"Second Amendment America's Original Homeland Security" T-shirt- moonbat rant

I have read all the posts about nutty moonbats approaching people and making comments about NRA shirts ect.
Tonight at my 7yo's softball tutorial session, some little man (he was literally very small) approached me and said "I like your shirt". I said "thanks". The guy then said "you are brave wearing that shirt around here". I am not usually slow on the draw but I couldn't really read where he was coming from- was he a FUDD? - a million mom lover? Was he legitimately complimenting my shirt? I ended up saying "we (gun enthusiasts) are living here too so what's so brave about it?" The guy then looked nervous and said "I'm just messing with you" and walked away. Now keep in mind I'm with three young kids and I'm clearly not presenting as a threat (I can't imagine anyway) because of a T-shirt... right? WTF was that about? I know i'm going to go spend an inordinate amount of $$$ on new 2A shirts to wear to all future sporting events. I live in Bridgewater by the way.......... It didn't even occur to me that a friggin T-shirt would anger people- this is my new hobby..

The guy said he liked your shirt. Why would you doubt him? That said, I doubt I would comment on another guy's shirt, generally speaking, unless it was REALLY cool.

Im wearing the same shirt at an uppity beach in Falmouth today. Some attention seeking mom already pointed at it. I just play with my three kids and try to be the most polite guy on the beach while these yentas get angry together.

Could it be YOU are the one seeking attention? First wearing it where it might gather commentary, and second, posting about it here.

Here's two to add to your collection:


That blue one is nice! I don't think I'd pay $30 for a t-shirt, though, $15-$20, tops.
I was at New England Drag way last month wearing my Modern Musket shirt. I must have gotten at least 50 compliments. A few were from some older gentlemen that were clearly Vietnam veterans (indicated my the veteran hats they wore). I had to make sure I thanked them for their service.

Harvard Sportsman's Club
NRA Member
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