Providence Journal Poll: Should semiautomatic assault rifles be banned?


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Also, as a continuation of my post above, this is why I truly believe Trump will win in November... Look at the effect we here at NES can have on one tiny poll in one relatively small paper or website, etc... And you're yelling me the nationwide presidential polls aren't skewed?.. Who are CNN and Politico and Bloomberg etc etc contacting for these "unbiased" polls? I'm in my 50s, been a registered voter almost 35 years, and I've never been called or contacted in any way by any polling organization or media site, etc... I asked everyone I've come across, even in casual conversation at the sub shops/corner stores /supermarkets, everywhere the same question and not one person has said "Yup, Bloomberg (etc etc) contacted me and asked my opinion.." etc.
BUT literally 70 to 80 percent of the people I chat with, even waiting downtown Boston at a coffee shop that I'm sure is filled with Dems, or walking around the Financial District or Copley etc all say "Trump". (actually, let me back off on that. They cautiously analyze you, feel out which way you're leaning, and they WHISPER "trumo" and follow it up with a knowing wink/nod of the head etc... I truly think the educated folks and the MA wingnuts even realize that if we elect Hillary, the country continues to get worse and more dangerous, etc...
I may be dead wrong, way off base, but if seemingly everyone I come across is gonna privately vote Trump when the voting booth curtain is closed, then these "polls" aren't worth sh*t this time out, in this election cycle, cuz never before has an electorate been "frightened" to put even a bumper sticker on their cqry, or afraid to be egged, etc, if they admit supporting him, but maybe when the curtain closes people truly ARE gonna vote their conscience (like turd Ryan said) and will actually realize it's "Trump" or walk around in fear of your life for the next 40-plus years of SCOTUS, etc.. So she's ahead in the polls?... OK, Mister Bloomberg and Mr. Stephanopoulos. I believe you.

New poll now, I can't find the old one either [hmmm]

Wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to bury the results because it wasn't favorable to their narrative.
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