Rhode Island Considers Mag Capacity Limit, Assault Weapon Ban, Other Gun Laws

I disagree. RI is not a shithole. It's a beautiful place. But it 95% of it's residents and all of it's politicians are shitheads!
Agree with this. But I think 445 was talking about the people. But that's the problem, the state has beautiful areas (Gansett, Newport, PVD, block island) but is full of scumbags
For as long as I can remember RI has been called tax hell by financial professionals. It has ranked number 50 by these professionals year after year. I moved out in 96 and wild horses couldn't drag me back to residing there. I stay in MA only because I'm not moving away from my daughter and her clan.
We did come out in droves last Tuesday at the State house to try to hold this stupidity at bay and if we do it again when the Senate holds their hearings then hopefully we can keep it away for another year. Like Reagan said, these rights aren't passed down through bloodlines, every generation has to do it's part to fight to keep their rights.
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