks to compensate.

It's like 90%+ psychological, but to her it's a big deal.

You should have her read some of what is posted on this and other forums by college educated people. [thinking]

And then have her listen to all those politicians with their higher education as they mis-speak all the time in front of national/international media! [rolleyes]

My first professional job as a nuclear engineer was in a group that was ~50-50 college educated vs. high school only. Those that didn't have a higher education were all retired Navy Chiefs . . . in 3 years I learned a tremendous amount from these gentlemen, their knowledge and common sense from the "school of hard knocks" beats out any 4/5 year college education. We hired one very bright college grad that just couldn't deal with the "real world" (no common sense and it was "beneath him" to learn from others that didn't have a 3.8-3.9GPA) . . . he didn't last 6 months before he was terminated.
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